Overnight Success

Chapter 342 Unusual Theft

Hearing this, the middle-aged man couldn't help saying: "Boy, what do you mean?"

"Li Qi, Mr. Lin was called by Lu Siyong to help us, so be careful with what you say."

He Youshun's tone became heavier, and he said again.

"Is he the one recommended by General Lu?"

Li Qi frowned.

Right now, the genetic accident happened, the situation is urgent, and the upper management attaches great importance to it. It is not difficult to imagine that whoever can solve this trouble and get back the lost medicine will be a great achievement.

But Lin Chen is not a member of the genetic institute, and coupled with the relationship recommended by Lu Siyong, Li Qi believes that this person is relying on the back door to snatch the opportunity to make meritorious service.

"Mr. Lin, this is Li Qi, who is mainly responsible for the security work of the Institute of Genetics."

He Youshun introduced.


Lin Chen nodded indifferently.

And this look is even more irritating in Li Qi's eyes. As the leader of the security team of the Gene Institute, he can be regarded as an official, but the young man in front of him is good, but he just ignores him.

Even since he came in, he hasn't looked at himself directly.

Suppressing his unhappiness, Li Qi decided to test Lin Chen and give him a blow.

next second.

Li Qi stepped forward and said with a smirk: "Mr. Lin, I was the one who said something wrong just now. Let me introduce you formally. I am Li Qi and I am the leader of the security team."

Seeing Li Qi stretching out his hand, Lin Chen also shook it and said, "Lin Chen."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, his eyebrows frowned slightly.

Because, a huge palm force is erupting from the opponent's palm.

Regarding this, Lin Chen's face was unwavering, allowing the opponent to increase his strength, he never showed the slightest reaction.

Seeing this scene, Li Qi was full of doubts.

Strange, doesn't this kid feel pain?

He didn't say he used a lot of strength for the palm just now, but he definitely had eight percent strength, which is absolutely unbearable for ordinary warriors.

It can be said that Lin Chen's strength is extremely high, and at his age, Li Qi really doesn't believe it.

Afterwards, Lin Chen withdrew his hand and said to He Youshun, "Take me to the safe."

"Okay." He Youshun replied cheerfully, "Mr. Lin, this way please."

Just when Lin Chen was about to keep up with He Youshun.

Suddenly, a big hand firmly grasped his shoulder.


Therefore, this time Lin Chen didn't hold back his hand, grabbed the big hand and threw it directly over the shoulder.

The whole set of movements is crisp and quick.

In an instant.

There was a "bang".

Li Qi's sturdy body fell heavily to the ground, groaning in pain.

"Mr. Lin, you are..."

Seeing this, He Youshun turned around and said in astonishment.

"If you dare to touch me again, it will never be that simple!"

Lin Chen glanced at Li Qi who fell to the ground, and said coldly.

Sensing a strong oppressive aura coming from Lin Chen's body, Li Qi was shocked and couldn't help breaking out in cold sweat.

In a duel between masters, the result is often seen in one move.

He originally thought that Lin Chen's visit this time was to grab credit, but the fight just now made him understand that the young man in front of him really wanted to kill him, and that was just a matter of minutes.

This time, throwing him to the ground was just a warning. If he continues to provoke, it's really hard to say what the result will be.


Li Qi stood up staggeringly, and apologized to Lin Chen: "Sorry, Mr. Lin, I offended you before."

Lin Chen snorted coldly, and then looked at the safe seriously.

To the naked eye, the safe was obviously opened violently, and there was a hole in the center.

But what Lin Chen was curious about was why no security personnel found out after the safe was clearly damaged. Could it be that this group of people had gone to sleep?

"Just now, you said you were the security team leader, right?"

Lin Chen looked at Li Qi and asked.

"That's right..." Li Qi touched his nose resentfully.

He could naturally hear Lin Chen's questioning tone, but he did not hear any changes when the thieves stole the potion last night.

And, more importantly, the security system did not respond. It was not until today when they went to work that they discovered that the medicine was missing.

After investigating the monitoring, it was determined that the thief took the medicine away late last night. Even before leaving, the thief showed a strange smile to the monitoring.

"The strength of this thief is at least at the level of a warrior of the ninth rank, and may even have reached the realm."

Lin Chen finally came to a conclusion based on the damage to the safe.


At this moment, not only He Youshun but also Li Qi's expressions changed slightly.

Ninth-rank martial artist, that is standing on the top of the height that ordinary people look up to, and

There are only a handful of people who have reached the level in the entire Tianhai Province.

"This person didn't alarm the security system, which means he must be proficient in the loopholes of the security system. He is a senior member of your genetic institute, right?"

Lin Chen continued.

"That's right." He Youshun sighed: "This person's name is Gu Feng, and he is a senior researcher at our Institute of Genetics. Counting the time, he has been in this business for ten years. I really didn't expect that the thief would be him." .”

"Who would have thought that a person who has been engaged in scientific research for ten years would be a powerful warrior."

He Youshun was helpless, and continued: "After the incident, I used extremely high power to conduct an all-round scan of Gu Feng's identity and background."

"In the end, I discovered that this person disappeared for a period of time when he was 18 years old, and he didn't return to the city until he was 23 years old. So I guess, during the five years when he disappeared, this person must have come into contact with unusual people."

"Director He speculates that this person stole the potion is a task assigned to him by someone?" Lin Chen said.

"At least it seems so at the moment." He Youshun said slowly: "Otherwise, I can't figure it out. What is the purpose of stealing the potion by himself?"

"But fortunately, I kept a hand. The outer packaging of the tube of medicine has been specially processed, and there is a small GPS. No one knows this except me. I don't think it will come in handy now."

After speaking, He Youshun took out his phone, and a red dot was displayed on the screen.

The red dot keeps flashing and remains still, which proves that the person has not moved.

"Now that Mr. Lin has arrived, why don't we bring the thieves to justice as soon as possible?" When Li Qi said this, he felt a little rejoiced in his heart.

If according to what Mr. Lin said, this person's strength is at least above the ninth rank martial artist, then if he goes alone, he may not be qualified to be cannon fodder.

But it's different now, with Mr. Lin in charge, coupled with GPS, it can be said that catching the thief is a sure thing, a certainty.

Compared to the joy on Li Qi's face, Lin Chen frowned.

Since this person got the potion, there is no reason for him to stay still.

His intuition told him that this matter must not be that simple.

In particular, the evil smile that He Youshun showed at the end of the monitoring screen played by He Youshun just now was even more meaningful.

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