
Suddenly, Lin Chen's eyebrows turned cold, and he swung his palm away.


This palm hit the young man's chest with incomparable precision. Immediately, the young man's body flew upside down, vomiting blood again and again, and his breath weakened instantly.

"Boy, how did you find out..."

The young man clutched his chest, and with a wow, he spat out another mouthful of blood, before he could finish his sentence, he threw his head back and died.

However, Lin Chen remained expressionless. Feeling the sharp pain from his back, he frowned slightly.

at the same time.

The sudden sound of fierce fighting drew all the police over.

Seeing this, the police immediately took out their pistols, pointed at Lin Chen cautiously, and shouted, "Don't move!"

Lin Chen glanced at them lightly, then leaned against the wall and sat down.

Afterwards, the police stepped forward to check the breath of the dead young man, and found that the young man had no heartbeat, and his face became extremely ugly.

Murder in the detention center, or in front of their noses, this is undoubtedly a slap in the face of them!

For a while, the policemen glared at Lin Chen and asked, "You did it?"

"Otherwise there are others?"

Lin Chen said neither light nor slow.

Seeing Lin Chen's understatement, the policemen trembled, wondering why this person's psychological quality is so terrifying.

How could he be so leisurely after killing someone.

"I advise you not to act rashly, or the crime will be aggravated!"

The policemen shouted sharply, their eyes extremely cautious.

After all, when dealing with a murderous maniac like Lin Chen, even though they have experienced many battles, they feel terrified.

"Comrade policeman, what crime do I have? I am killing harm for the people!"

Lin Chen blinked.

"Fart, even if this person has committed a heinous crime, he will be punished by law, and it's not your turn to do it!"

The policemen said indifferently.

Obviously, in their eyes, Lin Chen is a heinous murderer!


Lin Chen was taken to the interrogation room again for overnight interrogation.

Coincidentally, Xiao Ying, who had been investigating outside, also returned to the police station. Then, when she heard that Lin Chen had killed someone in the detention center, she ran to the interrogation room without saying a word.

This guy is so annoying!

She had only been away for a while, and then another moth broke out!

Of course she doesn't believe that Lin Chen is killing innocent people indiscriminately, it's just that every time this guy acts, has he ever thought about it?

What a workload it would add to her!

interrogation room,

The first time Xiao Ying saw Lin Chen, she stepped forward and cursed: "Lin Chen, you can't be more honest and say, why did you kill someone this time!"

"This person killed me. If he doesn't die, then I will die!"

Lin Chen said sincerely.

"..." Xiao Ying, one head and two big, was speechless.

For the same reason again, she couldn't figure out how many people this guy had offended, and why everyone wanted to kill him!


"After being monitored by the detention center, he just wanted to greet you in a friendly way, but you'd better just slap him to death!"

Beside Xiao Ying, another policewoman said.

"I'm telling the truth."

Lin Chen shrugged and said lightly: "This person really wants to kill me, believe it or not."

Through Fang Yuan's reminder, Lin Chen kept an eye on it, but he didn't think that, as soon as Fang Yuan finished speaking, the killer sneaked into the police station and wanted to kill him.

In fact, the killer was also very aggrieved.

With great difficulty, he pretended to be an obscene man and happened to be in the same detention center as Lin Chen.

Unexpectedly, he was just about to deal with Lin Chen without anyone noticing, but the other party's reaction was extremely fast. He shot a Setsuna, and the other party also shattered his tendons with a palm.

"Lin Chen, what is your attitude!"

At this moment, Xiao Ying slapped the table and said very aggrieved: "I have been searching for evidence in the villa in order to prove my innocence for you, but you are lucky..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Ying didn't say any more, she turned her back, with tears in her eyes.

Seeing this, Lin Chen said, "Officer Xiao, I know your kindness, but I'm telling the truth!"

"You can zoom in on the monitor and take a good look at what that person has in his hand."

Hearing this, Xiao Ying gritted her teeth, took a deep breath, and said to the female police officer beside her, "Please, go and adjust the video again, especially check that person's hands carefully."

Not long after.

As the monitoring was zoomed in again, Xiao Ying's eyes suddenly focused, and she couldn't help exclaiming: "This person has a silver needle in his hand?"

As soon as the words came out. Biqu library

For a moment, many police officers looked at each other, their eyes full of disbelief.

It is really that the silver needle is too small, if it is not specially enlarged, it cannot be captured at all.

"I said I wasn't lying,

You still don't believe it. "

Lin Chen shook his head, and continued: "Also, this is not an ordinary silver needle, it is a poisonous needle."

Seeing Lin Chen's determination, Xiao Ying subconsciously asked, "How do you know?"

"Because it's stuck in my back right now."

Lin Chen said calmly.

As soon as the words fell, everyone was slightly taken aback, and Xiao Ying suddenly stepped forward and pulled Lin Chen's clothes off.

Just below Lin Chen's spine, the poisonous needle pierced deeply into Lin Chen's skin, and the surrounding skin turned black, which was obviously a sign of poisoning.

"Lin...Lin Chen...you, how are you doing now?"

Xiao Ying said tremblingly.

"What do you mean, you're about to die."

As Lin Chen spoke, his lips couldn't help turning purple.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ying became anxious immediately, and cried: "Come on, call the doctor, call the doctor!"

Everyone was at a loss and could only call 120.

"Don't call me a doctor, this poison is not something they can cure, so don't waste your time."

Just as Lin Chen finished speaking, he closed his eyes and passed out on the spot.

Visible to the naked eye, the toxin spread through the blood, turning most of Lin Chen's skin into blue-black.

"Lin Chen, don't worry, I will definitely save you, and I will carry you to the hospital right now."

As Xiao Ying said, she quickly ran towards the hospital with Lin Chen on her back.

When they arrived at the hospital, the doctors immediately examined Lin Chen and discussed the treatment plan.

However, after a while of discussion, the doctors turned to Xiao Ying helplessly: "Officer Xiao, this patient has been deeply poisoned and the toxin has penetrated into the bone marrow. I am afraid it will be difficult to cure. Please call the patient's family as soon as possible so that we can issue a critical illness notice."

Hearing these words, Xiao Ying's delicate body trembled slightly.

Looking at the unconscious Lin Chen in front of him, tears fell to the ground.

Is this man really dead?

Recalling the scenes between her and Lin Chen, for Xiao Ying, this moment was like a knife piercing her heart.

"Lin Chen, you can't die, did you hear that!"

"You big villain, didn't you say you want to hear me sing Conquer? I haven't sung yet, how can you die!"

As she spoke, Xiao Ying threw herself on Lin Chen's chest, crying like pear blossoms and rain.


"Officer Xiao, then you are not allowed to go back on your word..."

At this time, a slightly joking voice sounded from Xiao Ying's ear.

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