Overnight Success

Chapter 313 A Word Of Benefit Can Change People Beyond Recognition

"Su Bingrui, you keep saying that you want the treasures of the Su family, but do you know what the treasures of the Su family are?"

Lin Chen said leisurely.

Hearing this, Su Bingrui was stunned for a moment, and then he said harshly: "In short, you hurry up and hand over the treasure, and stop talking nonsense, or I will cut Su Taishan's throat in a few minutes."

Lin Chen smiled slightly, took a step forward, and then said, "I guess, it's not that you want the treasures of the Su family, but someone wants the treasures of the Su family, right?"

"If you tell the truth now, who this person is, I might be able to show mercy."

"Lin Chen, you are really self-righteous. Let me tell you, Su Taishan's life is in my hands. You don't want to just watch your father-in-law die in front of you!" Su Bingrui's face changed for a while, and he said.

"Just because you want to kill someone in front of me?" Lin Chen shook his head and said disdainfully, "With all due respect, you don't have the ability."

Hearing Lin Chen's words,

Su Bingrui's face was ashen, and then he sneered and said: "Okay, then I want to see how you can save Su Taishan's life!"

As he said that, Su Bingrui held a dagger and was about to pierce Mount Su Tai.

Suddenly, there was a swish.

Silver light flickered.

A silver needle flew out of Lin Chen's hand, piercing into Su Bingrui's only good wrist in an instant with lightning speed.


With Su Bingrui's howl of pain, the dagger fell into the air, but was picked up by Lin Chen.

next moment.

With the dagger at Su Bingrui's throat, Lin Chen looked down at him from above, his tone full of indifference: "I'll ask you again, who asked you to come and fetch the Su family's treasure?"

"Lin Chen, kill or cut as you like, I won't say anything!"

Su Bingrui endured the severe pain in his wrist and said with a twitching face.

"Uncle, I hope you will show mercy."

Seeing this, Su Taishan on the side also hurriedly said: "No matter how big a mistake he has made, he is still my younger brother. Can you spare him this time?"

"That's right, my husband, even if he has made a big mistake, there are laws to punish him, so don't act on your will."

Su Qingcheng also stepped forward and grabbed Lin Chen's arm.

Right now, in front of everyone in the Su family, she was very afraid that Lin Chen would kill Su Bingrui directly. It would be a pleasure, but if someone reported it and the law pursued it, Lin Chen might not be able to avoid a lot of trouble.

She didn't want Lin Chen to be held accountable by the law because of Su Bingrui. It was totally not worth it.

"Hehe, Lin Chen has the ability to kill me? How about it, don't you dare

Bar? "

Su Bingrui laughed out loud.

"You bastard, shut up!"

Su Taishan picked up a slap, and slapped it on Su Bingrui's face.

A thread of blood dripped from the corner of Su Bingrui's mouth, but he still sneered: "Brother, are you stupid? You gave the Su family to Su Qingcheng, and the old man gave the treasure to Lin Chen. Do you think this Su family can still be named Su in the future? "

"Why, you have never considered me, and I just refuse to accept it, so I have to rebel. To tell you the truth, a big man has reached an agreement with me. As long as I take out the treasure of the Su family and give it to him, he will directly take the treasure of the Su family. Lifted to the status of the world's top 500."

"The world's top 500, do you know what this concept is? You can enjoy endless glory and wealth, and you will be admired by thousands of people wherever you go. In this way, if you help me get the treasure, you will still be the chairman of the Su Corporation. How about I help you?"

"Anyway, we are all men from the Su family. Who is the chairman?"

Hearing Su Bingrui's persuasion, Su Taishan sighed: "I didn't expect you to be abroad all these years, instead of reducing your desire for profit, it aggravated it."

"Do you know why the old man sent you to go abroad for training? It was because you were too scheming and valued interests too much. When a person pursues interests too much, he will ignore everything around him, whether it is family affection or love. At that time, everything will become a bargaining chip in pursuit of interests."

"At the beginning, when I became the chairman of the Su Corporation, I hurt Qingcheng and Lin Chen because I valued interests very much."

Recalling his attitude when he met Lin Chen for the first time, Su Taishan couldn't help sighing, everything is unpredictable, who would have thought that the poor repairman back then is now an important pillar and an inseparable part of the Su family.

"Don't worry about this. My second brother and I are actually the same kind of people. We just can't bear the sight of a woman controlling the Su family and dictating us!"

Su Bingrui said dismissively: "Besides, Su Taishan, I'm giving you another chance. The power of that big man is far beyond your imagination. In front of him, the Su family can only surrender!"

"It's really noisy!"

Lin Chen looked indifferent, raised his palms, and slapped Su Bingrui to the ground.


Su Bingrui let out a miserable howl, and with Lin Chen's palm, his nose bone was broken on the spot, and two front teeth were also shattered.

"Come on, show him to me."

Lin Chen cast sharp eyes on the security guard beside him.

Immediately, he came

In front of the unconscious old man, he said: "Let's spread out, I'll wake up the old man first, after all, it's not that serious to keep him in a coma."

Hearing this, the members of the Su family who were supporting Old Master Su were speechless for a while.

But last time, in the old man's bedroom, they all saw Lin Chen's superb medical skills, so everyone stepped back in a sensible way.

Next, Lin Chen rolled the old man's eyelids, holding a silver needle with a solemn expression, as if he was a different person.

I saw that the silver needle was free and easy, like a dragon swimming, piercing into various acupuncture points on the old man's body.

Not long after, the old man slowly opened his eyes and coughed twice.

Seeing this, Lin Chen took off the silver needle and said to him: "Old man, it's better not to fluctuate too violently as you get older."

"Thank you."

Mr. Su said weakly.

"Grandpa, you finally woke up, you scared me to death."

Su Qingcheng hugged Mr. Su's shoulders, and said with red eyes.

"Father, we all misunderstood Qingcheng, and what happened is actually like this..."

Su Taishan also came to the old man and explained the scene just now.

After listening, Mr. Su was not angry, only a long sigh.

"Bingrui, you disappointed me so much. For that thing, you were able to ruthlessly spread rumors about your niece, and you actually colluded with someone like a big shot."

"The winner is the loser, so I have nothing to say." Su Bingrui said stubbornly.

"You always say that the treasure belongs to the Su family, but when did our Su family have any treasure? That treasure was entrusted to me by a friend of mine for safekeeping. I want to send the treasure away at will. I don't want to disappoint him. trust."

But Su Bingrui obviously didn't buy it, and instead roared: "But you gave it to Lin Chen, old man, don't you think it's hypocritical for you to say this?"

"Lin Chen's surname is Lin, and my surname is Su. If you want to change someone else's custody, why do you want to give it to someone surnamed Lin?"

"It has nothing to do with you. Of course I have my reasons for handing it over to him." Old Man Su said in a deep voice.

Seeing Su Bingrui's distraught face, Lin Chen sneered in his heart. It's really interesting. This piece of Huayu was originally entrusted to Mr. Su by his father. Now it is given to him, but it is returned to the original owner. What the hell are you? Dare to be contaminated with Huayu?

"That's the end of the gossip."

At this moment, Lin Chen spoke indifferently, and fixed his eyes on Su Bingrui: "Since you said that the big shot has looked for you, do you know where the big shot is?"

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