Overnight Success

Chapter 306 Intimate Photos

The content of the news is that a man and a woman embrace and kiss passionately.

However, the woman in this photo is the popular star Hua Furong, and the man is Lin Chen.

As soon as these photos came out, hot searches immediately exploded, and all kinds of browsers even faced paralysis.

At this moment, almost all the media wanted to find Hua Furong and conduct an interview. After all, Hua Furong used to be a national goddess, so far there has been no scandal.

But now, she is kissing a strange man passionately on the street. How can this not annoy her fans, and in an instant, she has attracted countless abuses.

at the same time.

Inside the villa, there was a knock on the door.

Lin Chen opened the door with sleepy eyes, and saw Li Fei walking in aggressively holding a photo.

"Lin Chen, please explain to me, what are these photos about?"

Li Fei's expression was very excited, and she shouted: "You have only been married to Qingcheng for a long time, and you cheated. I really misjudged you!"

Seeing Li Fei yelling, Lin Chen frowned: "What nonsense are you talking about! Why are you going crazy so early in the morning!"

"Am I talking nonsense?"

Li Fei pointed at the man and woman in the photo, and said to Lin Chen, "Keep your eyes open and take a good look, who is the man and woman in the picture!"

"I really underestimated you, cheating on Qingcheng and having an affair with a big star, it's really you!"

Lin Chen glanced at the photo and said coldly: "The photo has been corrected."

In my impression, when he left Huaiyu City, he just hugged Hua Furong briefly, there was no such thing as a kiss at all.

Obviously, someone deliberately used this photo to frame him and Hua Furong.

"Corrected? But no matter how I look at it, it's very real!"

Li Fei snorted.

Afterwards, Su Qingcheng walked down the stairs slowly and came to the two of them: "Why are you arguing, you two can't talk properly if you have something to say."

"Qingcheng, have you seen the news?" Li Fei asked.

"Just saw it." Su Qingcheng nodded.

"Wife, listen to me, this photo is obviously edited by someone..."

Lin Chen was about to explain, but Su Qingcheng said: "I understand, I believe you."

"But now, this matter has been spread all over the place, and it just so happens that Su Shi and Hua Furong signed the spokesperson contract again.

At the critical moment, if the turmoil cannot be calmed down, it will have a great negative impact on the Su family. "

Su Qingcheng said solemnly.

"Qingcheng, is that why you trust him?" Li Fei's eyes widened.

"Yes." Su Qingcheng said: "He is my husband, I don't believe him, who else can I trust!"

"..." Li Fei was speechless for a while.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen pinched the photo, with a look of coldness across his face: "I want to see who dares to frame me!"

After all, he immediately sent a message to Jiang Meigui to ask her to investigate the matter.

Lin Chen expressed his anger at framing his image as a good man.

Then, Su Qingcheng received a call, and his face was very ugly.

"Husband, the situation at Miss Hua's side is very bad. I heard that the reporter has surrounded her hotel with water. I have to hurry over and have a look."

Hearing this sentence, Lin Chen also said, "I'm with you."

"You should be at home." Su Qingcheng shook his head: "You are also in the center of the whirlpool of events. If you show up, it will be difficult to get out."

"It's okay, I have a way to let these reporters go."

Lin Chen smiled slightly, and sent another message to Mr. Xiao.

With the Xiao family's current status, it couldn't be easier to send away a group of reporters.

"You two have gone, what about me!" Li Fei asked.

"You stay at home and watch the house."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he took Su Qingcheng with him in his Ferrari and rushed directly to the hotel.

after an hour.

When Lin Chen and Lin Chen arrived at the hotel, there was no paparazzi or reporter around.

All the way to the door of Hua Furong's suite, Su Qingcheng knocked on the door: "Miss Hua, I am Su Qingcheng."

The door was opened from the inside, and He Jie walked out, saying, "Boss Su, please take a trip."

"Lin, Lin Chen, why are you here? The reporters outside the door didn't stop you?"

Seeing Lin Chen behind Su Qingcheng, He Jie's expression changed involuntarily.

"The reporter has been dismissed by me, you can rest assured about that."

Lin Chen said, and went straight into the suite.

In the suite, in front of the vanity mirror, Hua Furong was leaning on her head with a sad face, her eyes full of confusion.

"Miss Hua."

Hearing this familiar voice, Hua Furong turned her head suddenly, when she

After discovering Lin Chen's arrival, he immediately bowed his head and said, "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize, this matter has nothing to do with you."

Lin Chen said.

"But after all, it's because of me..."

Speaking of this, Hua Furong looked at Su Qingcheng and said: "Miss Su, I can assure you that I have never done the intimate behavior shown in the photo to your husband."

"If it is because of me that you and your husband have a misunderstanding, then I apologize." Biquku

Seeing this, Su Qingcheng stepped forward, took Hua Furong's jade hand and said: "Miss Hua, you are the spokesperson of my Su family, so I naturally believe in your character."

"As for Lin Chen, I believe he will never betray me."

Hearing this, Hua Furong was very envious in her heart.

She envied Lin Chen for having a wife who believed in him so much, and she also envied Su Qingcheng for having such a loyal husband.

"Don't worry, I have sent someone to find out where the source of the news came from."

As soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, he suddenly received a call, and after pressing to answer, a chill shot out from his eyes.

"I found the source of the news, it's from Xingwen Entertainment."

Lin Chen said indifferently.

Just now, Jiang Meigui called and confirmed that the photos were first spread from Xingwen Entertainment.

Last time, when Li Tianniu and others came to make trouble, he had already punished them. Unexpectedly, these people would dare to continue to make trouble for him. If so, then he will simply uproot him this time.

However, when she heard about Xingwen Entertainment, Hua Furong was surprised, and said slowly: "I didn't expect this to be done by them."

"Why is Ms. Hua still having a feud with Xingwen Entertainment?" Lin Chen asked curiously.

"Not really, my fame is too big to cover up the limelight of their Huadan." Hua Furong said coldly: "Before, they also offered high prices to recruit me, but I refused."

"Presumably this time, the spokesperson matter is just a fuse."

"So it seems that they are going against the Su family's pure heart?" He Jie who was on the side couldn't help but ask.

"Xingwen Entertainment is also backed by a supernatural force in the capital. It is not surprising that they dare to oppose us."

Hua Furong's voice was extremely cold, and she continued, "I'll contact my father and see how he plans to deal with it."

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