Overnight Success

Chapter 298 The Time Of Sacrifice

"Damn! These guys are here, what should we do?"

Here, Zhang Mou's face turned pale when he saw the red-haired Li Gui directly breaking into the door.

"Don't talk!" Su Qingcheng said firmly: "Hold your breath and don't make any noise."

According to what Lin Chen said, he gave everyone a spell to hide himself to a certain extent, so everyone found a hiding place one after another, not even daring to breathe.

Seeing the red-haired Li Gui groping around, everyone's hearts were beating non-stop, and their backs were wet with cold sweat.

After a while.

The red-haired female Specter fumbled for a while, but found no results, just as it was about to leave.

As luck would have it, Zhang Mou sneezed.


At that moment, the red-haired female Li Gui showed her fangs and rushed towards Zhang Mou.


Zhang Mou screamed and rolled over. After avoiding the female ghost's attack, he immediately ran outside.

However, when he came to the door, he was so frightened by the scene in front of him that his legs went limp.

in view.

Outside the door of the house, dozens of white-clothed ghosts with their hair disheveled surrounded him.

"Damn me!"

Zhang Mou was sobbing, and immediately peed his pants in fright.


At this moment, the red-haired female ghost grabbed Su Qingcheng's neck, tilted her head, and was about to bite off.

Suddenly, a bright light flickered.

The next moment, the female ghost's body was torn apart and turned into powder.

I saw that Lin Chen arrived in time, hurriedly supported Su Qingcheng, and said softly: "I'm sorry wife, I'm late, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." Su Qingcheng shook her head.



Another scream came from He Xiaoyue.

Lin Chen turned around to look, and at some point, a green-skinned, ferocious-looking Sheqing Ghost exuding a terrifying aura grabbed He Xiaoyue by the throat and dragged him outside.

Seeing this, Lin Chen was about to chase after him, but two green-haired ghosts descended from the sky and blocked Lin Chen's way.

In contrast, the two Sheqing ghosts were obviously wise in the one that took He Xiaoyue away.

If what he expected was right, it was the string of red strings on He Xiaoyue's wrist that attracted these guys, and they came here with only one purpose, which was to catch He Xiaoyue and sacrifice them.

Legend has it that once the Sheqing ghost devours enough virgin blood, it can evolve into the king of ghosts.

Presumably, the white-haired old man wanted to use He Xiaoyue to raise a ghost king for his use.

But, can he really control the ghost king instead of raising tigers?


Lin Chen took a deep breath, raised his fists, and rushed directly towards the crowd of ghosts.

In an instant, many low-level ghosts were directly pulverized by Lin Chen's berserk aura, and the two green-headed ghosts were beaten into a mess by Lin Chen's fist.


Lin Chen snorted coldly, and the light of his fist was wiped out. In less than a breath, not even a single ashes were left behind.

"Where to run!"

Seeing He Xiaoyue's figure getting farther and farther away, Lin Chen's eyes were fixed, and he ran after him with all his strength. Biqu library

No matter what, he couldn't let He Xiaoyue become a victim of Sheqing Ghost's evolution into Ghost King.

Some catching up.

Finally, Lin Chen caught up behind Sheqinggui and slapped her on the head.

Unprepared, the Sheqing Ghost let go of He Xiaoyue with a scream, and blue blood flowed from his head, exuding a rancid smell.

"Boy, I didn't realize that you really have some abilities. It's a pity that a psychedelic formation has already been set up here. I took He Xiaoyue away. You can play with it here."

With a burst of sudden laughter, He Xiaoyue, who was lying unconscious on the ground, disappeared immediately.

Damn it!

Lin Chen clenched his palms tightly. Just now, he was too busy chasing the Sheqing Ghost, but ignored the abnormality here.

Now that the white-haired old man took He Xiaoyue away, if he couldn't undo the formation quickly, He Xiaoyue might be in danger.


The Sheqing Ghost roared, showing its sharp claws, and grabbed Lin Chen's heart fiercely.


Lin Chen's eyebrows turned cold, and he summoned his spiritual energy, turned his hands into blades, and directly split the Sheqing ghost into two halves.


The green ghost howled mournfully, and the blue blood gradually seeped into the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the ground shook for a while, and the surrounding scenery gradually changed drastically.

Sure enough, the blood of Sheqing Gui was needed to unravel this formation. If he just crushed Sheqing Gui into powder, he might not be able to get out of this formation in a short time.

At the same time, Su Qingcheng and others, including the village chief He Youhan, all came here, looked at Lin Chen, He Youhan knelt down on his knees, and begged: "Master Lin, please save my daughter, as long as you can She, I can be your cow or horse for the rest of my life."

"What village head He is talking about, please hurry up."

After Lin Chen helped He Youhan up, he continued, "Leave your daughter to me. What you need to do now is to clean up the small area in the village and wait for me to come back."

"Lin Chen..."

Just as Lin Chen turned his head to leave, Su Qingcheng called out.

"What's wrong wife?

" Lin Chen laughed.

"Be sure to come back safely."

Su Qingcheng stepped forward, straightened Lin Chen's clothes, and said slowly.

"I will." Lin Chen kissed Su Qingcheng's forehead lightly, and then walked towards the back of the village.

"Don't worry, Qingcheng, Lin Chen is so powerful, he will definitely come back safely."

Watching Lin Chen leave, Li Fei held Su Qingcheng's jade hand and said softly.

"En." Su Qingcheng replied, but her beautiful eyes were still full of worry.

At first, she wanted to go out with Lin Chen by saving someone.

After all, they haven't gotten along well since the two got married.

But who would have thought that a series of unimaginable and strange things would happen when they came to the village. First, someone poisoned the food and drinks, and then ghosts haunted them.

However, it was also because of this incident that she knew that her husband was so powerful, it was unimaginable that such a person would allow her to play petty temper and make trouble for no reason.

the other end.

Lin Chen went straight to the back mountain. According to the village chief, the location of the altar is in a mysterious place in the back mountain.

Moreover, tomorrow is the day of the full moon, and the yang energy will be extremely active at night, so if the green ghost wants to evolve, he can only choose today.

Stepping into the back mountain, Lin Chen was amazed to find that there was a natural river flowing upstream at this sub-zero temperature, and finally found clues in a cave near the source.

Before it got close, a powerful evil spirit was emanating from the cave.

Presumably, the altar is here.

Looking outside the cave, there were red-haired ghosts guarding both ends. After Lin Chen quietly dealt with it, he probed into the cave to have a look.

At this moment, He Xiaoyue's eyes were closed tightly, her whole body was wrapped in a layer of red gauze, and she was placed on the altar without realizing it.

On the opposite side of the altar, there is a bronze chair covered with holes.

On the chair, sat a green ghost with the appearance of a scholar.

Smelling the scent on He Xiaoyue's body, Sheqing Gui slowly opened his bright eyes, showing a trace of hunger and thirst.

As for the white-haired old man standing in front of He Xiaoyue, his tone was full of excitement: "Enjoy this body well, when you evolve into a ghost king, it's time for me to seek revenge on that kid.

And when I return to the Dark Pavilion, I will be the new Pavilion Master of the Dark Pavilion! "

After the words fell, the white-haired old man's eyes shone with strong ambition.


A whoop.

She Qinggui pushed aside the red gauze, opened his mouth with sharp teeth, and couldn't wait to bite He Xiaoyue's heart away.

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