Overnight Success

Chapter 339 Who Has Objections?


Hearing this, Lin Chen choked with saliva, and hurriedly turned to the second elder: "You should know how to do it at the dinner party later, right?"

"The old man understands."

The second elder trembled in fear.

"Very well, let's go!"

Seeing Lin Chen leave the room first, Fang Yuan pouted: "Smelly brother, you will understand how good sister is in the future. She is not only fragrant but also clingy."


Dinner, singing and dancing.

Everyone was pushing cups and changing cups, but they didn't know that a big change had happened in the dark pavilion just now.

"Everyone, the land division is about to begin."

At this time, the Second Elder of the Dark Pavilion came in front of everyone and said loudly.

Seeing that the person who came was the second elder, everyone felt a little suspicious.

Strange, in the past, it was the master of the dark pavilion who announced the division of the territory. Why did he become an elder this year?

But no matter what, it was about the division of land, everyone restrained their smiles and sat upright.

"First of all, before that, let me introduce to you. From now on, Miss Fangyuan will be the master of the Dark Pavilion!"

As soon as the second elder's words came out, there was an uproar at the scene.

what's the situation?

The Dark Pavilion has a new Pavilion Master?

Are we hallucinating?

While everyone was puzzled, at this time, Fang Yuan held his head high and chest out at the rear of the deck, wearing a sexy long dress, swaying with the wind, and slowly came in front of everyone.

Looking at Fangyuan, everyone chattered:

"How did Fang Yuan become the master of the dark pavilion? Isn't she the daughter of a great man?"

"I heard that some time ago, Fangyuan broke up with a big shot, but she became the head of the dark pavilion, it was too hasty. A mere woman can really control so many underground forces in Tianhai province?"

"Speaking of which, what about Pavilion Master Gong Nanjun? Why is he gone?"

Listening to the discussion of the crowd, Fang Yuan could clearly feel the dissatisfaction of the crowd.

In particular, among the crowd, Xia Qing even took this opportunity to provoke her: "I never thought that Miss Fang Yuan would betray a big shot, and her

The purpose is to join the Dark Pavilion, you really have a good plan!"

"Why, do you want to use the dark cabinet as your umbrella against big shots?"

Seeing Xia Qing's jealous face, Fang Yuan smiled slightly, but was not annoyed at all.

In the next second, she glanced at everyone, and said, "Whether I am the goddaughter of a big shot or not, including my relationship with the big shot, I'm afraid it's not the turn of the people here to make irresponsible remarks, right?"

"Besides, I am the master of the dark pavilion now, so I advise you to be more sensible when speaking."

Although Fang Yuan didn't say it clearly, everyone present understood that now that Fang Yuan has become the master of the secret pavilion, how much underground property they can obtain depends on Fang Yuan's face.

Hearing this, Xia Qing felt extremely upset.

What she disliked the most was Fang Yuan's haughty look.

I thought that she would be sure to catch Fang Yuan this time, but she didn't expect to be destroyed by a thug next to her. Now, this woman has suddenly become the master of the secret cabinet.

She didn't understand why this woman was so lucky!


The dark pavilion divided almost all the underground industries in Tianhai Province and presented them on the big screen.

According to the past practice, the top ranking has priority.

Therefore, in the past, many forces at the summit of kings broke their heads, and they also wanted to attack for a better ranking, in order to finally divide the territory and occupy a favorable position.

"Wait, why isn't the underground industry in Yunhuai City on the big screen?" someone questioned.

"Because, the underground industry in Yunhuai City has already been occupied, so naturally it is no longer within the division of the territory."

A voice that was neither salty nor dull sounded at the right time.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen put on the human skin mask again and stepped forward, facing the crowd, he said, "The underground property in Yunhuai City is still owned by Jiang Meigui, do you have any objections?"

After the words fell, Jiang Meigui, who was in the crowd, was slightly startled, and then burst into tears.

I thought, this time she was early

Some of them were eliminated and had already lost strong competition for Yunhuai City's industry, but Lin Chen really did what he said and helped her obtain the territory of Yunhuai City.

However, compared to Jiang Meigui's inner feelings, everyone present was very dissatisfied.

However, the underground forces speak with their own strength, hey Lin Chen just showed his skills, and once he speaks, everyone dare not say anything more.

However, Xia Qing insisted on finding fault, and she stood up and raised her voice, "I have objections!"

"Why did Jiang Meigui get the underground industry in Yunhuai City? Many of us present are ranked higher than her. Please give us a reasonable explanation!"

As the saying goes, a stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Xia Qing's opening quickly attracted many people to agree:

"Yes, why?"

"The ranking we have worked so hard for is not as good as the one that was eliminated first?"

"In my opinion, Jiang Meigui may have reached some shady deal with this person."


Jiang Meigui's face turned red when she saw the people talking more and more unpleasantly, feeling aggrieved in her heart.

On the other hand, Xia Qing's expression was filled with irrepressible pride, obviously she was very satisfied with everyone's reaction.

However, the next moment.

The smile on her face froze suddenly.

There was a "snap"!

Without warning, a slap fell on her cheek.

Afterwards, Xia Qing was slapped and fell to the ground, half of her face was swollen beyond human appearance.

"Boy, how dare you hit..."

Xia Qing raised her head, looked at Lin Chen who shot, and screamed sharply.

But, that's half the story.

Lin Chen suddenly slapped down again.


This palm directly scattered Xia Qing's disheveled hair, blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth, and several teeth were broken.

The whole person can be said to be as embarrassed as he is.


Lin Chen picked up a paper towel and wiped his hands, and then kicked Xia Qing violently, kicking Xia Qing who was already in a panic on the spot until she passed out and passed out.

"Everyone, who has any objections?"

Lin Chen glanced around and said coldly.

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