Overnight Success

Chapter 301 Those Who Enter This Sect Should Give Up All Hope

"Preparing a bonfire feast for ghosts?"

Hearing this sentence, everyone shuddered subconsciously, their eyes full of surprise and uncertainty.

Lin Chen continued: "That's right, I have only one request for you, no matter what ghost comes, don't panic, treat the ghost as your companion, and leave the rest to me."

"Mr. Lin, what is the purpose of doing this?"

The village chief He Youhan couldn't help asking.

"Of course I have my intentions. In short, the more ghosts you attract, the better it will be for cracking the formation."

Lin Chen patted He Youhan on the shoulder, and then said to everyone: "It's so late, everyone, go to bed, and make preparations for the bonfire banquet tomorrow, remember as long as you follow what I said, you will all be safe and sound."

After finishing speaking, Lin Chen returned to the room. After one night of carving, he successfully carved out one hundred ghostly auras.

Early the next morning, Lin Chen called He Youhan and told him the specific function of the Ghost Amulet: "This talisman can be pasted on the forehead to confuse ghosts and make them think that you are of the same kind as them. Take off this talisman, and your lives will not be in any danger."

"What about you, Hero Lin?" He Youhan asked after receiving the Ghost Qi Talisman.

"I have already discovered the ghost-gathering formation, but there are many ghosts and ghosts gathered there. Even if I enter, I am not fully sure that I can break the formation. If I don't come back, help me take care of my wife. "

After listening, He Youhan's eyes turned red, and he said gratefully: "Hero Lin, you are the great benefactor of our whole village. If you do this, what do you want us to pay back!"

"Don't worry, even if I die, I will protect Miss Su well."

"I believe in you." Lin Chen smiled, his eyes suddenly became extremely firm.

He wants to see what kind of monsters and ghosts are in these eyes, and where does that evil spirit come from!


Late night, noon.

The wind is blowing, and the white mist is misty.

This situation makes one's scalp tingle.

But in the center of the village, there was a burst of fire, illuminating the entire Piaomiao village.

The lights of each house are bright, and everyone gathers around the bonfire, holding hands, and the scene can be described as joyous.

"Lin Chen, is this spell of yours really useful?"

Su Qingcheng looked at the white paper symbols on everyone's foreheads and asked worriedly.

"Of course." Lin Chen

Nodded: "Honey, no matter what happens later, you should remember that the most important thing is to protect yourself."

"Then why are you going?" Hearing that Lin Chen's tone was wrong, Su Qingcheng hurriedly asked.

"I have more important things to do."

Lin Chen said, stroking Su Qingcheng's cheek: "Wait for me to come back."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Chen dodged and disappeared on the spot.

Seeing this, Su Qingcheng's heart suddenly trembled, as if she was about to lose the most important thing in her life.


The mountain behind the village, the place of the altar.

After Lin Chen put the spell on himself, he waved his hand, and just as he shook the altar away, countless ghosts rushed out of the hole.

Looking at the bottomless black hole, Lin Chen jumped down.

In the center of the village, the blazing bonfire suddenly swayed violently,

The trees swayed and the temperature plummeted.

Everyone's heart trembled, everyone was too nervous to speak out, and their steps became stiff.

"Hoo hoo—"

A gloomy storm blew up, and a burst of chaotic footsteps followed.

During Setsuna, all the lights of the houses were extinguished, and even the color of the bonfire in front of him turned dark green.

At this moment, as Lin Chen said, Piaomiao Village really turned into a ghost village.

Everyone could clearly feel that many people arrived here one after another, even standing next to them.

A middle-aged aunt turned her head to look. Fortunately, she covered her mouth in time, otherwise she almost screamed.

Visible to the naked eye!

The center of the village is full of all kinds of ghosts and ghosts, and the ghosts all maintain the appearance of death in front of them. Some people have their necks cut off, some people have mutated bodies and died of illness, and some people lost their eyes and can move around. hit a wall.

A few times, by coincidence, Su Qingcheng was bumped into by it, but she gritted her teeth and forcibly did not make a sound.

At this moment, everyone was in deep panic and could only pray that Lin Chen would come back soon.


In the cave, it was dark and cold.

The deeper Lin Chen walked, the stronger the evil spirit became.

After a while, a bronze gate came into view, blocking Lin Chen's way.

The bronze gate was stained with rust, and there was a line of blood-stained text on it.

Those who enter this door should give up all hope.

"Pretending to be a ghost."

Lin Chen snorted coldly, presumably this line of text should be the one drawn by the Feng Shui master.


Without hesitation, Lin Chen pushed open the bronze door and found that this place turned out to be a small independent space. Biqu library

The eight coffins are scattered all over in the eight trigrams.

Strangely, eight chains were tied to the eight coffins, and they gathered together in the crystal coffin in mid-air.

However, the source of the evil spirit is also diffused from the crystal coffin.

Speaking of it, this evil spirit permeates very regularly, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes heavy, sometimes light, more like human breathing.

Lin Chen jumped into the sky and was about to approach the crystal coffin.

The originally motionless crystal coffin began to shake violently, as if something was about to break through the ground.

Then, the crystal shattered.

A roar sounded.

In the eyes, a blue-haired male ghost about two meters long with wings and fangs exposed opened his fierce eyes and looked directly at Lin Chen.

As soon as it appeared, the small space began to show signs of collapse, and the air condensed.

It can be seen that the aura on his body is simply unbearable here.

"Half-step ghost king."

Lin Chen said coldly, and then his gaze shifted to the green-haired male ghost's heart, inlaid with a piece of brilliant jade.

It turned out that that guy put Huayu on the half-step ghost king.

Moreover, judging from his aura, if he came a week later, it is very likely that this half-step ghost king will evolve into a real ghost king.

As the aura of the green-haired male ghost rose steadily, the eight coffins exploded, revealing the eight corpses of the green-haired ghost.

Immediately, Lin Chen understood that the feng shui master used the ghost gathering array to gather the ghosts of the villagers here, so that they could not die, and then accumulated a lot of evil spirits, which can be absorbed by the eight green ghosts, and finally use the ghosts in the small space Fuxi's power of gossip dedicated all of these to the green-haired male ghost.

Then let the green-haired male ghost turn into a real ghost king.

As for the piece of Huayu, if he expected it to be correct, it should have the effect of absorbing Yin Qi, so that the green-haired male ghost can absorb it as soon as possible, and complete the evolution of the ghost king.

The birth of a ghost king was nourished by a village of people, which shows the vicious heart of this feng shui master.

As Lin Chen's confusion was resolved, the green-haired male ghost in front of him seemed extremely angry. Obviously, he knew that he was about to transform, but was interrupted by Lin Chen, an outsider.

As a result, the green-haired male ghost exuded outrageous anger, and after a roar, he launched a fierce attack on Lin Chen.

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