Overnight Success

Chapter 318 Hidden Killing Intent


"Someone is playing hooligans!"

Outside the police station, a woman screamed.

next moment.

A young woman ran to the gate of the police station and shouted desperately: "Help!"

And behind the woman, a rather handsome young man in a black shirt smiled charmingly: "Beauty, don't run away, I just want to talk to you about my life."

"Talking about life, it's late at night now, what kind of life are you talking about?"

The two policemen on duty walked out, looked at the panicked young woman, and turned to the young man and shouted coldly.

"Police Uncle, this pervert rushed over when he saw me and tore my clothes."

Hearing the woman's words, the policemen turned cold, and immediately stepped forward to arrest the young man and said, "I didn't realize that you look gentle, but I didn't expect you to be a beast in clothes!"

"You can't say that. I just want to talk to her about my life in the love between men and women."

Seeing the police taking him to the police station, a flash of success flashed in the young man's eyes.


As soon as the voice of the police fell, the young man was then detained in the detention center, waiting for questioning.

Inside the detention facility.

When the young man glanced around and found Lin Chen who was also staying here, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

A trace of killing intent flashed through his eyes.

However, the police did not notice this scene. After counseling the young woman, they suddenly saw a beautiful woman walking towards her from the door.

The woman, with a stunning face, had black hair like a waterfall, and was wearing a long aqua blue dress, apparently very peaceful.

"Ma'am, it's so late, who are you looking for?"

The policeman stepped forward and asked.

"I'm here to find my boyfriend. I heard that my boyfriend is being held here. I want to meet him. Is that okay?"

The woman pouted her mouth and said pitifully.

Seeing this, the policeman hesitated and asked, "Who is your boyfriend?"

"His name is Lin Chen, and he just arrived today."

the woman said.

"Lin Chen?" Hearing the familiar name, the policeman flipped through the register, and immediately slapped his thigh and said, "Why do I know him so well? This person is involved in a major case today. If you want to meet, you only have five minutes, so I want to see you." Say something as soon as possible."

"Okay, thanks Police Uncle."

The woman giggled, and then left her name on the register—Fang Yuan.

"Lin Chen, come out, your girlfriend is here."

The police opened the gate of the detention center and brought Lin Chen out.


Lin Chen was confused: "Mr. Police, have you made a mistake, where do I have a girlfriend?"

"It's outrageous, your girlfriend still doesn't forget to look at you so late, don't hurt her heart!"

The policeman said something and led Lin Chen to the reception room.

At this moment, outside the reception room, through a thick layer of glass, Fang Yuan stroked her hair, and looked at Lin Chen who was walking with a smile on her face.

After seeing the police leave, Lin Chen picked up the phone and asked in surprise, "Why are you?"

"Why can't it be me? How about it? Are you very touched to see me?"

Fang Yuan pursed her lips and smiled.

"..." Lin Chen said speechlessly, "I'm touched by a hammer, but fortunately my wife didn't come, otherwise how would you ask me to explain?"

"Why, just because I claim to be your girlfriend?"

Fang Yuan snorted softly: "I don't think your wife is so small-minded!"

"Tell me, what do you want to do here? Don't tell me, it's just to see me."

Lin Chen pouted.


Fang Yuan smiled charmingly, with this smile, the fish and the wild goose were overshadowed, as if the moon was eclipsed in front of her.

"Have you laughed enough? There's nothing else, I'm leaving."

Lin Chen said.

"Can't you just smile at me!" Fang Yuan restrained his smile and said, "Is it because we have different positions that you have to be so indifferent to me?"

"Otherwise?" Lin Chen said flatly.

"Cut!" Fang Yuan said seriously: "Lin Chen, I believe that sooner or later, you will find the good in me and change your view of me."

"Let's get down to business. This time, I'm here to remind you to be careful next time. You have brought down Xingwen Entertainment. My godfather will already send someone from Skynet to kill you."

"According to reliable sources, that person has been looking for your trace recently. Of course, he is also looking for me. I guess I didn't come home, which made my godfather very angry."

Hearing this, Lin Chen was surprised and said: "Why do you tell me these things, aren't you afraid of betraying the big shots, and the big shots will attack you?"

"It's none of your business."

Fang Yuan raised her proud neck and said: "He raised me, I am very grateful to him, but my life cannot be decided by anyone."

"Just like I like you, I must have you!"

Afterwards, Fang Yuan got up and said before leaving: "It's almost time, if you want to know why I told you this,

When you come out, take the initiative to find me. "

After hanging up the phone, Fang Yuan gave Lin Chen a wink and left gracefully.


Witnessing this scene, Lin Chen couldn't help shaking his head.

Just as he was about to get up, the policeman walked in and said: "Lin Chen, your wife is here to look for you, please don't leave."

In fact, when this sentence was said, the policeman felt sour for a while.

He really doesn't understand, what's the origin of this Lin Chen?

These beauties, not to mention being so beautiful, are also his girlfriends, his wives...

This is really envious of the dead!

Seeing Su Qingcheng sit down, Lin Chen picked up the phone, grinned and said, "Honey, you're not home to sleep so late, why are you here to see me?"

"You are here, how can I sleep!"

"You think everyone is as heartless as you, and you're going to scare me to death today, do you know that?"

As Su Qingcheng spoke, tears almost fell down.

On the way home, whenever she thought of the scene of Lin Chen being pointed at with guns by those people, she couldn't help but feel lingering fear.

"Hee hee, I promised Xiao Ying that I will wait here for a few days, and then she will take me out."

Lin Chen said: "Otherwise, I want to leave. How can a police station in this area keep me?"

"You should listen to Officer Xiao. I will fully cooperate and try to bring you out as soon as possible."

As Su Qingcheng spoke, his voice changed: "Did that woman come here just now?"

"Yeah." Lin Chen nodded and said, "She reminded me to be careful, the big shots are going to attack me."

"I didn't expect her to be so kind."

Su Qingcheng snorted, and continued: "By the way, I have some good news for you. Liu Wentao will also join the ranks of dealing with big shots. At present, I am trying my best to win over the Tang family and the Xiao family."

"As for the company and family, don't worry too much. I can handle it well by myself."

"It's good to have a smart and capable wife." Lin Chen laughed.

"You are poor." Su Qingcheng smiled, then glanced at the time, and said reluctantly: "I have to go, my husband takes care of himself."


After Lin Chen finished speaking, he followed the police back to the detention center.

Of course, the police just left.

On the back foot, the young man who seemed to be gentle and gentle, but exuded a cold aura all over his body, took the initiative to meet him, patted Lin Chen's back with a silver needle in his hand, and said with a smile:

"Excuse me, is your name Lin Chen?"

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