Overnight Success

Chapter 293 Confused

"My God! There is a ghost!"

Xiao Li screamed subconsciously, his eyes almost popping out.

No wonder, he didn't feel right when he wiped it just now, it turned out that it was this human face that he wiped.

After all, at this moment, this face still has his excrement, which is really disgusting.

Immediately, Xiao Li didn't care about not wiping his butt, so he quickly lifted his pants, threw down the toilet paper, and ran to the house.

This Nima is too scary!

Who the hell doesn't stay at home at night, running to live in a pit, is this person out of his mind!

Back in the house, Xiao Li shouted desperately: "Director Zhang, the people here are really weird, I suspect they have mental problems."

At this moment, Zhang Mou managed to let go of the poison gas released by Xiao Li, and when he was about to fall asleep, he was startled by this cry.

"I think you have a fucking mental problem, what are you talking about at night!"

Zhang Mou said angrily.

If it wasn't for this kid helping him take down those two women tomorrow, he would want this kid to know why the flowers are so red now.

What the hell is that? It's clearly a biological weapon!

"Director Zhang, listen to me..."

Xiao Li told the story again, Zhang Mou frowned and said, "Did you shit on someone's face?"

"Then it's a miracle that your kid can come back alive!"

"Go, go out and have a look."

Afterwards, the two came to the pit. Zhang Mou turned on his mobile phone flashlight and found that there was nothing in the pit except a pool of steaming excrement.

"Are you kidding me, what about people?"

Zhang Mou got angry and gave Xiao Li a slap on the back of the neck.

"It's not right, did he go home?"

Xiao Li was puzzled for a while.

Looking left and right, he couldn't find a single figure.

"Let's go, if you dare to make a fuss again, see if I will slap you."

Zhang Mou snorted coldly, and immediately pulled his collar.

It was pitch black outside the house, if it wasn't for the flashlight, it could be said that he couldn't see his fingers. Forgive him as a grown man, he couldn't help the chills down his spine in this kind of place.

"Oh, Director Zhang, I'm having a stomachache again, just wait for me, I'll be fine soon."

Xiao Li yelled, covered his stomach, and immediately went to the pit to defecate again.


Hearing this, Zhang Mou pinched his nose and looked disgusted: "Could you please hurry up, you stole your papa at night? It stinks!"

"Hurry up, I can leave after wiping my ass."

After Xiao Li felt refreshed,

Smiling, and when he took out the toilet paper and wiped his butt again.

Suddenly, a big cold hand snatched his toilet paper.

Xiao Li couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then, he broke out in a cold sweat, and turned his head slowly.

It was clearly visible that the ferocious face just now appeared in front of him again.

next moment.

A gloomy voice sounded next to Xiao Li's ear: "Boy, are you in such a hurry to die?"

Then, Xiao Li screamed in panic, and he saw clearly that the big cold hand rushed into his buttocks and pulled out a steaming intestine.

Feeling a sharp tearing sensation, Xiao Li spit out a big mouthful of blood and fell to the ground on the spot.

See this scene.

Zhang Mou's heart trembled, and he shouted again and again in fright: "Come on, someone is dead!"

"Is there anyone there?"

But no matter how he shouted, no one responded.

As if he was the only one in the village.

At this moment, the flashlight of his mobile phone also went out suddenly.

The sound of footsteps gradually approached him from far and near.

Aware of this, Zhang Mou's face was bloodless, he ran forward desperately and said in horror: "There are ghosts, there are ghosts!"

At this moment.

Lin Chen, who was sleeping soundly with his arms around Su Qingcheng's delicate body, heard someone screaming strangely, and finally couldn't help opening the door: "What are you screaming for, do you know that you are disturbing the people?"

Seeing Lin Chen, Zhang Mou seemed to be grabbing at straws to save his life, and immediately ran towards Lin Chen.

However, as soon as he moved his thigh, he was suddenly grabbed by someone, and he fell into a big somersault immediately.

"Bodyguard, save me, save me!"

Zhang Mou struggled and cried out in despair.

Seeing this, Lin Chen's expression froze, and he shot a silver needle directly behind Zhang Mou.


The silver needle seemed to penetrate the flesh, followed by a muffled groan.

Immediately afterwards, when Lin Chen came in front of Zhang Mou, the surroundings were completely white, and no one was seen.

"Brother bodyguard, my assistant is dead, and his intestines were ripped out by a ghost. It's really terrifying!"

Zhang Mou shivered and cried.

Lin Chen frowned.

He naturally knew that there were evil spirits haunting this village, but he didn't expect that someone would die because of it just after arriving.

"I told you not to come in, but you just didn't listen."

Lin Chen shook his head and said.

At the same time, many people rushed here with flashlights.

Obviously, they are all members of Zhang Mou's filming team.

"Where's Xiao Li?"


The man looked around and saw that there was no voice from Xiao Li, so he asked.

"He is dead."

As soon as Lin Chen's words came out, everyone subconsciously trembled and fell silent.

"There is a big problem with Fengshui in this village. You didn't run around tonight. I can only say that you are lucky."

After Lin Chen said this, he was about to go back to the house and go back to sleep, but he didn't think about it. Zhang Mou thumped, and immediately knelt down and grabbed Lin Chen's clothes, begging:

"Brother bodyguard, please don't go, can you tell us, what's the difference in Fengshui in this village?"

ten minutes later.

Inside the house, on the bed, everyone gathered together, with different expressions.

After hearing Zhang Mou's explanation of the bizarre incident that happened to Xiao Li, most of the people looked terrified and filled with disbelief.

"We'll leave when it's dawn."

Zhang Mou said in a deep voice.

"Let's go?" Lin Chen chuckled: "I said before, once you enter this village, you can't really go out. Even if you go out alone, the dark and evil aura will always entangle you You absorb Yang Qi from your body until it is drained."

"As a director, you can think about it carefully. Some of the film and television teams who have been here to shoot here are intact after they go out."

Hearing this, Zhang Mou's face changed greatly.

Indeed, as Lin Chen said, there were several famous ghost films whose scenes were selected in Piao Miao Village, and soon after the release of the famous ghost film, the entire director of the film, including the leading actor, died suddenly and suddenly.

Some people say that when they were filming, they disturbed ghosts and gods, and they were cursed. Looking at it now, it turns out that the origin is in this misty village.

For a moment, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, collapsed on the bed, their eyes gradually lost their focus.

Even, some women couldn't help crying until they cried.

"Bodyguard, I can see that you are extraordinary. You brought these two women here, so there must be a solution!"

Zhang Mou said expectantly.

"We came to treat the villagers. As for the problem here, I only discovered it after I came here."

Lin Chen said.

"Ah!" Zhang Mou's face was ashes, and he fell into deep despair, muttering: "In this way, we are doomed!"

"That's not necessarily true." Lin Chen said calmly: "There is no absolute dead end in this world. As long as it is an end, there must be a solution. From tomorrow onwards, if you don't want to die, you must listen to me."

"Remember this, I only say it once, if someone does not follow my plan, it will be at their own risk."

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