Overnight Success

Chapter 299: The Truth

See this scene.

Lin Chen flicked his fingers, and a silver needle shot towards the green ghost in front of the scholar.


With a sharp momentum, the silver needle directly pierced She Qing Gui's claw.


The Sheqing Ghost wailed, clutching his injured paw, fell to the ground and rolled.

She completely lost her vicious demeanor, and instead looked more like a child who was being bullied.

At the same time, the white-haired old man was also surprised. He looked around and shouted: "Who is pretending to be a ghost? If you have the ability, come out and compete with me!"

"Ha ha!"

"The old thing is hiding here, so you think I can't find your grandpa?"

Lin Chen smiled coldly, and then slowly walked in front of the white-haired old man.

In response, the white-haired old man turned pale with fright, pointed at him, and stuttered his lips: "You, you are, how did you break my formation?"

"As long as you break the formation, how difficult is it to break it?" Lin Chen's mouth curled up with disdain.

Hearing this, the white-haired old man glanced at the fallen Sheqing ghost, and said, "I have nothing against you, why do you want to chase me?"

"In this way, if you leave now, I will treat you as my friend."

"Old man, aren't you out of your mind?" Lin Chen said lightly, "You poisoned the food and drink, and even told people to kill me. Now you want to make friends with me, don't you think I'm an idiot? "

"That's what you asked for. If you don't step into Piao Miao Village, nothing will happen. Today I'm only one step away from success. Whatever you say, I won't let you destroy it!"

After saying that, the white-haired old man gathered all his energy, ready to confront Lin Chen head-on at any time.

"Do you think you will be my opponent with your three-legged cat kung fu?"

Lin Chen didn't care, and continued: "Let me ask you, since you use this ghost-gathering formation to control ghosts, then I think you must know where the formation's eyes are?"

"What do you ask Zhenyan to do?" Hearing this, the white-haired old man's face changed drastically.

"Of course it's the same as you, looking for Huayu!" Lin Chen said blankly.

"Sure enough, the first time I saw you, I felt that your purpose was not pure, but Huayu can only belong to me, you can't take it away!"

The white-haired old man said coldly.

"Forget it, since you don't say it, then don't

Blame me for not leaving you a whole body. "

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he slapped the white-haired old man's chest.

On the surface, this palm looked ordinary, but in fact, the white-haired old man punched, and as soon as he touched it, he smashed directly on the wall of the cave, and fell into the mud like a dog.

"Boy, I am a member of the Dark Pavilion. If you want to kill me, you have to weigh whether you will be retaliated by the Dark Pavilion!"

The white-haired old man spat out a mouthful of blood, and said threateningly: "I know you are highly skilled, and you may be able to protect yourself, but what about the people in this village, and the people around you!"

"They will be on the list of being hunted down by the dark cabinet all the time."

"Old man, I found that people like you like threats when they are about to die, don't you?" Lin Chen's face turned cold, his fists were filled with light, and his voice sounded again: "As for me, what I hate most is being threatened!"

The voice fell.

The fist light covered the whole body of the white-haired old man.

In the blink of an eye, the white-haired old man left only a skeleton, and his body was directly annihilated into ashes by the fist light.

After finishing off the white-haired old man, Lin Chen turned to look at the Sheqing Ghost who was crouching in the corner.

I didn't realize that this ghost is not low in intelligence, and knows how to be afraid, but it's just too childlike, and it doesn't have the viciousness of other Sheqing ghosts.

Presumably, this is also the reason why the white-haired old man chose it to evolve into a ghost king!

In this way, the chance of control is relatively greater!

Immediately, Lin Chen simply wiped away the Sheqing ghost, then picked up He Xiaoyue and walked out of the cave.


not for a while.

After Lin Chen returned to the village, the whole village lined up and knelt down to worship Lin Chen.

The village head, He Youhan, burst into tears, and said gratefully: "Hero Lin, you are the hero of our village and my benefactor."

Seeing this posture, Lin Chen was speechless for a while.

Dare to love, did this group of people treat him as a god?

At this moment, He Xiaoyue, who was in Lin Chen's arms, also came to her senses. She looked at the crowd in a daze, and finally fixed her eyes on Lin Chen's sharp face, crying, "Brother Lin, you saved me, didn't you?" ?”

"Before I fell into a coma, I saw a green ghost, which scared me to death. I thought I wouldn't survive today..."

"It's okay." Lin Chen stroked He Xiaoyue's hair and put her down: "Back

Be with your father, your father is very worried about you. "

"Brother Lin, thank you."

He Xiaoyue lowered her head, said, quickly kissed Lin Chen on the cheek, and rushed into He Youhan's arms.

Seeing this, Lin Chen couldn't help but shook his head and laughed: "This little girl..."

Afterwards, Su Qingcheng rushed over after hearing the news and confirmed that Lin Chen was not injured, then he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Hmph, Lin Chen, you don't know, since you left, Qingcheng has been thinking about you, and the whole person is almost in a daze."

Li Fei also came over and spoke.

"What about Zhang Mou and them?"

Lin Chen looked around but couldn't find this person, so he asked.

"He, greedy for life and afraid of death, locked himself in the house all the time, unable to scream."

Li Fei snorted.

"That's fine, there is still a big thing that needs to be done by you. If he is here, it may be a disservice."

As soon as Lin Chen said this, everyone immediately gathered around: "Hero Lin, haven't the ghosts been dealt with? What else is there?"

"Those ghosts were just attracted by the white-haired old man through a different technique. Their purpose was to satisfy his own desires. In fact, the problem of your village itself is far from being solved."

Lin Chen said flatly.


For a moment, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, unable to understand what Lin Chen was talking about.

"Don't you realize why the temperature in the village is so low even though it is dog days, and why there is always a layer of white mist at night."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, everyone quickly asked: "Hero Lin, what is the reason for this?"

Lin Chen pointed to the sky and said:

"That's because you have long been separated from the real world. This village was covered by a formation a long time ago. This formation is called the Gathering Ghost Formation. It swallows yang and spits yin. Once you enter this formation, you will be bound by the formation." Surely, over time, the yang energy will be swallowed up by the formation, and various problems will appear in your body."

"Before, the erythema on your skin was the precursor of the disease, and this formation also carries a strong curse. As long as the blood is connected, even if your children are outside, they will also be affected by the formation. Sooner or later, there will be only one waiting for you. Cutting off children and grandchildren is a dead end!"

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