Overnight Success

Chapter 341: An Accident Occurred In Genes

Looking at the phone, it was Lu Siyong calling.

Lin Chen said: "Miss Fang, I'll answer the phone first."

"Oh." Fang Yuan pouted, and immediately walked aside.

Seeing this, Lin Chen breathed a sigh of relief. If it weren't for this phone call, he really didn't know what to do with the situation just now.

However, now that Lu Siyong took the initiative to call, there must be something urgent.

After pressing the connect button, there was an anxious voice from the other end of the phone: "Xiaochen, I called you several times but I still can't get through. Are you in Yunhuai City now?"

"That's not true, I went out to do some errands before." Lin Chen responded.

Come to think of it, he didn't receive Lu Siyong's call before, it should be because the island has no signal.

"Is that so, can you rush back to Yunhuai City now?"

Lu Siyong said eagerly: "There is an urgent task for you to do. I am still in the northern military region, so I can't rush there for a while."

"No problem, Uncle Lu just say it." Lin Chen said.

Lu Siyong is the commander-in-chief of the northern military region, and even he feels that this matter is urgent, and it seems that it must be a big deal.

"After you return to Yunhuai City, go to Yunhuai Medical University immediately. The principal, He Youshun, will wait for you at the door. I will compile a document and send it to you for specific matters."

"You can watch as you drive."

Hearing Lu Siyong's words, Lin Chen nodded and said, "Okay Uncle Lu, this matter is on my shoulders, don't worry!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Chen looked at Fang Yuan not far away and said, "Miss Fang, I have something urgent to go back to Yunhuai City, I have to leave now."

Hearing this, Fang Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Do you want me to send you a car..."

Before Fang Yuan could finish speaking, Lin Chen shook his head and said, "No need, the driving speed is too slow."

"Then how do you go?" Fang Yuan was suspicious for a while.

Here, surrounded by mountains, if she doesn't take a car, she can't think of any other transportation options for Lin Chen.

"I have my own method. Remember to find out the address of the big shot and send it to me."

After saying this, Lin Chen activated the aura, wrapped it around the soles of his feet, and flew straight into the air.

Afterwards, Fangyuan saw a scene he would never forget.

A figure was speeding across mountains and ridges at a speed that was difficult for the naked eye to catch.


At that moment, Fangyuan's small mouth opened into an O shape, and her beautiful eyes widened.

Obviously, this figure is not Lin Chen, who could it be?

Smelly brother, you are so capable, what exactly should my sister do to catch up with you.

Fangyuan sighed inwardly.


Here, Lin Chen walked like flying, turned into afterimages, and climbed one towering mountain range after another.

The uncle who was chopping wood was instantly confused when he saw this scene.


This, this, this...

It took a long time for the uncle to regain his senses, and murmured: "I must have been dazzled just now, how could someone run faster than Liu Xiang?"

In the direction of Yunhuai City, Lin Chen drove all the way. The journey that would have taken three hours by car had been shortened by two and a half hours.

Seeing that it was not far from Yunhuai Medical University, Lin Chen stopped, picked up the phone, and opened the message from Lu Siyong.

It turned out that when Lu Siyong came to the medical university to give lectures, his main purpose was to jointly research a genetic medicine through the medical university and several top hospitals.

This potion is very special, named '007' because of its powerful medicinal properties.

The medicinal properties of 007 are mainly to stimulate the potential of the human body, allowing people to obtain temporary abilities beyond the scope of the human body.

It can be said to be a mutation potion.

During this period of time, this drug has entered the final testing stage, and the research and development can be said to be very mature.

Once the final test is passed, the drug can be used in military areas.

However, as the saying goes, three parts of medicine are poisonous, not to mention, the powerful effect of this medicine is absolutely beyond the scope of ordinary people's comprehension.

Once used, people with weaker physiques are likely to lose their lives after the medicinal properties wear off, so at least a fifth-level martial artist is eligible to use it.

However, why does the military spend a lot of money and personnel to study it?

The main reason is that the day when the mysterious island will appear is coming. The military does not want to go through the tragedy that happened to the Special Forces, so in the past few years, the military has learned from the pain and decided to create a genetic medicine to stimulate the potential of the warriors. Go face to face with the fierce beasts on the island.

However, just when the experiment was about to be completed, a major change occurred in the gene.

last night, ki

Due to being broken into, 007 in the safe was successfully stolen.

You must know that in order to create 007, the military court has spent an unimaginable investment. If such a potion, which was created by everyone's painstaking efforts, is stolen by unruly people and used without authorization, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Gene's defenses are heavily guarded, and security measures are extremely thorough. The fact that the thieves can take away the potion under such circumstances is enough to show its strength and should not be underestimated.

Faced with this situation, Lu Siyong's first reaction was to think of Lin Chen.

At the end of the news, Lin Chen was a little surprised that He Youshun, the president of the Medical University, was the director of the Gene Institute.

Speaking of which, he and this old man still met several times.

Thinking like this, Lin Chen rushed to the gate of Yunhuai Medical University not long after.

In September, the autumn wind is bleak, and the fallen leaves are withered and yellow.

A white-haired old man in a white coat and reading glasses was pacing back and forth at the gate of the university.

When he saw Lin Chen coming, his originally sad expression suddenly showed a touch of excitement.

"Mr. Lin, you are finally here."

Apparently, the white-haired old man is He Youshun, the president of the Medical University.

"General Lu probably sent me the matter, let's go, first go to the Institute of Genetics to have a look."

Lin Chen said directly.

"it is good."

He Youshun was very straightforward and led Lin Chen into an abandoned warehouse on campus.

Who would have thought that under this abandoned warehouse, there is a hidden hole in the sky, hiding a secret genetic place.

Along the way, He Youshun passed through layers of fingerprint locks, and finally led Lin Chen into a gate made of titanium alloy.

Enter the password and the door will open.

A middle-aged man with a strong build and a height of 1.8 meters stepped forward, and said to He Youshun: "Boss, it's not too late, let's act quickly."

"I don't know what General Lu is thinking. He insists on finding a young man to come over to help. I think his coming will just add to the chaos."

"Shut up!" He Youshun yelled, and then said to Lin Chen full of apology: "Mr. Lin, please don't mind, I'm getting used to being outspoken."

"No problem."

Lin Chen glanced at the internal structure of the institute, and said indifferently: "I'm not as knowledgeable as him yet."

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