Overnight Success

Chapter 324 Participate In The Kings Summit


For this bloody scene, everyone present gasped.

This Nima is too ruthless!

If his tongue was cut off, wouldn't this Zheng Tianxiong become dumb in the future?


Zheng Tianxiong was lying on the ground and writhing in pain. He couldn't believe that when he came to Su's this trip, his tongue would be cut off. Biqu library

However, Lin Chen didn't show the slightest pity on his face, instead he said indifferently: "Take your tongue, and I'll give you ten seconds to disappear in front of me, or don't talk about your tongue, all your arms and legs will stay here today! "

Hearing this, Zheng Tianxiong broke out in a cold sweat, not caring about the pain, picked up his bloody tongue and ran out the door.

And Han Yue supported You Ying to keep up.

Seeing the three leave in despair, everyone in the Su family felt relieved.

Apparently, facing Zheng Tianxiong's unreasonable demands just now, they all dared not speak up and held their breath in their hearts.

But Lin Chen's series of shots helped them get rid of all the bad breath.

Just don't be too cool!

Su Taishan looked at Lin Chen, and the more he looked, the more he felt that this son-in-law really liked him!

But compared to the others, Su Qingcheng said worriedly: "After Zheng Tianxiong returns, he will definitely report to the big shot. It will be even more difficult for us to know his address in the future."

"Honey, you don't need to worry about this matter."

Lin Chen interjected: "The address of the big man, I have a solution."

"You have a way?"

Su Qingcheng blinked: "What way?"

"You can't say it yet, just wait for my news." Lin Chen kept a secret.

Seeing this, Su Qingcheng took a deep look at him, and immediately said: "You haven't told me how you got out of the police station!"

"It's all thanks to Officer Xiao."

Lin Chen spoke succinctly, omitting the fact that he was attacked and killed in the detention center.

At this moment, looking at Lin Chen's figure, everyone in the Su family couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

I don't know when, their Su family seems to be more and more inseparable from Lin Chen, as if without Lin Chen, they can't do anything


It has to be said that Lin Chen, the wealthy son-in-law, they have found.


And in Tianhai province, among the Zhou family.

At this moment, the Zhou family built a mourning hall, and Zhou Junfan's body was lying in a golden nanmu coffin.

Zhou Yitian, the Patriarch of the Zhou family, was wearing mourning clothes, and said with tears running down his face: "Fan'er, don't worry about this revenge, my father will definitely avenge you."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Yitian turned his head to look at the young man in gray robe.

The young man was thin, with a feminine appearance, exuding a faint yin energy from his body.

"Daoist, have you checked it out? The person who destroyed your master's formation is really Lin Chen from Yunhuai City?"

The gray-robed youth said indifferently: "Through the person in the dark pavilion, I have learned that it was this person who destroyed the formation that master painstakingly managed in Piaomiao Village for more than ten years, and my master once left a treasure in the formation. Presumably that piece of treasure should also be taken by this person."

"So, no matter what, Lin Chen must die, and I will take back the treasure in his hand!"

When he uttered this sentence, the gray-robed youth showed no expression on his face, appearing very indifferent.

"Daozhang, you have also seen that my son died at his hands." Zhou Yitian said: "So you come to Zhou's house to cooperate with me, our purpose is the same, Lin Chen must die!"

"In a few days, it will be the summit of the kings. I hope the Taoist priest can help me compete for the underground forces in Yunhuai City. As long as I can occupy the underground forces in Yunhuai City, then the movements of the Su family and Lin Chen will be under our noses." under the house."

"I will fight for you, but you need to remember, you must not touch the treasure in Lin Chen's hand, otherwise you will only die!"

The gray-robed youth said calmly.

"I only want the underground industry in Yunhuai City and Lin Chen's life, and everything else belongs to the Taoist priest."

Zhou Yitian said, with strong hatred in his eyes.

He can't wait to see Lin Chen's head and body separated!


In Yunhuai City, in a smoky bar.

Lin Chen just appeared here on the front foot, and one on the back foot

The glamorous woman in a cheongsam twisted her sexy hips and led him into a soundproof private room.

"grown ups."

In the private room, Jiang Meigui stood up from her seat and said respectfully to Lin Chen.


Lin Chen waved his hand and said, "I'm here to ask you something this time."

"My lord, please speak."

Lin Chen said: "That's right, you told me about the summit of kings that day, do you still remember it?"

"Why do you ask this, my lord?"

Jiang Meigui said suspiciously.

"I want to know, are there any requirements for participating in the summit of kings?" Lin Chen said.

"My lord, don't you want to participate?"

Jiang Meigui looked surprised, and then said: "There is only one condition, and that is the invitation letter from the Dark Pavilion. Every year, any underground force with a certain reputation will receive an invitation letter from the Dark Pavilion."

"Those who hold the invitation letter of the Dark Pavilion can successfully participate in the Kings Summit, otherwise they will not be eligible to participate."

Hearing this, Lin Chen then asked: "Then how many invitations do you have?"

"I'm sorry, my lord, I only have one. If my father is still alive, I might be able to get two."

With that said, Jiang Meigui couldn't hide her disappointment.

"That's it!"

"Then I understand. We, the kings, will meet at that time."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he left the bar directly and called Fangyuan.

The phone rang several times.

After finding that no one answered, Lin Chen didn't call again.

Strange, what on earth is this woman doing, she doesn't answer the phone.

Right now, Jiang Meigui only has one invitation letter, so if he wants to participate in the Kings Summit, he has to rely on Fangyuan.

After all, Fangyuan is backed by a big person, presumably there must be more than one invitation letter in the Dark Pavilion.

Thinking like this.

Lin Chen planned to go to Fangyuan's sea view villa and come to inquire.

not for a while.

When he arrived at the sea view villa, he knocked on the door twice, but after finding no response, he planned to open the door and enter.


As soon as the door was pushed open, it was pitch black.

Suddenly, there was a swish.

A cold arrow was shot towards his face.

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