Overnight Success

Chapter 335 Qilin Appears, Evil Cultivator Falls

Hearing Lin Chen's words, the gray-robed youth burst into anger, feeling that he had been seriously insulted.

He had an intuition that this person did it on purpose, and the purpose was to disgust him!

Just now, with the intensity of that fart, this person can obviously use more effective and direct means to fight back, but this person just doesn't want to use fart to humiliate him!

This time, the gray-robed youth waved his sleeves, and his hands suddenly sealed.

Afterwards, a series of jerky and incomprehensible spells sounded from his mouth.


In an instant, a silver snake lightning flashed across the originally clear sky.

The grey-robed youth has a ferocious face, like a devil, covered with black lines, his body is rapidly expanding, as if something is about to burst out.

"Hoo hoo—"

The wind was howling and the clouds were thick.

Following a stream of light flashing from the gray-robed youth's body, the next second, the youth's stomach was ripped apart, and a baby covered in blood slowly walked out.

The baby had a ferocious face, and there was an umbilical cord connected to the young man on his stomach.

Every step he took, the world roared, as if this person should not exist in the world.

Everyone at the scene was shocked and looked at the baby with deep fear.

Even if the baby's target is not them, but this kind of oppression and suffocation makes them unable to raise any thoughts of resistance.

"Gu raising children and using them to refine corpses, aren't you afraid of being punished by heaven?" Pen Fun Library

Lin Chen restrained his smile and said indifferently.

According to the records in "The Secret Art of Yin and Yang", it is said that there is an extremely evil art in the Western Regions, called Birth!

The so-called birth is to take a child still in a woman's womb and put it in her pelvis to warm up. When the time is right, the child will turn into a young ghost king and be controlled by the caster.

And this kind of sorcery will always be condemned by the heavens. In fact, it is to take away the child still in the woman's womb and carry out Gu breeding, which will not only cause the child to mutate, but also cause the child's mother to die on the spot.

It is really to achieve the goal, by any means.

"Ghost kings are difficult to breed. My master has been breeding them for many years, but I have never cultivated them. Now I have a faster way, so why not do it?"

The gray-robed youth grinned: "I can feel that your blood is very pure. If I can pour it with your blood, my progress as a ghost king will be greatly accelerated."

Hearing this, Lin Chen said indifferently: "Do you think you have killed me?"

"Otherwise?" The gray-robed youth shrugged, looked at the baby and vowed: "This baby was carefully bred by me, and its strength is comparable to that of a peak warrior of the ninth rank. In my opinion, your strength should be at the ninth rank.

Around the middle. "

"What do you use against me?"

"However, since this baby exploded, it's hard to find a place for me here, so to kill you, I have to get rid of all these people."

The voice fell.

The faces of everyone at the scene changed.

For a while, many people were thinking about how to evacuate, obviously not wanting to be the baby's meal.

"If you think you can beat me with this thing, then I can only say that you are totally wrong!"

Lin Chen said calmly, his usually handsome face now gleamed with a cold murderous intent, which made people daunting.

"Oh? Then I want to see, what else do you have?"

The gray-robed youth thought that Lin Chen was playing tricks, and immediately manipulated the baby, bursting out a burst of strong gray air, sweeping towards Lin Chen in an instant.

In the midst of the gray air, all the ghosts were crying, mixed with children's shrill howls, which were still ringing in my ears, sending chills down my spine.

next moment.

A series of fierce ghosts emerged from the gray air, and rushed towards Lin Chen on the spot.

However, Lin Chen was unmoved, his sleeves fluttered, and he shouted: "Get out!"


During Setsuna, there was a loud bang, golden light splashed everywhere, and all the ghosts turned into nothingness.

Then, everyone could clearly see that from behind Lin Chen, a phantom of Qilin about a hundred feet in length appeared.

Compared to the shock in everyone's eyes, the blood-robed old man in the dark pavilion said in surprise, "Turn Qi into something, defeat the enemy with one move."

"Where does this person come from? At this age, he has realized such a profound state of the state."

However, for Lin Chen, this move was visualized during his deep practice for nearly a week.

It turns out that when one enters into a god, everyone will enter a unique state at a certain time, and this state is called visualization.

For the visualizer, if a tiger appears in the picture, then the visualization is a tiger.

The things visualized often also herald the future cultivation path of the immortal cultivator. According to the experience left by the old man back then, what he visualized at the beginning was the divine beast Xuanwu.

Therefore, his main cultivation method is defensive attribute. It can be said that in his era, the number of people who can injure him is no more than his hands.

It is conceivable that his defense is strong.

In contrast to Lin Chen, the object of visualization is the auspicious beast—Qilin.

Qilin combines all the attributes of the four beasts, and integrates offense and defense.

Most importantly, Qilin's awe-inspiring righteousness has a natural ability to suppress all evil things in the world.

Therefore, on the ring, the faces of the gray-robed youth and his baby were very painful, under the illumination of Qilin's phantom,

It was as if they were burning with raging fire and were about to be burned.

"Since the heavens haven't saved you yet, then I will do justice for the heavens and send you to hell to die."

Lin Chen shouted in a low voice, and then rushed over in one step, as fast as lightning, with a wave of his palm, he severed the umbilical cord between the young man in gray robe and the baby.


A terrifying scream sounded.

Having lost his umbilical cord, the gray-robed youth was lying on the ground in great pain.

The body twitched violently.

Similarly, without the umbilical cord connection, the baby looked confused, with scarlet eyes gradually revealing a touch of innocence.

In the final analysis, the baby became like this, after all, it was manipulated by the evil method of the gray-robed youth.

The umbilical cord is the source of evil control. Now that the umbilical cord is cut off, the baby has recovered for a moment, but without the nutrients from the umbilical cord, the baby's skin is rapidly drying up, turning into a mummy. Biqu library

Seeing this, Lin Chen sighed slightly in his heart.

This pair of mother and son is really pitiful.

Immediately, Lin Chen cast his eyes on the fallen gray-robed youth and said in a low voice, "If I'm not mistaken, you and your master did the ghost-gathering formation in Piaomiao Village, right?"

"You... who are you?" Hearing this, the gray-robed youth said hoarsely, enduring the severe pain.

"I am the person who destroys the gathering ghosts."

"Are you Lin Chen?"

The gray-robed youth's eyes widened, but he didn't wait for him to continue.

Lin Chen directly grabbed his hair, pulled it in front of the baby's body, and knocked it down on the ground: "Before you go to hell, you must first apologize to the dead soul!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After a series of kowtows, blood came from the forehead of the gray-robed youth, several teeth were shattered, his whole face was distorted, and he was very embarrassed.

"Good knock!"

Seeing this scene, everyone at the scene waved their fists, feeling extremely relieved.

As underground forces, although they love money, they still have a bottom line, but this person in front of them has such a way to deal with an innocent mother and child, it is really outrageous!

Seeing the gray-robed youth knocked to the brink of death, Lin Chen snapped his neck and broke his neck. Immediately, blood splashed three feet high like a fountain, and sprinkled down the entire arena.

At this moment, there was a burst of intense applause at the scene, and they all applauded.

Only Zhou Yitian gritted his teeth, his face was full of strong unwillingness!

Damn it!

Thanks to his high hopes for this useless thing!

Now, once this person dies, will his revenge plan be successful?

Junfan, it's useless to be dad, dad is sorry for you!

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