Overnight Success

Chapter 325 Fangyuan's Opponent

Just when the cold arrow was about to pierce Lin Chen's forehead,

Lin Chen's neck suddenly tilted, and he dodged the fatal blow with an extremely strange posture.

Seeing that the cold arrow fell into the air, there was a faint sound from inside the villa.

next moment.

A black shadow appeared in front of Lin Chen like a ghost, holding a blade and attacking his vital parts with a cold light.


A muffled hum sounded.

Lin Chen remained intact and stood where he was, but the black shadow kept retreating, the blade in his hand shattered into two halves.

"I didn't realize that you still have this ability."

Heiying said coldly, the chill on his body was even worse. Biqu library

"Where's Fangyuan?"

Just as Lin Chen finished speaking, there was a burst of sobs.

Afterwards, he squinted and found that Fang Yuan was lying on the wool blanket on the floor with his hands and feet bound.

"I am here under the order of the great man to take away Miss Fang Yuan and take your life."

At this time, Soi Ying spoke again: "I underestimated the enemy just now, and you reacted to it, but then, you will not be so lucky."

Hearing this, Lin Chen took a serious look at the black shadow.

Hei Ying was dressed in black and wore a ghost mask, revealing only a pair of cold eyes.

Looking at him, Lin Chen said calmly: "Your sneak attack skills are not bad, but you are still too tender to deal with me."


Heiying sneered coldly: "You know that I am a member of Skynet. Over the years, an arrogant boy like you has died countless times under my hands."

"Later, if you don't hold back, maybe I can give you a good time!"

Regarding this, Lin Chen said disdainfully: "I have killed quite a few people from Skynet, but this is the first time I have seen someone as noisy as you."

"Stop talking nonsense, just use any tricks!"

Hearing this, Soi Ying's expression was gloomy, and he shot suddenly, with murderous intent in his eyes.


Lin Chen felt a strong murderous intent coming.

Immediately afterwards, a black shadow appeared behind him, unleashing an extremely terrifying attack.

This move is more than ten times stronger than before.

Seeing that this sure-fire move was about to penetrate Lin Chen's back, the corner of Sombra's mouth curled up in a mocking arc.

Obviously, in his eyes, Lin Chen was already a corpse.

However, what he didn't expect was that at this critical moment, Lin Chen's body suddenly bent, not only dodged the move, but instead condensed his five fingers towards his chest.

Boom past.


This punch pierced Sombra's chest on the spot, causing his body to hit the ground hard.


Hei Ying spit out a mouthful of blood and looked at Lin Chen with deep fear in his eyes.

"You...you have already broken through to the realm?"

The black shadow held his chest tremblingly and said.

"Dead people don't need to know this."

Lin Chen said indifferently, and a silver needle shot out from his hand towards the black shadow's brow.


During Setsuna, the silver needle pierced the black shadow's eyebrows, and until he was about to die, the black shadow's eyes were wide open, obviously dying.


Lin Chen came in front of Fang Yuan, and while helping her to untie her, he jokingly said, "I didn't expect that Miss Fang Yuan was tied up when she was the daughter of a big man."

"Cut!" Fang Yuan rolled his eyes: "That guy took advantage of my inattention and tricked me, otherwise how could I be caught by him?"

"Ah yes yes yes!"

Seeing Lin Chen's teasing expression, Fang Yuan said angrily, "So you came to see me just to see my jokes?"

"That's not true." Lin Chen curled his lips: "I wanted to ask you for an invitation letter to the Kings Summit, but I didn't expect to encounter such a scene."

Hearing this, Fang Yuan's eyes flashed with cunning: "It turns out that Mr. Lin wanted something from me, no wonder you took the initiative to find me."

"I can give you the invitation letter, but you must be my thug."

"..." Lin Chen blinked and said, "Miss Fang Yuan is the daughter of a big man, and there is no one around you who will work hard for you?"

"In the past, there was no shortage." Fang Yuan said helplessly: "But you know my current situation. Ever since I got into an argument with my godfather, I have no one to use."

"Uh..." Lin Chen hesitated and said, "Anyway, we have the same goal, if you are your thug, you will be your thug."

"Hee hee, then we can make a deal, let's pull Gougou."

Seeing Fangyuan sticking out his finger, Lin Chen said speechlessly, "Aren't you childish..."

"Come on, do you still want an invitation letter?" Fang Yuan pouted. Biqu library

"I really admire you..."


After coming out of Fangyuan Villa, Lin Chen spent the next week preparing for the Kings Summit.

And Su Qingcheng was busy with various affairs in the company. Ever since Hua Furong became the endorser of Su Corporation, Su Corporation's stock market has been rising continuously, and many partners come to seek cooperation with Su Corporation every day.

In this way, the husband and wife, each

Busy with everyone.

Time flies.

A week passed quickly, and finally came the game time for the Kings Summit.

Compared with the past, the summit of kings held competitions in underground boxing rings, but this time the summit of kings will be held on a small island.

The location of the island is mysterious. Only contestants with invitation letters can take the yacht and get the map to the island.

The advantage of this is that once someone dies during the competition, it can be thrown into the sea directly. Secondly, the secrecy is very good, and it is almost impossible to be found by the government.

At this moment, Lin Chen and Fang Yuan arrived on the yacht early.

But here, there are all kinds of beauties and red wine, and card table games are almost everywhere. Obviously, these are the standard equipment for people of underground forces.

Finding a quiet place, Fang Yuan put on sunglasses and stood quietly, very low-key.

Anyway, now that her relationship with the big shot is strained, there must be many big shot subordinates who will come here to find her whereabouts.

After all, the big shot knows that she has a deep hatred with the Dark Pavilion, and she will also attend the Kings Summit every year, waiting for the opportunity to take revenge.

However, even so, her figure was still quickly spotted.

At this moment, a sarcasm sounded.

"Hehe, isn't this our Princess Fangyuan? Why is she reduced to the point where she doesn't even have a servant by her side?"

A woman wearing a purple cheongsam, heavy makeup, and a group of entourages walked straight towards Fangyuan.

"Xia Qing, what are you doing here?"

A look of disgust appeared in Fang Yuan's eyes, he turned around and said coldly, "I haven't seen you for a long time, I didn't expect the fox smell on you to be so strong!"

"Fangyuan, where do you have the confidence to talk to me like that?" Xia Qing's expression changed, and she mocked, "You say I'm a vixen, but I can at least catch men, but what about you?"

"It's useless to have a fluffy skin that can't even conquer a man."

"However, that's fine. In this way, the big man will only love me if he likes it, and at that time, you will only be worthy of carrying my shoes!"

Hearing Xia Qing's words, Fang Yuan smiled disdainfully:

"Xia Qing, do you really think that if I have a stalemate with the big shot, you will have a place to come? Let me tell you, you are just a dog next to the big shot. Instead of fighting against me, I advise you to think of a way out."

"In order not to get to the end, the bamboo basket fetches water in vain."

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