Overnight Success

Chapter 289 Dark Pavilion

Hearing this, Lin Chen's eyes flickered, and he said, "Do you know the whereabouts of a piece of Huayu?"

"Don't hide it from Mr. Lin." Mr. Feng said: "I do know the whereabouts of a piece of Huayu, and because of this, I almost lost my life."

"Remember what you said."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he turned to the second child of the Feng family.

At this time, the face of the second child of the Feng family was pale, and white foam kept overflowing from his mouth, as if it was a sign that he was about to die.

"It's your own fault."

Lin Chen said coldly, and stabbed the heart of Feng's second child with a silver needle.

Heart needle.

He first used this needle to protect the heart of Feng's second child, and then began to detoxify from other acupoints.

Then, in front of everyone's eyes, Lin Chen inserted one needle after another, like flowing water, filling several important acupuncture points all over the body of the second child of the Feng family.

Visible to the naked eye, these silver needles echo each other and vibrate continuously, as if forming a circle, which looks extremely miraculous.

"Here, is this the Jiujiu Heart Needle?"

The boss of the Feng family was shocked and his voice trembled.

He also has a lot of research on medical skills, especially when Mr. Feng was seriously ill, he consulted many famous medical experts, and even looked at Dean Yan Kuan face to face, and used the incomplete nine-nine heart-protecting needle. Grandpa's heart.

Otherwise, given the old man's injuries at the time, he might not have been able to wait for Lin Chen to appear.

However, now this Lin Chen seems to be displaying the full version of the Nine-Nine Heart Needle.

He stared at the few silver needles, and looked at Lin Chen, full of endless admiration.

Legend has it that once the nine-nine heart protection needle comes out, it is enough to change the fate against the sky and bring the dying person back to life.

Now, his second brother should be saved.

Not long after, Lin Chen snapped his fingers, and all the silver needles on Feng's second child stopped trembling, and then he saw Lin Chen holding the silver needle, pulling it out slowly, and wrapping a thick cloth on the silver needle. Thick black blood, very strange.

It wasn't until Lin Chen pulled out all the silver needles that the second son of the Feng family opened his eyes. Although his complexion was still pale, there was a trace of blood.

"Son, how are you?"

"Second brother, how do you feel now?"

Feng's father and son asked quickly.

"I feel that my whole body is in a daze, and my body is abnormally tired."

The second child of the Feng family said weakly.

"I have removed the poison in your body. Remember that it was your father who saved you this time."

Lin Chen said blankly.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin." Mr. Feng bowed deeply to Lin Chen.

"You're welcome, you and I are just trading, now that your son is awake, you should tell me Huayu's location!


Lin Chen shrugged, his voice was neither salty nor weak.

Hearing this, the second son of the Feng family became emotional in an instant: "Father, you took your life to obtain the location of that Huayu, you must never tell him!"


Old Master Feng scolded coldly: "If I don't exchange it, you should report to Lord Yan now."


The second son of the Feng family blushed, and forcibly held back what he said later.

However, at this moment.


The door of the private room was kicked open, and a ghostly figure appeared in front of everyone. It was the previous waiter.

next moment.

Before everyone could react, the waiter took out a dagger and threw it at Mr. Feng. Biqu library

Seeing that the dagger was about to penetrate Feng Lao Yezi's heart.

Suddenly, a silver needle appeared in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, he shook the dagger away and shot it at the wall beside him.

Seeing that the killing blow was destroyed, the waiter cursed secretly, and then rushed towards Mr. Feng.

However, no one would give him this second chance.

Without further ado, everyone shot together, and beat the waiter back on the spot, spraying several mouthfuls of blood.

Finding that he was invincible, the waiter had no choice but to turn around and run away.

"Where to go!"

Chen Qingqing yelled, and was about to chase after her, but was stopped by Lin Chen.

"Don't chase after him." Lin Chen shook his head: "His weapons are full of poison, once scratched, the consequences will be unpredictable."

"But we just watched him run away like this?" Chen Qingqing said unwillingly.

This person failed in poisoning, so he wanted to sneak attack, and the method made her feel very shameless.

If he can't be caught, torture him, it will be difficult to dispel the hatred in her heart.

"Run?" Lin Chen smiled: "No one can slip away from my nose yet."

After saying that, facing everyone with puzzled expressions, Lin Chen found a pen and paper to draw a spell, and then put it on the dagger.

A strange scene happened.

The talisman ignited spontaneously, turned into a light white mist, and floated outside along the window.

"According to the guidance of this white mist, we can catch that guy." Lin Chen said lightly.

This talisman is called a tracking talisman. I think he used it when he tracked down the killer at the place where Liu Baihe worked, but he didn't expect that it can be used again now.

"However, I suggest that you act lightly so as not to be discovered."

Hearing Lin Chen's addition, Chen Qingqing and Chen Yunxian looked at each other, and then chased them out.

Seeing this, the boss of the Feng family also said to Mr. Feng: "Father, I will follow to see, this person is targeting you, so say no!"

The motive for his assassination must be drawn out of his mouth. "

As the boss of the Feng family left, there were only four people left in the private room.

Mr. Feng sighed: "Mr. Lin, if it weren't for you, I would have died on the spot today. You not only saved my second son, but also saved me twice. How can I repay you?"

"Mr. Feng, I think you should know more about the origin of this killer." Lin Chen said with a serious face, "This man's physical skills and disguise are very good. He is definitely not an ordinary killer. Who did you offend?"

Faced with Lin Chen's question, Mr. Feng's face changed slightly.

After a while.

He sighed heavily, as if there was something unspeakable.

"Someone said before that the location of Huayu was bought by you in exchange for a narrow escape. Presumably the serious injury you suffered before is also related to this matter!" Lin Chen continued.

"Mr. Lin is really extraordinary. At this age, he is already so good at judging people and things."

While Mr. Feng was talking, the door of the private room was pushed open again.

The person who came was the owner of Biyun Villa.

Apparently, the noise of the fight just now was not small, which alarmed all the senior management of Biyun Villa.

As the owner of the villa, when he found out through the video that the waiter who sent the Buddha to jump over the wall was killed and thrown into the toilet, he was shocked and angry.

The shocking point is that he was indeed the one who sent the Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, but he was poisoned by a killer halfway through.

The point of anger is that someone is so bold as to dare to attack him at Biyun Villa, which has never happened before.

Fortunately, the assassin's plot was seen through, but even so, he was also frightened into a cold sweat.

Once these guys made any mistakes, he wouldn't be able to pay for it even if he sold the villa!

Therefore, immediately, he came here to apologize.

At this moment.

Chen Qingqing and the others also returned dejectedly.

Therefore, Mr. Feng directly said to the owner of the villa: "I don't blame you for this matter, you can go down!"

Seeing the owner of the villa leave, Chen Qingqing said depressedly: "After being subdued by us, the man bit off the poison bag hidden in his mouth beforehand, and committed suicide on the spot."

"Normal." Lin Chen was not surprised, and continued: "Did you find anything?"

"Mr. Lin, how do you know that we have discovered something?"

Chen Qingqing turned around and smiled, took out a token from his pocket, and said: "We found this token from his body, and it is engraved with a dark pavilion."

As soon as the words came out.

Chen Fangnian subconsciously looked at Mr. Feng with a surprised expression.

However, Mr. Feng slowly closed his eyes, with a look of sadness in his brows.

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