Overnight Success

Chapter 333 Lin Chen Makes A Move And Shocks The Audience

Hearing this, everyone at the scene turned red, feeling that they had been greatly insulted.

At this moment, they couldn't tell that this person's voice was not from Tianhai province at all.

But right now, as the local snakes of Tianhai Province, they are overwhelmed by an outsider, which is simply a great irony.

The man in black looked disdainful: "Why, are they all dumb?"

"Or, you don't have the courage to attack me at all?"

"It turns out that many underground forces in Tianhai Province are not only garbage, but also a bunch of cowards!"

Seeing the arrogance of the man in black robe, no matter how aggrieved everyone felt, they dared not speak out to refute.

After all, even Elder Wuying is no match for this person, and they are probably not even qualified to be cannon fodder.

"It's okay to scold, but don't take me with you. These people are cowards, but it doesn't mean that I am too."

At this time, an insipid voice sounded.

Follow the reputation.

Everyone saw that Lin Chen stood up from his seat and walked towards the ring step by step.

"However, you and I have already entered the finals, and now we are competing, how do we calculate?"

When Lin Chen uttered this sentence, he looked at the people in the dark pavilion below the stage.

At this moment, everyone in the Dark Pavilion looked at the shattered bones of Elder Wuying, their faces were very ugly.

Immediately, Gong Nanjun said in a deep voice: "If the two of you want to compete, the winner will enter the final, otherwise the loser will be eliminated."

"it is good."

Lin Chen put one hand in his pocket and turned to look at the man in black: "Are you going to compete now, or give you a little rest?"

"Don't wait to lose, say I bullied you."

Hearing this, the man in black sneered: "I don't know, you are a brat, how could you have the courage to speak to me like that?"

"However, you are better than those cowards, at least you look like a man."

The words fell.

The faces of everyone at the scene were hot, and they were ashamed.

"Hei Pao, don't rush to deal with him yet, come down and rest for a while."

At this moment, the Miao Jiang man in the audience said indifferently.


The man in black nodded, gestured to wipe Lin Chen's neck, and walked off the ring.

However, during this period, everyone in the dark pavilion collected the bones of the elder Wuying

Assemble and pack in a box.

Seeing this, Gong Nanjun said darkly: "Find a date and arrange the burial!"

Obviously, none of them had thought of the death of Elder Wuying, and for Ange, they were completely disgraced today. Right now, they can only hope that Lin Chen can get rid of this person, otherwise, if this person really wants to go to the end, Ange will never die again. In the future, I'm afraid it will become a laughing stock.

"Pavilion Master, do you want to send some water to the contestants?"

The young man who delivered the water earlier asked Gong Nanjun.

"it is good."

Seeing that Gong Nanjun didn't object, there was a hint of success in the young man's eyes.

Then, when the young man passed by the Miao Jiang man, he exchanged glances with him, and brought water to Lin Chen.

Regarding this, Lin Chen sneered in his heart.

You still want to use the same trick on me, what daydream?

After receiving the water, Lin Chen didn't refuse, and drank it in one gulp.

"It's so cool, I've been thirsty for a long time."

Lin Chen smacked his mouth and pretended to say.

"Ha ha……"

The Miao Jiang man caught a glimpse of this scene, raised the corner of his mouth, and gave the young man an approving look on the spot.

Although, he didn't think that Lin Chen could win against him, but after drinking this glass of water, the suspense was lost.

Later, this Lin Chen will be the next Wuying.

In this trip, he was not only looking for the Huayu in the dark pavilion, but also intending to expand the influence of Miao Jiang and attract more people to join.

When Miao Jiang regained his strength, it was time for them to launch a counterattack against the imperial court again.

Believe that that day is not too far away.


On the other end, Fang Yuanyu clenched her hands tightly, her brows were full of worry.

"You said Lin Chen should be fine, right?"

Fang Yuan asked Dong Haihua.

"Don't worry, I believe that with the ability of Lin Gaoren, it is more than enough to deal with that person."

Dong Haihua is full of strong confidence in Lin Chen.

If even Lin Chen can't solve this person, then the final winner of today's competition may really be this person.

ten minutes later.

The break is over.

Lin Chen and the man in black looked at each other, sparks intertwined, and the atmosphere fell silent at this moment.

Everyone held their breath, quietly waiting for this competition to come.

set foot on

In the arena, the man in black turned to Lin Chen and said sarcastically, "Boy, your biggest mistake was to challenge me, but because of your courage, I will leave you with a dead body."


Lin Chen stood proudly, and said coldly: "If you have the ability, just use it, otherwise, once I make a move, you will have no chance."


The man in black showed a sinister face, and with a wave of his sleeves, countless Gu worms surrounded Lin Chen.

Looking at this move, it is exactly the same as dealing with Elder Wuying before.

But compared to when Elder Wuying retreated steadily and didn't dare to fight hard, Lin Chen had a calm expression on his face. With a wave of his hand, all the Gu worms exploded and turned into pieces of blood mist.

During Setsuna, the black-robed man's face was pale and his eyes widened: "How is it possible?"

His Gu worms, which have been raised for a long time, can be said to be his trump card. Once the Gu worms come out together, even the ninth-level peak fighters can only avoid their edge.

On the other hand, Lin Chen actually killed all his Gu worms with one move!

This shit...

Heipao's heart is bleeding, he has spent countless efforts in raising these Gu worms, but luckily now, a face-to-face meeting, all his years of hard work were wasted.

Take a deep breath.

The black-robed man's pupils were bloodshot, and he was in a state of desperation. He was full of strength, and he was about to fight physically.

"Is this urgent?"

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth curled up.

Seeing the violent aura of the man in black, the incomparably domineering punch was less than three feet away from him.

Lin Chen slowly stretched out his right palm, and his spiritual energy suddenly appeared.

Then, the strike was as fast as lightning, and his figure turned into an afterimage, directly dodging the punch of the man in black, and slashed hard at his right shoulder instead.


When the palm was slashed, there was a crackling sound.

The right arm of the man in black was separated from his body on the spot.

Blood splattered all over the place.

next second.

A terrifying scream resounded through the sky.

Hearing the scream of the man in black, the hearts of everyone at the scene trembled violently, and there was an unconcealable shock on their faces.

Looking at the figure on the ring, that was as straight as a gun, and as stern as a god of war.

Everyone present swallowed hard and their scalps were numb.

What is the origin of this person?

Why is it so powerful!

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