Overnight Success

Chapter 305 Dangerous

At this moment, in a mansion in Tianhai Province.

An angry curse sounded.

"Hua Furong, that bitch, damn it, why does she always fight against me!"

Zhou Keke looked at the phone and sat on the swivel chair with a look of anger on his face.

Obviously, through today's headlines that popped up on her mobile phone, she already knew that Hua Furong had officially signed a contract with Su Corporation and would soon become Su Corporation's spokesperson.

You know, not long ago, she made a harsh statement in the circle, forbidding anyone to cooperate with the Su family. Who would have thought that when she turned her head, Hua Furong directly took action and slapped her in the face.

"Little baby, who made you unhappy and made you so angry?"

A fat, greasy-looking middle-aged man came out of the bathroom in a bathrobe and smiled.

"look by youself."

Zhou Keke pouted and handed the phone to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man subconsciously glanced at it, then put his arms around Zhou Keke's small waist, sniffed the fragrance behind her ear and said, "Don't worry, baby, this Hua Furong won't last long."

"It's time for her to give up her top position in the entertainment industry."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man began to swim dishonestly over Zhou Keke's body with a pair of big hands.

"Mr. Hu, what do you mean?" Zhou Keke asked in surprise, "Could it be that you want to deal with Hua Furong?"

"Hehe!" The middle-aged man smiled coldly: "This woman has repeatedly rejected my cooperation invitation, and now she is openly challenging us, so how can I tolerate her!"

"But she is backed by the Hua family!" Zhou Keke said.

"What about the Hua family? This time they provoked someone, even if the Hua family sees them, they will have to kneel down!"

The middle-aged man snorted in disdain.

Last time, Zhou Keke was beaten. He specially sent Li Daniu and others to the Su family to ask for an explanation, but in the end, Li Daniu and his group never came back. After learning about this and hearing that the big man was furious, he transferred to Xingwen Entertainment again. a manager.

And this manager is not an ordinary person. It is said that he is from the top of Skynet, and he is an elite among the elite. The purpose of his arrival is to get rid of people like the Su family.

As for Hua Furong, since this woman is going to get involved in this muddy water, don't blame him for being cruel

Spicy, all together.

"That's great. I've long wanted to see this bitch Hua Furong ruined."

Zhou Keke was extremely excited.

"So baby, what new tricks are you going to play later, please repay me!" The middle-aged man smiled lasciviously.

"I hate it, Mr. Hu, I'm here today as my aunt." Zhou Keke said shyly.

"It's okay, I'll take it easy."

Following the words of the middle-aged man, a vigorous battle continued in this mansion...


And in Tianhai province, among the Zhou family.

Zhou Junfan stared at the TV report in front of him, and suddenly dropped the glass in his hand to the ground.

Afterwards, Zhou Yitian came in a hurry and said, "Jun Fan, what happened?"

"Father, I'm not reconciled!"

Zhou Junfan's eyes were bloodshot, and he roared: "Look at the report, Hua Furong is about to become the spokesperson of the Su family. Once this is done, don't think that the Su family will definitely enter the provincial capital market. At that time, our Zhou family will be in a more difficult situation. "

Since the demise of the Wu family, most of the markets in the provincial capital have been in the hands of the Xiao family, the Ming family, and the Chen family.

On the contrary, the Zhou family, which had a close relationship with the Wu family in the past, suffered a serious blow. Now that the Su family is getting better and better, Lin Chen must be behind it.

How can Zhou Junfan not be angry?

The most important thing is that his limbs were disabled and he became a wheelchair person, all thanks to Lin Chen.

All this time, he has kept this anger in his heart. Seeing that Su's prospects are bright today, he finally couldn't help it.

In the past, the Zhou family, known as the four major families in Tianhai Province, can only rely on underground business to survive. On the other hand, this humble Su family has rushed from a second-rate enterprise to its current scale. This kind of contrast, with Zhou Junfan's arrogance, he cannot accept .

Similarly, as the head of the Zhou family, Zhou Junfan's father Zhou Yitian also has strong resentment towards Lin Chen and others.

After all, no matter the status quo of the Zhou family or Zhou Junfan's change, it has nothing to do with Lin Chen.

"Recently, when I was doing a deal with the people from the dark pavilion, I heard that they seemed to be looking for a person named Lin, who seemed to be

It ruined their plan in Piaomiao Village, causing heavy losses to the Dark Pavilion. "

Zhou Yitian said slowly: "Afterwards, I immediately investigated that kid Lin Chen, and found that he had also been to Piaomiao Village two days ago. I wonder if he is the person the Dark Pavilion is looking for!"

"Now we are no longer this kid's opponent, but with the power of the Dark Pavilion, we can definitely crush him easily, so we might as well use the power of the Dark Pavilion to completely kill this kid!"

Hearing this, Zhou Junfan's eyes gleamed with hatred: "Lin Chen ruined my proposal to Li Fei before, so now, I want to let him experience the feeling of losing his lover."

"I think that if the Su family wants to cooperate with Hua Furong, they will definitely hold a press conference to expand the publicity. The press conference is the best time to kidnap Su Qingcheng. I want Lin Chen to see with his own eyes how Su Qingcheng is being bullied by me!"

The father and son looked at each other, and immediately planned an evil plan.

In a blink of an eye, night fell.

Inside the villa.

Lin Chen let out a breath of turbid air, his body exuded a faint power, and all the injuries he had suffered from the half-step ghost king had fully recovered.

After nearly a whole day, now, he has formally broken through Qi refining and stepped into God Transformation.

It's just that the piece of spirit crystal has already been consumed. It is obvious that the breakthrough of this realm requires more spiritual energy than he imagined.

Just when he was about to feel the changes in his body carefully, Su Qingcheng came back from get off work.

Seeing this, Lin Chen greeted him with a smile: "How about my wife, is everything going well?"

"Smooth, so smooth." Su Qingcheng gave him a blank look: "Miss Hua often mentions you! She didn't even read the contract I handed over carefully."

"Hey, maybe it's because I'm so handsome that she always misses me." Lin Chen straightened his hair and smiled. Biqu library


Su Qingcheng was speechless for a while: "I said you are fat and you are panting, I am tired, rub my shoulders."

"Follow my wife."

Lin Chen said with a smile.

And this seemingly peaceful scene didn't last long, and was broken by an astonishing news the next day.

As soon as this news came out, it quickly occupied the headlines of the Internet, which can be called an epic sensation.

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