Overnight Success

Chapter 296 Mutation Begins, Ghost Appears

As Lin Chen slapped the old village chief to the ground, everyone in the audience looked stunned.

At this moment, the air froze, everyone opened their mouths wide, with disbelief written all over their faces.

Especially those villagers, whose expressions changed most drastically.

"The person who peeped last night should be you!"

Lin Chen walked towards the old village head and said with a blank expression.

"That's right." The old village chief got up, panting heavily.

"It's just that I didn't expect you to have such a strong anti-reconnaissance awareness. I was discovered by you when I first arrived."

Hearing this, Lin Chen sneered coldly: "If you have any last words, tell them as soon as possible!"

"Who will win the game is still unknown." The old village chief said with a stern look on his face, "You took the opportunity just now, I want to see how many brushes you have after all."

After saying that, the old village chief took a deep breath, mobilized all his strength, concentrated it on the palm of his hand, and slapped Lin Chen instantly.

Visible to the naked eye.

This palm carries an indescribably terrifying power, once it falls, ordinary people can only be turned into ashes.

However, Lin Chen made a move that no one expected.


He put his five fingers together, erupted with a fierce punch, and went straight to the old village chief.


With a fist and a palm, the two collide.

In an instant, the victory and defeat have been divided.

The old village chief spat out a mouthful of blood, and the atmosphere quickly became sluggish, and he was blown away on the dining table on the spot.


The dining table was in two halves, and the plates and wine jars were smashed all over the floor.

Su Qingcheng and the others immediately moved away, a trace of shock flashed across their faces.

At this time, the old village chief coughed heavily and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth. After the confrontation just now, he clearly realized that he alone was definitely no match for Lin Chen.

Whether it's speed or absolute strength, Lin Chen is enough to crush him.

Immediately, he rolled his eyes, grabbed Li Fei who was at the side, and threatened, "Back back, all of you!"

Seeing this, Lin Chen said indifferently: "Do you think this will save your dog's life?"

"Lin Chen, I admit that I am not your opponent, but I think this kid has a close relationship with you. He should be your wife or your lover."

The old village chief grinned: "If you don't want her to die, it's best not to act rashly. When I leave here, I will naturally let her go."

that's it.

Under the gaze of everyone, the old village chief threw Li Fei aside when he arrived at the entrance of the village, turned around and ran out of the village.

"It's okay." Lin Chen

When he came to Li Fei, he asked with concern.

Li Fei shook her head: "It's okay."

Immediately afterwards, the villagers who used to have expressionless faces suddenly became elated, waving their arms and cheering in celebration.

"Great, these bad guys are finally gone!"

"Now, we don't have to be threatened anymore."

Afterwards, the middle-aged man with obvious scars on his hand said sincerely to Lin Chen: "Thank you hero for your action. In fact, I am the village head of this village. My name is He Youhan. Before that, we were attacked by the white-haired old man." If they are threatened by others, they can only obey their orders, otherwise the lives of the villagers will be lost.”

For a while, the villagers came up and thanked Lin Chen.

"Big brother, thank you, if it wasn't for you, I would have been beaten up today."

At this time, the young woman tugged at the corner of Lin Chen's clothes, and said with tears in her eyes.

"It should be me thanking you for pointing out that there is something wrong with this meal in person, girl, you are very brave."

Lin Chen smiled slightly, and immediately asked, "I don't know what the girl's name is?"

"My name is He Xiaoyue." The young woman said softly, "The village chief is my father."

"That's it!" Lin Chen nodded and asked again: "I saw a string of white skulls on the red string on your wrist, may I ask why?"

He Youhan took over the words and said: "Hey, the white-haired old man insisted on tying this rope for Xiaoyue, saying it was to sacrifice to the ghost king."

Sacrificing to the ghost king?

As soon as the words came out.

Su Qingcheng and the others all showed shock.

They have heard of people offering sacrifices to heaven and ancestors, but they have never heard of people offering sacrifices to ghost kings!

The king of ghosts is an ominous omen, extremely evil. Won't sacrificing to it bring disaster and bad luck to oneself?

"Where is the sacrificial place?" Lin Chen frowned and asked.

"The southeast end of the village."

He Youhan said with some fear: "I went to that place once, and there are ghosts everywhere. The little brother you died should have been killed by this ghost."

Hearing this, Lin Chen frowned even more.

It seems that this white-haired old man should be a strange person. His real strength lies in manipulating ghosts with strange skills. Unexpectedly, the gathering ghost formation gave him a place to perfectly display his abilities.

Now during the day, the yang energy is active, and ghosts are less likely to wander around, but at night, this place may become a hell on earth, and that is the time for the white-haired old man to counterattack.

With this in mind, Lin Chen said in a deep voice to the crowd

: "Be prepared tonight, this person will definitely come back for revenge, and we may need to fight ghosts by then."


Suddenly, everyone was at a loss, you look at me and I look at you.

His face was full of tension.

Su Qingcheng asked: "Honey, what should I prepare?"

"Honey, you just need to stay close to me." Lin Chen said dotingly.

"What about me, Lin Chen, do you have the heart to let a beautiful woman like me face ghosts?"

Li Fei said pitifully.

Lin Chen rested his forehead and sighed: "You follow me too."

"Hee hee, Lin Chen, you are so kind."

"Brother Lin, what do you think of me?" Seeing that the two girls had been arranged properly, Zhang Mou, the chicken thief, followed immediately.

"You?" Lin Chen said lightly, "Just get more garlic and hang it around your neck, and hope for good luck!"

"Don't..." Zhang Mou put on a b-face.

However, Lin Chen ignored it, and said to He Xiaoyue: "You also follow me, this string of red string has your aura, to a certain extent, you and the ghost king have already had some karma. , so I think the white-haired old man's first target is you."

"Okay." He Xiaoyue nodded obediently, and immediately came behind Lin Chen and greeted the two girls.

As for this girl, Su Qingcheng and the two daughters both had a good impression of this girl, and they chatted happily for a while.

Next, Lin Chen assigned some tasks to the villagers, mainly pasting up portraits of Zhong Kui in front of each house, hanging garlic, and sprinkling spirits.

This is the easiest way to expel ghosts and evil spirits, but it is useless when encountering higher-level ghosts.

In short, the effect can be a little bit, if there are too many little ghosts, it will consume energy to solve them at that time, which is very troublesome.

But compared to Lin Chen's worries, Li Fei seemed excited.

Who would have thought that when they came out to save people, they would fight ghosts inexplicably. Zhang Mou and others even thought about whether to make this scene into a documentary. If it was released to the market, it would definitely be a big hit.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, the bright moon was in the sky, and the cool wind was blowing everywhere.

At this time, Piaomiao Village was shrouded in white mist, and the temperature continued to drop.

The villagers all huddled in front of the windows, turned off the lights, and poked their heads to look out.


A faint, scalp-numbing and hoarse sound gradually came.

His voice sometimes laughed and sometimes cried, accompanied by heavy footsteps, and in an instant, the whole village was filled with a terrifying atmosphere.

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