Overnight Success

Chapter 294: Fox Tail Revealed

Upon hearing this.

Zhang Mou took the lead and said: "No problem, brother bodyguard, we will do whatever you say."

Seeing that the director had expressed his opinion, everyone also said, "We all listen to you."

After all, things have come to this, all they can do is trust the young man in front of them, otherwise there is only a dead end waiting for them.

Therefore, in the team, there are quite a few women who took the initiative to have a physical contact with Lin Chen, and the purpose could not be clearer.

However, Lin Chen ignored them at all. Instead, he picked up a pen and paper, drew spells one by one, and gave them to everyone.

"Put this talisman in your underwear, as long as you hold your breath, those evil things will not be able to find you."

After hearing Lin Chen finished speaking, everyone thanked him one by one. Compared with the first meeting, there have been earth-shaking changes.

Of course, Lin Chen had his own considerations in choosing to protect them.

This ghost-gathering formation is mysterious and unpredictable. According to the "Yin-Yang Secret Art", this formation is extremely fierce. He alone may be unbreakable. If he protects the lives of these people now, he may be able to help him in the end.

"Okay, you can go now, don't disturb the three of us sleeping."

Seeing everyone holding the charms and stroking them back and forth like babies, Lin Chen waved his hands and urged.


Everyone asked questions.

However, Zhang Mou was even more jealous.


This is too sexually blessed!

Sleeping with these two beauties in my arms, just thinking about it makes me feel so happy.

But, now he needs to hug Lin Chen's thigh tightly, so he didn't dare to say anything more at the moment, patted his butt and left immediately.

After one night.

Early the next morning.

When the white mist dissipated, Zhang Mou immediately called the head of Baifa village, talked about the frightening scene last night, and wanted to contact the police.

The white-haired village chief looked at Xiao Li's intestines that had clotted with blood, and immediately frowned and said, "This is really strange. This is the first time this old man has encountered such a situation after living here for decades."

"Director Zhang, there is no signal in the village, and it may be difficult to get through the phone. In this way, the temperature in the village is low, and the corpse will not rot for a while. Why don't you wait

After their work is over, they will transport the body outside and go to the police for an autopsy. "

After several discussions, Zhang Mou was finally persuaded by the old village chief.

However, this scene was naturally seen by Lin Chen who was on the side. It was obvious that something was wrong with the old village chief. He was deliberately avoiding Zhang Mou's question in every word and deed.

It can be seen that he does not want too many people to enter the village.


Zhang Mou and others planned to shoot a documentary, while Lin Chen took Su Qingcheng's two daughters to each house for treatment.

Strange to say, after a whole morning, Lin Chen went from house to house, and most of the villagers' skins were mutated, but there were only four people whose skins remained unchanged.

Moreover, compared with the villagers, the eyes of the four of them are not dull, but a little more vigilant.

This can't help but be a bit intriguing.

Afterwards, Lin Chen came to the hillside behind the village alone, looking at the layout of the entire village.

If his predictions are correct, the eye of the formation should be where Hua Yu is hiding, but this ghost gathering formation is mysterious and mysterious, and it may take a certain amount of effort to decipher and find out the formation.

Thinking of this, the old village chief called everyone to have lunch together.

It is unimaginable that in the center of the village where the temperature is more than 20 degrees below zero, there are one after another large round tables filled with steaming meals.

"Thank you for coming to the village for your hard work and treating the villagers." Seeing everyone sitting down one by one, the village head Baifa smiled and said, "We don't have anything good to give everyone, so we can only cook a hot meal." fun library

"I hope you guys enjoy your meal."

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng and the others responded with a smile, and at the same time were observing the meal.

On the surface, it looks like this is a thank-you banquet, but in fact, except for the old village chief, everyone else is expressionless, showing no signs of happiness or anger.

Lin Chen sat at the old village chief's table, and at the same table, there were the middle-aged man and young woman whom he met earlier.

However, during the process, Lin Chen saw a young woman wearing a strange red string on her wrist. The red string symbolizes love. Generally speaking, it is normal for a woman to have a sweetheart in her first love.

But there is a string of white skulls on the red rope

, which would seem strange.

Seeing that Lin Chen was looking at the woman's wrist, the white-haired village chief coughed twice and touched the young woman.

At that moment, the young woman immediately pulled the sleeves of the padded jacket to cover the red rope of the skeleton.

"Master Lin, you have saved our villagers. As the village head, I should toast you."

The white-haired village head smiled, and immediately asked someone to bring a wine jar to pour a bowl for everyone present.

The aroma of wine is overflowing.

For a moment, Zhang Mou's face was intoxicated, and he wished to taste it immediately.

After all, on such a cold day, being able to drink a sip of strong wine is really both to drive out the cold and to warm up the body.

However, just as he picked up the wine bowl, he couldn't help but put it down again. This slight change made the white-haired village head frown.

Long before coming, Lin Chen notified everyone in the team that without his order, no one can mess with the food and drinks.

"Why doesn't Director Zhang drink it? This is the best wine. Try it. It tastes no less than that of Moutai."

The white-haired village head smiled.

"As for the village chief's wine, don't rush to drink it. Speaking of which, I haven't seen the illnesses of the four villagers yet!" Lin Chen interrupted and said, "You also know that drinking is a mistake, let me finish it, and then I'll accompany you to have a good drink." Go up."

Hearing this, the head of the white-haired village frowned: "Which four other villagers are there?"

"It's the four of them!"

As Lin Chen spoke, he quickly pointed to the four young men in the crowd.

Seeing this, the white-haired old man's complexion changed, and a strong murderous intent shot out from his eyes.

But soon, this murderous intent was covered up by him.

The white-haired village chief smiled again: "That's good, but everyone eats here. If you want to see a doctor, you can go to another place."

Although the white-haired village chief concealed it very quickly, Lin Chen still saw the murderous intent.

next second.

The four young men said to Lin Chen indifferently: "Doctor Lin, let's go, let's see how we can cure this disease."

As soon as the words came out.

Su Qingcheng and others, including Zhang Mou's team, were extremely surprised.

This was the first time they saw a villager speak other than the village head.

As for Lin Chen, he just laughed and said nothing.

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