Overnight Success

Chapter 287 Unpredictable

Seeing this, Xiao Ying's face turned red, she hurriedly broke free, and asked, "What did you do to me?"

"Officer Xiao, you really don't know what happened just now, do you?"

Lin Chen said lightly.

"Ah?" Hearing this, Xiao Ying rubbed her head, and suddenly remembered that she was in the office, and she seemed to be hit hard on the head suddenly, and when she woke up, she saw the scene in front of her.

And, what about her clothes?

She remembered that she was obviously wearing a police uniform!

"Lin Chen, you bully me!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Ying squatted on the ground and cried aloud.

This made Lin Chen very speechless.

Come on big sister, I obviously saved you, why am I still bullying you?

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't bully you, and you have to say thank you to me."

Lin Chen said with a black hair.

"You made me like this, and you want me to say thank you, you are shameless!"

As Xiao Ying spoke, she cried even louder.

"Officer Xiao, Lin Chen did not hurt you."

At this time, Su Qingcheng's voice sounded.

Lin Chen looked back, only to see Su Qingcheng reluctantly got up, and slowly came to Xiao Ying: "It's a long story, and I was like you from the beginning, thinking that he cheated in marriage and opened a private room privately. The matter, but until later..."

After hearing Su Qingcheng finished speaking, Xiao Ying also stopped crying.

"So, I was being manipulated?"

Xiao Ying said in a daze.

"It can be understood in this way." Su Qingcheng nodded, and immediately looked at Lin Chen with apologetic eyes.

"Honey, I..."

Su Qingcheng just wanted to reflect on the mistake just now, but was stopped by Lin Chen.

"Honey, you don't need to explain. I understand. What's more, I didn't tell you in advance about this matter. I'm really wrong."

Lin Chen rubbed Su Qingcheng's hair and said softly.

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng couldn't bear it any longer, and threw herself into Lin Chen's arms, crying.

Just now, when she heard that the woman in black used her as a bait to force Lin Chen into a trap, her heart felt as painful as being torn apart.

Fortunately, Lin Chen is fine, otherwise she really doesn't know what to do in the future.

She is afraid that she will never be able to forgive herself in this life.

Feeling Su Qingcheng's strong self-blame, Lin Chen hugged her and whispered in his ear: "Okay wife, it's all over."

"Husband, I'm self-willed, I'm too impulsive, do you think I'm so stupid, I'll fall for someone else's tricks."

Su Qingcheng sobbed.


What are you talking about, I don't blame you for saying this. "

Seeing Lin Chen comforting Su Qingcheng non-stop, Xiao Ying also left with great interest.

After all, now that everything has come to light, if she continues to stay here, she will only be a light bulb, and she doesn't feel good about it.


When I got home, it was already late at night.

Perhaps it was because of too many things that happened today, Su Qingcheng went to bed early.

During the period, Lin Chen wanted to take a shower, but Su Qingcheng held his arm tightly, and he could hear her murmuring from time to time: "My husband, don't go..."

Lin Chen sighed, and simply put his arms around Su Qingcheng, turned off the lights and went to sleep.

He could see that until now, Su Qingcheng hadn't come out of self-blame, so what happened today must have had a big impact on her.

In a blink of an eye, it was the second day.

Early in the morning, as soon as Lin Chen opened his eyes, he saw Su Qingcheng leaving a note by the bedside.

It said breakfast was in the microwave and she went to work.

Afterwards, Lin Chen cleaned up his breakfast, went to the banquet on time, and went straight to the provincial capital all the way to Biyun Villa.

Biyun Villa is located in the middle of a tea mountain.

Coming here, Lin Chen could clearly feel the aura around him was active, which shows that the environment here is very pure.

Come to think of it, this kind of place is not something ordinary people can afford.

At this moment, in a private room full of ancient fragrance in Biyun Villa.

Chen Fangnian was chatting with Mr. Feng about the future development of Chen and Feng's families in martial arts.

Suddenly, the private room door was pushed open.

Seeing Lin Chen walk in, Chen Fangnian hurriedly got up and greeted him: "Mr. Lin, you are here."

Elder Feng also said, "I've met Mr. Lin."

Regarding this, Lin Chen glanced at him and smiled slightly: "It seems to be recovering well."

Then, he looked around the private room. Although the private room was very spacious, there were not many people. Apart from Chen Fangnian, there were only Chen Qingqing and Chen Yunxian in the Chen family.

As for the Feng family, apart from Mr. Feng, only the boss of the Feng family and the second child of the Feng family came.

"The last time Mr. Lin rescued Mr. Lin in the hospital, the old man was very grateful. You two should salute Mr. Lin quickly."

As soon as Mr. Feng's words fell, the eldest of the Feng family immediately bowed to Lin Chen, and although the second son of the Feng family was reluctant, he had no choice but to obey when his father asked.

But it was obvious that he was very dissatisfied on his face.

After all, he is not that big, and he couldn't care less about Lin Chen slapping him.

Seeing this, Lin Chen didn't say much.


His only purpose in coming here is mainly to see the piece of Huayu from the Chen family.

The two Huayu in his hand are engraved with tiger patterns and snake patterns respectively. According to what Mr. Su said, there are a total of twelve Huayu. It needs to be verified by the Chen family.

at the same time.

What no one noticed was—

A sneaky black-robed figure was jumping quickly in Biyun Villa, avoiding every monitoring, as if looking for something.

In the private room, pushing cups and changing cups, the atmosphere was high.

Mr. Feng held the wine glass, drank the wine, and casually said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, I heard from Old Chen that you came this time to see his piece of beautiful jade. Anyway, you are right." Huayu has an idea?"

"Indeed." Lin Chen said: "I am fortunate to have heard about the origin of Huayu, so I want to come and pay my respects."

"Huayu's background is not small. There are rumors that when twelve pieces of Huayu are collected, the treasure will be revealed to the world. Once it is opened, it will usher in a great transformation."

Mr. Feng seems to have opened up a chatterbox, and he talked endlessly: "Some people say that the one who opens it will be richer than the country, and some people say that the one who opens it will stand at the top of martial arts. In short, there are different opinions."

Speaking of this, Mr. Feng's voice changed: "I don't know what Mr. Lin thinks?"

"Mr. Feng, I haven't even seen Huayu, just listen to you, what do I think, or what do you want to hear?"

Lin Chen said flatly.


For a moment, Mr. Feng was a little embarrassed.

Chen Fangnian at the side was busy trying to smooth things over: "Mr. Lin, come and have a look at my place later, maybe you have a certain opinion."

"What Mr. Chen said is very true." Mr. Feng said: "Mr. Lin hasn't seen things yet, so I let him talk about his views. It's indeed a bit embarrassing."

Looking at Mr. Feng, Lin Chen didn't speak.

Presumably, he has seen quite a few family leaders, but the old man in front of him is not stable enough, and seems to speak straightforwardly, but this kind of person founded the Feng family and led him to the four top families in Tianhai Province. . Biqu library

It has to be said that this person gave Lin Chen an unfathomable feeling, and when he was treating the old man in the ward, the old man's wound was deep and festering.

Apparently it was badly damaged.

Let me ask, in his capacity, who would dare to attack him?

Just when Lin Chen was about to take a good look at Mr. Feng, there was a sudden knock on the door.

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