Overnight Success

Chapter 314 Piaomiao Village Is In Trouble

Su Bingrui turned his head aside, obviously not wanting to answer this question.

"Don't say it, right?"

In this regard, Lin Chen grinned, showing a little serious expression.

"You... what do you want to do!"

Seeing Lin Chen gradually approaching him with malicious intentions, Su Bingrui's heart trembled, and he stammered.

After all, his two wrists are useless now, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, he has no power to fight back.

"What do you say!"

As soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, he shot suddenly.

In an instant, Su Bingrui heard a click from his right shoulder, followed by a scream of horror.

Seeing Su Bingrui groaning in pain, everyone's expression changed slightly.

In any case, Su Bingrui is Su Qingcheng's fourth uncle and the youngest son of Mr. Su, but Lin Chen is actually at the Su family, in front of everyone, and wants to completely abolish Su Bingrui.

This person is really vicious!

"Old man, since you can't teach him how to behave, then I'll teach him. If you can't let go, I'll do it!"

Lin Chen uttered this sentence, and then kicked him to the ground.

Afterwards, Lin Chen stepped on Su Bingrui's chest, looked down at him and said indifferently, "This is the last chance, do you want to say it or not?"

After saying that, the chill permeated, and the murderous intent suddenly appeared.

Just looking at Lin Chen's back, everyone felt as if they were in an ice cellar, and their blood was frozen stiff.

And Su Bingrui has no doubts, if he keeps holding back, the young man in front of him will really end his life.

"I...I said..."

Su Bingrui's defensive line completely collapsed, and he said tremblingly: "I have only talked with the big man, but I can feel that he has used a voice changer, so he can't distinguish the real voice at all, and his mobile phone has also undergone special processing. No way."

Hearing this, Lin Chen frowned.

He naturally knows what Su Bingrui said. It seems that this big man is even more difficult than he imagined, and he does everything without leaking anything.

Until now, if he hadn't heard what Fang Yuan said, he wouldn't even know whether the big shot was a man or a woman.

"However, I have met his daughter. His daughter's name is Fang Yuan. She is abroad. Usually, when important figures give any instructions, it is almost always Fang Yuan who comes to see me. But Fang Yuan has stopped showing up recently. I don't know what happened. "

Lin Chen nodded and asked, "How did you get in touch with the big shots?"

"The big man has great powers, not only has a deep influence in the country, but also has a huge influence overseas.

In the beginning, he approached me on his own initiative and promised me that as long as the treasures of the Su family were handed over to him, he would be able to make the Su family a world-renowned multinational group within minutes. "

Su Bingrui said truthfully.

After listening, the beautiful figure of Fang Yuan appeared in Lin Chen's mind.

If there is no big shot, I should become good friends with her!

It's a pity that, as the goddaughter of a great man, the two are destined to stand on opposite sides.

"This big man is really disgusting. If it wasn't for Lin Chen, I'd probably have died in his hands long ago!"

On the side, Su Qingcheng said angrily.

Old Man Su was silent for a while, and finally made up his mind: "Fifteen years have passed, and he still hasn't given up the idea of ​​looking for Huayu."

"I declare that from today onwards, even if we hit a stone with a pebble, we will have a touch with the big man, and we can no longer be so passive."

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone in the Su family was filled with righteous indignation:

"That's right, since this person has been trying to obtain the treasures of our Su family, we must not sit still!"

"Just fight with him, I want to see if he is a paper tiger!"


Afterwards, Mr. Su called Lin Chen aside, and said in a low voice, "Little friend Lin, if my prediction is correct, you are the descendant of the Lin family back then, the son of Lin Beifeng, right?"

Lin Chen was not surprised, and generously admitted: "That's right, the old man must have guessed it when he handed Huayu to me."

Old Master Su nodded: "There has been no one surnamed Lin in Yunhuai City for fifteen years."

"You have been able to hide all the time. Presumably your identity should be inconspicuous before and you could not get the attention of those people, but it is different now. I heard from Qingcheng that you have accomplished one big thing after another. You must have become a thorn in the eyes of big shots."

"Next, he will kill you at all costs."

"Of course I know this." Lin Chen said flatly, "It's just that, so far, all the people he sent have become my ghosts."

"You should step into the realm and become a strong inner man!"

Mr. Su took a deep look at Lin Chen, and continued, "Since that's the case, I should tell you the truth."

"Back then, there were not only big figures besieging the Lin family, but also other forces. As far as I know, the Dark Pavilion is one of them. Similarly, their goal is also Huayu. As for the other forces, I don't know."

"As the top underground force in Tianhai Province, the dark pavilion can be said to be in charge of everything in the underworld.

I didn't tell you before, because your strength is still weak, now that you have stepped into the realm, how to do it is up to you to decide. "

"But one day you remember, protect Qingcheng well, when I am old, Qingcheng will be entrusted to you."

Lin Chen said solemnly: "Don't worry, as long as I live one day, no one can hurt Qingcheng."

When he uttered this sentence, Lin Chen had already listed the dark pavilion on his must-kill list.

According to the information disclosed by the old man, there were other forces who besieged the Lin family back then, and most importantly, who leaked the fact that the Lin family held three Huayu?

Compared with the besiegers, this person has ulterior motives and is the most hateful.

What puzzled Lin Chen the most was, what was the purpose of this person doing this?

While Lin Chen was thinking, he received a strange call on his mobile phone.

"Old man, I'll answer the phone first when I go out."

When he came outside, Lin Chen connected to the phone and said, "Who is there?"

"Hero Lin, it's me, I'm He Youhan." An urgent voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

"Mr. He, what's the matter?"

Hearing that it was He Youhan, the head of Piaomiao Village, Lin Chen asked.

"A few days ago, a group of people came from Piaomiao Village. They put knives on our necks and forced us to tell who killed the white-haired old man, but I did not choose to compromise. Killing the villagers, now seven or eight villagers have died, and there is nothing I can do about it."

He Youhan said with self-blame.

"What about them?" Lin Chen said, a cold anger shot out of his eyes.

The white-haired old man is a member of the dark pavilion, so the origin of this group of people is obvious.

However, what is unforgivable is that this group of people did not find themselves, so they attacked the villagers, which is an unforgivable crime.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to deal with the dark pavilion, but he didn't expect this group of people to take the first step. If that is the case, then he will sacrifice these people to heaven first!

"They put us in the dungeon, and now we're outside the dungeon."

He Youhan whispered.

"Mr. He, the next time someone dares to bully you, you don't have to cover for me. The villagers are innocent. Just let them come to me."

Lin Chen said directly.

"This can't be done, benefactor, you saved our whole village, we should protect you and not cause you any trouble."

Lin Chen sighed, and then said in a deep voice: "Wait for me, I'll rush over now, don't worry, these people will be buried with the dead villagers!"

Biqu library

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