Overnight Success

Chapter 340: The Summit Ends

To Lin Chen, this Xia Qing was narrow-minded and ruthless, and he had long been displeased with it.

Therefore, he would never show mercy to this kind of woman.

at the same time.

Lin Chen's move completely shocked everyone.

The crowd who were still dissatisfied with each other remained silent, not even daring to fart.


However, at this time, another voice of doubt sounded.

"Could it be that you only use violence to intimidate everyone?"

The person who spoke was a Miao Jiang man dressed in black.

Long before, when Lin Chen shot and ruined his grand timing, he had always held a grudge.

But now Lin Chen's domineering behavior is bound to arouse public anger, so he must use this opportunity to get everyone to boycott Lin Chen. Biqu library

Only in this way can he fish in troubled waters and control the senior management of the dark pavilion, so as to obtain Huayu's whereabouts.

"Young man, it is undeniable that you are really strong, but I just refuse to accept you. Others dare not say it, but I dare to say it. Today I will represent everyone to seek justice!"

Seeing the men from Miaojiang keep yelling, Lin Chen grinned.

There was a bit of chill in the smile.

"You like to ask for justice, don't you?" Lin Chen walked towards the Miao Jiang man, and made a fist with his right hand: "Justice is not obtained with mouth, but with fist!"

The next moment, Lin Chen shot suddenly.

Unprepared, the Miao Jiang man stared wide-eyed, and was hit in the chest by Lin Chen's punch on the spot.


on the spot!

The Miao Jiang man spat out a mouthful of blood, his face pale.

Then, Lin Chen stepped on the Miao Jiang man's body, glanced at the crowd and said sharply: "The reason why I shot these two people is not for nothing."

"In your eyes, they are fighting for your interests. In fact, these two people have ulterior motives, and their actions are not despicable enough to describe."

As Lin Chen spoke, he pointed to the side lying on the ground. Xia Qing, who had just woken up, continued, "This woman, before the second round, sent people to surround Miss Fangyuan in the depths of the jungle to take her life. Someone tied Miss Fangyuan to a tree, trying to get his subordinates to abuse her!"

"You're talking nonsense, what proof do you have?"

Xia Qing's expression changed and she screamed.


Lin Chen smiled dismissively, took out a phone from his pocket, and turned on the video.

The content of the video is the scene of Fang Yuan being tied up and about to be raped by a group of men.

"It's a coincidence that your subordinates took pictures of this scene, Miss Xia, what else do you have to explain?"

Lin Chen looked down at Xia Qing and said indifferently.

Suddenly, Xia Qing's face turned pale.

She didn't expect that there was an idiot among her subordinates who wanted to take a commemorative photo, damn it!

At this moment, all the people and gods in the audience were indignant,

They all condemned Xia Qing:

"Made, this woman is so disgusting, she was almost used as a gun!"

"The most poisonous woman's heart, this is really true!"

"Working for a big shot, but this woman wants to murder her companion, it's really embarrassing!"


Seeing that everyone was almost drowning in their saliva, Xia Qing lowered her head, her face was terrible and ugly.

"Okay, everyone, save your energy."

Lin Chen interrupted: "I believe that when I finish talking about all the actions of the man under my feet, you will be a hundred times more angry than you are now."


As soon as Lin Chen clapped his hands, a young man was escorted up by people from the secret cabinet.

As soon as the young man appeared, compared to the bewilderment of the crowd, the expression of the Miao Jiang man under Lin Chen's feet changed drastically.

"This gentleman, I believe him, you must be very familiar, right?"

Lin Chen looked at the Miao Jiang man and smiled slightly.

Before the dinner started, he sent people from the secret cabinet to arrest the young man.

After all, based on his understanding of the Miaojiang people, if his painstakingly planned plan is destroyed by him, he will definitely not let it go.

In fact, the result was exactly as he expected.

"Break his legs."

As soon as Lin Chen's words fell, the people from the secret cabinet violently struck out, instantly crushing the young man's legs, causing him to kneel on the ground.


The young man was sweating from the pain, and his body twitched uncontrollably.

"This person is a traitor from the Dark Pavilion."

Lin Chen stood with his hands behind his back, and said flatly: "I think everyone is curious, why Elder Wuying suddenly lost the ability to resist and was crushed by the black-robed man."

"The main reason is that the water Elder Wuying drank beforehand was poisoned by this person."

"It was the outbreak of the toxin that made Elder Wuying cry and hate."

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the people at the scene changed drastically, and they fell into a heated discussion.

"Boy, don't you want to... ah ah!"

The Miao Jiang man just wanted to speak, but his front tooth was broken by Lin Chen's foot, and he let out a series of horrific wailing immediately.

"I still have a recording here, you may as well listen to it."

Then, Lin Chen turned on the audio in the phone.

The audio content is exactly the conversation between the Miaojiang man and the youth.

finished listening.

Everyone clenched their fists, their faces full of anger.

Although, during the competition, the youth didn't do anything against them, but it can only be said that they were lucky and didn't meet the man in black.

Otherwise, the fate of Elder Wuying will be their fate!

I thought it was a fair and just game, but I didn't expect that there were all kinds of dirty deals behind it.

"Dirty things, you actually tampered with the summit of the kings, you are still in the dark pavilion!"

"There is also that Miaojiang man, who is not a good thing, this kind of person lives

Should be beaten! "

"I suggest that in order to avenge Elder Wuying, it is better to throw the two of them into the sea and feed them to the fish!"

"As for that Xia Qing, everyone, don't let it go!"


For a while, everyone verbally criticized the three of them.

At first, they thought that Lin Chen was too domineering due to his strength, so they didn't realize that these few people are not good people now!

"Since everyone proposes this, on behalf of the secret cabinet, I announce that the three people will be sanctioned immediately to appease public anger!"

Fang Yuan took a step forward and said coldly.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Qing, including the men from Miaojiang, said in horror, "No, don't...we don't want to be fed fish!"

Seeing Fang Yuan's indifference, the three of them struggled desperately, trying to break free from the bondage of the people in the dark pavilion, but three silver needles flew by, and the three of them couldn't move for an instant, and were frozen on the ground.

that's it.

The three of them were tied up and sunk into the deep sea in front of everyone.

Seeing the group of tiger sharks gradually swimming towards this side, it was obvious that the fate of the three of them was already doomed.

After finishing off the three of them, Fang Yuan continued: "Anyway, the poisoner came from the secret pavilion, so Pavilion Master Gong Nanjun thought he was not suitable to continue to be the Pavilion Master, so he passed the Pavilion Master to me."

"From now on, the Second Elder will take over the position of Elder Wuying, and I will also lead the Dark Pavilion. Please support my work in the future. If there are any shortcomings, I will definitely correct them."

"As for the division of land, there is something inappropriate. In this case, my dark cabinet is willing to use money to compensate everyone."

As soon as Fang Yuan finished speaking, everyone shook their heads and said:

"Pavilion Master Fang is too polite. If we knew that so many things happened before, we would definitely not care about the division of the territory."

"Besides, if we didn't have this one in front of us today, our faces would probably be trampled under the soles of our feet by the Miaojiang people."


For this scene, Fang Yuan was very surprised.

Obviously, she didn't expect that after Lin Chen's series of operations, the situation would be reversed.

Similarly, the face of Lin Chen was also remembered by everyone through this summit of kings.

hours later.

When the yacht docked, everyone greeted each other and then left.

On the deck, only Lin Chen and Fang Yuan were left.

"Thank you this time."

Fang Yuan said sincerely. Biqu library

"Easy to do."

Lin Chen waved his hand and said instead: "Don't forget what you and I agreed, send me the address of the big shot as soon as possible."

"As soon as there is news, I will tell you as soon as possible."

Fang Yuan nodded.

Afterwards, she pressed her lips to Lin Chen's body lightly, with a tender tone: "Smelly brother, do you really treat my sister..."

In the middle of the conversation, there was a rush of phone calls in Lin Chen's trouser pocket.

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