Overnight Success

Chapter 300 Hold A Grand Party For Ghosts

As soon as this statement came out.

The villagers present were pale and trembling with fear.

Afterwards, some villagers even tremblingly asked: "Hero Lin, are you serious?"

"You think I have the leisure to joke around?" Lin Chen glanced at him.


Hearing this, everyone gasped, feeling horrified.

Before, they also blamed the situation of the village on the terrain, but now that they think about it carefully, there are indeed many people who died in the village for unknown reasons.

Even, many people died young and died of various diseases. It turned out that all of these were caused by the formation!

Village head He Youhan sighed: "Actually, there were 500 villagers in this village at first, but now, there are less than 100 villagers left. I ask Hero Lin to enlighten me on the origin of this formation."

"Instead of asking me, you should know better than anyone why the village has become like this."

Lin Chen said lightly.

"What's the meaning of Lin Daxia's words?" He Youhan was puzzled.

"Think about it carefully, when did these mutations start to happen?"

After being reminded by Lin Chen, He Youhan fell into deep thought, suddenly his complexion changed drastically, he slapped his thigh, and said in a trembling tone: "Could it be because of that person."

Immediately, the villagers talked a lot, and their faces changed drastically.

"To be honest, Lin Daxia, this change should have started fifteen years ago. At that time, my father was the head of the village. One day, a Feng Shui master suddenly visited the village, and my father received him warmly. "

"Actually, in the early years, we didn't have tile-roofed houses at all, but lived in thatched huts. We lived in poverty. The Feng Shui master said that he was willing to form a good relationship and help us renovate the village with money and find a good location. .”

"And this place is the good terrain that the feng shui master said. If the village moves here, the weather will be smooth and there will be good harvests every year."

When He Youhan said this, Lin Chen interrupted: "Does the village chief know the contact information of the Fengshui master?"

He Youhan shook his head: "The master has a mysterious origin. After he paid us to move the village here, he left in a hurry without leaving any contact information."

Hearing this, Lin Chen has made a preliminary judgment.

Come to think of it, the feng shui master is the formation builder, using the sinking mountains and rivers, where the yin energy gathers, to set up the ghost gathering array to absorb the yang energy of the villagers from generation to generation and replenish themselves.

just, lin

Chen was puzzled, that piece of Huayu was well expected, it should have been left by a Fengshui master, but why did he put such a treasure here!

"Hero Lin, do you think the strangeness of the village is related to that Fengshui master?" He Youhan asked tentatively.

"Didn't you already guess it?" Lin Chen said flatly: "This person uses formations to devour your yang energy. The yang qi decreases and the yin qi increases. All kinds of bad luck will naturally come one after another."

"So, from the very beginning, you fell into his conspiracy. He never thought of helping you. It's ridiculous that you actually regarded him as a benefactor."

Hearing this, the honest and honest villagers stomped their feet angrily, especially when they thought of the deceased relatives, they couldn't help but grieve and grit their teeth.

Fortunately, they still often talk about the goodness of that Fengshui master. It is too much for this person to play them like monkeys! Biqu library

"Mr. Lin, I wonder if you can save us?"

He You Chinese is full of prayers: "It's fine for us people to die, but our children are still young, and I don't want them to become the nourishment of that vicious person."

"I will save your lives." Lin Chen said, "But don't worry, as long as this formation is broken, all problems will be solved."

"In this way, you stay here first, and I will go back as soon as I go."

After the words fell, Lin Chen disappeared directly in place, shuttling through every corner of the village.

If you want to break the formation, first find the formation eye.

Before, Lin Chen asked the white-haired old man, but the old man obviously knew something, but he didn't choose to say it.

There was no other way, Lin Chen had no choice but to find the hole himself.

The moonlight was like water, pouring over Piaomiao Village. In the end, Lin Chen searched around, but after finding nothing, he set his target back in the cave on the mountain behind the village.

At that time, when he entered the cave, he could clearly feel an evil spirit.

This is very abnormal.

Therefore, Lin Chen decided to re-examine what he had missed and where the evil spirit came from.

Inside the cave, it was pitch black, and Lin Chen stepped into it, scanning every place carefully.

Finally, when he boarded the altar, he realized that the altar was loose, and there was even a strange sound coming from below.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Chen had just moved the altar when suddenly a large pale hand grabbed his ankle.

Looking down, there is a bottomless hole under the altar, where the dead

The villagers turned into ghosts and climbed upwards.

Seeing this, Lin Chen already understood that the evil spirit was overflowing from here, and the formation eye must be in this hole.

From this point of view, in order to protect the eyes of the formation, the Feng Shui master gathered all the ghosts of the dead villagers in the cave, so that even if the villagers found out, they would not dare to enter.

The white-haired old man should have sensed all of this and knew that he alone was not enough to go deep into the cave, so he wanted to recruit a ghost king to help him find the way.

After all, that evil spirit was so powerful that it made him palpitate. No one knew what kind of ghosts were under the cave!

After understanding the situation, Lin Chen restored the altar to its original position, turned around and returned to the village.

At this moment, it is early morning.

Seeing Lin Chen's return, the village chief He Youhan asked anxiously, "Does Hero Lin have a solution?"

"Yes, there is." Lin Chen thought for a while, and said, "In your village, did you have any programs in the past that the villagers were deeply impressed and loved?"

"In the past, when the new year came, the whole village would dance and sing around the bonfire. For our villagers, this should be the biggest event of the year, and everyone knows it."

He Youhan replied.

"Okay." Lin Chen nodded: "At midnight tomorrow, everyone will gather here, light a bonfire, dance and sing."

"Lin Chen, what do you want to do?" At this moment, Li Fei couldn't help but said, "Now is the time when the villagers' life and death are at stake. How can you let them have a grand meeting?"

"Besides, you also know that the village is very dangerous at night, and no one knows whether those ghosts will appear again, anyway, I disagree."

The villagers also discussed with each other, with a hint of rejection on their faces.

After all, they have seen the horrors of ghosts and ghosts before. Wouldn't it be possible to attract them to a grand meeting at this time? Biqu library

"Xiaofei, Lin Chen must have his intentions in doing this, and he will definitely not harm everyone."

Su Qingcheng spoke for Lin Chen.

"Hero Lin, we all remember your kindness to us, but you want us to hold a grand meeting, which is too..."

In order to take care of Lin Chen's face, He Youhan didn't continue talking.

Regarding this, Lin Chen smiled slightly: "Do you think this grand event is just for you?"

"On the contrary, I asked you to have a grand party to attract all the ghosts. Simply put, this bonfire banquet is prepared for them."

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