Overnight Success

Chapter 334 This Fart Should Be Shocking To Heaven

"Why, that's it?"

Lin Chen was condescending, looking down at the man in black robe, and said indifferently: "Aren't you very good at shouting just now?"

"Continue calling?"

Hearing this, the man in black blushed, endured the intense pain and said: "Boy, you..."

Of course, the conversation is halfway through.

Lin Chen stepped hard on the black-robed man's breastbone.

In an instant, the bone broke.

The man in black wowed, spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face quickly turned pale.

"You think you're awesome, don't you?"

Lin Chen only used a voice that the two of them could hear, and said disdainfully: "Just now, if it wasn't for your companion who sent someone to drug the old man, do you really think you can win?"

Apparently, Lin Chen was very disdainful of this lowly behavior.

"What did you say?"

The black-robed man's eyes were full of disbelief, no wonder he found that the shadowless old man suddenly lost the power to resist, it turned out he had been drugged.

Immediately, the man in black opened his mouth and shouted at the host: "I recognize..."

However, before he could utter the last word, Lin Chen waved his palm, lightly, causing the head and neck of the man in black to be separated.

For a time, blood sprayed all over the place.

The bloody smell of the man in black wafted in the air.

After about half a minute, the scene exploded.

Almost everyone was raising their arms and cheering, venting all the grievances in their hearts.

However, here in the Dark Pavilion.

Gong Nanjun's eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice: "Have you found out the origin of this person?"

"Report to Pavilion Master, this person is a thug that Fang Yuan found."

One of his men said.

"At all costs, lure him to the dark pavilion to replace Elder Wuying."

The words fell.

Everyone in the Dark Pavilion was shocked.

You know, apart from the Supreme Elder Xuesha, Elder Wuying's position as the head of the elders is only under the pavilion master.

But now, the Pavilion Master wants that young man to directly take the place of Elder Wuying. This is enough to show that the Pavilion Master values ​​this person!

at the same time.

In the seat, Zhou Yitian showed a gloomy expression, and said to the gray-robed youth: "Master Daoist, are you sure you can win this person? It will be a decisive battle between the two of you later."

"Fifty percent."

The gray-robed youth said lightly: "This person has not used all his strength to kill the black-robed man, so I am not good at judging."

"But rather than winning him, I'm more concerned about where is Lin Chen?"


At present, he glanced around and found no trace of Lin Chen, which made him very puzzled.


After a short break.

The final round of finals officially begins.

Originally, everyone was very vocal about the gray-robed youth, but just now Lin Chen conquered them with his actions.

When Tianhai Province was underestimated and despised by others, it was Lin Chen who took the initiative to restore his dignity. On the other hand, the gray-robed youth did not set an example.

This undoubtedly greatly reduced the public's impression of him.

On the ring, Lin Chen smiled at the gray-robed youth: "I seem to have seen your breath before."

In fact, from the moment he saw the gray-robed youth, he discovered that the unique cold aura on this person was exactly the same as that of the gathering ghost formation.

This shows that even if it wasn't the person who portrayed the ghost gathering formation in Piaomiao Village, he must have done it.

"There's so much nonsense, die!"

Compared to before, this time the gray-robed youth took the initiative to attack, his fists were concentrated, and he was about to wave it at Lin Chen's face.

Lin Chen suddenly lowered his head, and said with distressed expression: "The canvas shoes I bought for this competition, I haven't worn them for two days, and I was spattered with blood by that guy just now."

Hearing this sentence, everyone couldn't help but rolled their eyes.

Brother, what time is it!

It's the final, you don't pay attention to the game, but you still care about a pair of shoes!

Moreover, no matter how you look at these shoes, they look like street stalls!

But it was also Lin Chen who lowered his head that made the gray-robed youth feel lonely, and then just as the young man looked astonished, Lin Chen stood up, and hit the young man's chin hard with his backhand elbow.


At this moment, the young man's jaw suddenly cracked.

The young man in pain gasped frequently.

"Sorry, I didn't hurt you!"

Lin Chen scratched his head, apologetic.

"Boy, are you teasing me on purpose?"

Where did the gray-robed youth suffer from such grievances, and immediately said angrily.

This kid just doesn't play cards according to common sense, but in the end he took advantage and acted like a good boy, this damn is really annoying!

"This statement is wrong. My sexual orientation is very normal, and I really have no interest in flirting with a man."

Lin Chen said very seriously.


The gray-robed youth almost spat out a mouthful of old blood angrily, and turned to say in a dark voice: "You're looking for death!"

next moment.

The gray-robed youth flashed and just appeared behind Lin Chen

, while planning to give him a fatal blow, Lin Chen suddenly let out a loud fart.


In an instant, the face of the gray-robed youth changed drastically, as if he had been hit by a shock wave, and his whole body was blasted onto the pillar, smashing the pillar to pieces.

Then, the gray-robed youth fell to the ground, spat out a mouthful of sticky blood, and his body creaked like falling apart.

"Sorry, I farted and didn't hold back."

Following Lin Chen's hey smile, everyone present was shocked.

All of them stared wide-eyed and swallowed.

Where is this a fart, this is clearly a qigong wave!

Just ask whose fart is so lethal!

Almost didn't kill people!

It has to be said that everyone felt sorry for the gray-robed youth. They thought it would be a close battle, but they didn't expect it to turn into such a dramatic scene in the end.

It's really ironic.

At this moment, in the dark pavilion, an old man dressed in a blood robe and with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes, bursting out with two brilliant lights.

It's like seeing a treasure.

Regarding this, Gong Nanjun was a little surprised and said: "Elder Supreme, you are..."

In the past, the summit of the kings, the person in front of him has always been indifferent, including the killing of Elder Wuying just now, there is not even any emotion on his face.

"This person must never let go!"

After leaving this sentence, the blood-robed old man closed his eyes again.

However, this caused a huge wave in the hearts of the people in the dark pavilion. Didn't the young people on the stage just fart?

Suppressing the shock, everyone once again set their sights on the ring.

The young man in gray robe supported his body, gritted his teeth and said coldly to Lin Chen, "Boy, are you playing tricks?"

"Do you dare to say that you are farting?"

"I almost lost my life to you!"

Lin Chen spread his arms and said helplessly, "I really just farted!"

"Why don't you trust me?"

"It's a big deal, you put one in too, so we'll be evened!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Chen had already burst out laughing in his heart.

Just now, that fart was precisely the fart he concentrated his spiritual energy on the gray-robed youth, but to his surprise, the gray-robed youth was quite tenacious, only suffering from skin trauma.

It seemed that this opponent should not be underestimated.

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