Overnight Success

Chapter 292: Gathering Ghost Formation

heard that,

Su Qingcheng couldn't help asking: "Lin Chen, are you serious?"

"What is the crisis in this village?"

As Su Qingcheng finished speaking, Li Fei, who was already lying on the bed beside him, also looked at Lin Chen, waiting for his explanation.

Lin Chen approached the two of them and said in a low voice: "I observed the sky just now, and found that at night, a strong evil spirit will erupt from the southwest of the village, and the evil spirit and the turbid air will blend together. In Feng Shui, this is a big ominous omen."

"Also, have you noticed that each of these villagers is very strange. Logically, these country people should be simple and honest, but they look at us obviously wrongly."

"Even even when we wanted to save them, they didn't show any excitement."

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng nodded: "I also noticed the villagers, but what is this ominous omen?"

"In your village, the houses are arranged in an irregular way, and there is no rule to follow. If you are not a local, if you go deep into it, you may get lost. Therefore, in my opinion, these houses should be built for the purpose of building formations."

Just as Lin Chen said this, Su Qingcheng frowned and said, "Formation?"

"Do these villagers also believe in the theory of Feng Shui?"

"If they really knew Fengshui, they wouldn't build a village here." Lin Chen said coldly: "When we came here, we all saw that this village is surrounded by mountains and is located in the gap between them, but you know, The two mountains near the village are actually cemeteries where the dead are buried."

"The cemetery is inherently full of yin, and coupled with the terrain, most of the yin in the cemetery will seep down to the village. Coupled with the strange arrangement of houses, I guess, this formation is called the gathering ghost formation."

"What does gathering ghosts mean?" Su Qingcheng asked.

Lin Chen sighed: "As the name suggests, the Gathering Ghost Formation is specially designed to accept ghosts. This is a paradise for ghosts and a hell for the living, so it's normal for you to see a headless corpse floating back and forth when you go out."

"Of course ghosts are divided into different classes. Good ghosts are impossible. What's scary is that you encounter evil ghosts."

"Evil ghosts are fierce, and the living should have strong resentment before death. Therefore, when evil ghosts haunt, once they encounter a living body, they will eat them directly to vent their resentment."

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng and Li Fei looked at each other with a hint of fear in their eyes.

Apparently everything Lin Chen said

, making them feel terrible.

"But, you said this is a good village, why would someone set up a ghost gathering formation?" Su Qingcheng looked confused.

"Ghost Gathering Formation, apart from being a paradise for ghosts, it also has another function, which is to absorb all yang energy except ghosts, and use it to strengthen itself."

Lin Chen's eyes flickered, and he continued: "I infer that the person who built this formation was trying to absorb the yang energy of the whole village and use it for his own benefit, but the result is that this village will become a dead village, and the villagers will all be killed. The evil spirit and the turbidity are completely swallowed up."

"So this battle has always been against humanity, but it is really for one's own selfish desires, and the whole village is required to pay for it."

At the end, Lin Chen paused, hesitated to speak, and finally did not continue.

In fact, he only talked about the most superficial layer. According to the "Yin-Yang Secret Art", the Ghost Gathering Formation is also known as the Ghost Formation Formation. The changes in the skin of those villagers are obviously due to the absorption of too much evil and turbid energy, and the transformation A harbinger of evil spirits.

It can be seen that the person who first established Piaomiao Village and set up the formation not only wanted to devour the yang energy of the whole village, but also wanted to turn them into evil spirits for his own use.

His heart is so vicious that it makes one's backs shudder.

"By the way, Lin Chen, you just said that the villagers also have problems. What problems do they have?" Li Fei asked.

"Don't you think that the village head still has that middle-aged man..."

Lin Chen was talking, when suddenly a black shadow quickly flashed past the window.

Seeing this, Lin Chen immediately opened the door, but the black shadow had already disappeared without a trace.

"For you to run fast."

Lin Chen said coldly, then went back into the house.

After all, Su Qingcheng and Li Fei are still here, if he leaves rashly, it is likely to put the two women in a dangerous situation.

Of course, just because Sombra ran away this time, it doesn't mean that he will be so lucky next time.

"Is someone spying on us?"

Seeing Lin Chen coming back, Su Qingcheng said.

Lin Chen nodded, and immediately stopped talking about the people in the village.

"It's getting late, go to bed!"

Lin Chen said, and got into Su Qingcheng's bed generously. Biqu library

Suddenly, Su Qingcheng blushed slightly: "Go to your room and get a quilt."

"Why?" Lin Chen said, hugging Su Qingcheng's delicate body: "My wife, it's such a cold day, I have to warm you up!"

"Xiao Fei is still by my side!" Su Qingcheng whispered.


Let's pretend she doesn't exist. "

Li Fei: "..."

the other side.

Director Zhang Mou shared a room with his assistant Xiao Li.

At this time, Zhang Mou lit a cigarette and spit out a mouthful of white mist from time to time.

Xiao Li smiled and said: "Director Zhang, the two girls who came today are so beautiful, do you think we should take this opportunity to indulge in sex?"

"Usually in the clubhouse, we can't see such superb products!"

"You think I don't want to?" Zhang Mou glanced at him: "I even want them to serve me together, but the kid next to them is a little troublesome, no accident, he should be a professional bodyguard."

"So what, he's only one person." Xiao Li rolled his eyes, and then smiled wretchedly: "Besides, I have plenty of ways to get rid of him and give Director Zhang time to fuck."

"Xiao Li, if I can successfully sleep with those two women tomorrow, you can rest assured that the position of assistant director is yours."

Zhang Mou patted Xiao Li on the shoulder.

"Thank you, Director Zhang, for your cultivation. Don't worry, I'll send the unsightly boy away tomorrow after I've administered the sweat medicine to these two women."

Xiao Li said sinisterly, and suddenly let out a "poof" sound.

"Hey, fuck me, Xiao Li, why is your fart so fucking stinky, what the hell are you farting, and you still want to send me away!"

Zhang Mou pinched his nose, coughed twice and said.

"Director Zhang, I don't know why, since I came to this village, my stomach is not very good."

As Xiao Li said, he made another series of farts.

"Director Zhang, I'm sorry, I'm going out now."

After saying that, regardless of Zhang Mou's expression, Xiao Li ran out while covering his buttocks.

At night, a white mist blew up from Piaomiao Village, covering Xiao Li's vision.

Seeing that he couldn't find the hut, Xiao Li had no choice but to go all the way, walking, and suddenly saw a pit in the earth.

Xiao Li was overjoyed, without saying a word, he took off his pants and let out a burst.

"Much more comfortable~"

A look of relief appeared on Xiao Li's face, and he immediately took out the toilet paper and wiped it off his buttocks.

Of course, at this moment.

Suddenly, a gust of cool wind blew up.

There was also a faint sound of mourning.

In an instant, Xiao Li's calf trembled, and he just wanted to go home immediately after wiping his butt. Then he wiped it back and forth, but found that the touch was wrong, and just as he turned his head to look at the pit.

A ferocious pale face with a foul smell stared at him coldly, with a hoarse voice: "Where are you shitting!"

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