Overnight Success

Chapter 343 Real Men Never Look Back At Explosions

"Mr. Lin, since this person is not moving, now is a good time to arrest him."

He Youshun said: "Otherwise, if we delay, it will only increase the variables."

"Okay." Lin Chen nodded.

Although he felt that this matter was by no means that simple, but right now the only way to find out the truth is to go to Gu Feng's hiding place.


Lin Chen, He Youshun and others took a group of security guards and quickly went to the location marked by GPS.

According to the location marked by GPS, the person was hiding in an airport, apparently wanting to escape by flight.

Of course, He Youshun would not let him succeed, and immediately after taking action, he notified the police near the airport to evacuate the people and block the major exit passages, hoping to catch the turtle.

No matter what, Gu Feng is very powerful, once the two sides break out to fight, the result is unpredictable.

Therefore, the necessary evacuation measures must be done well.

On the way, Lin Chen was riding in the special combat vehicle, his expression full of anxiety. First of all, according to his judgment, Gu Feng's strength was at least above the ninth rank fighter, and such a master, could he really not find that the potion contained GPS?

Secondly, Gu Feng has been hiding for many years, who instigated him to play an undercover role.

Lin Chen's first reaction was a big shot.

After all, being able to send an undercover agent to the Huaguo Research Institute to act as an undercover agent, besides the big shots, he couldn't think of anyone else with this kind of ability!

From this point of view, the genetic potion is related to the mysterious island, and if the big man wants to steal the potion, does it mean that he also has ideas about the mysterious island?

Just when Lin Chen was thinking this way, everyone had already arrived at the target airport.

At this moment, the airport was empty and there was no one in sight.

After Lin Chen got out of the car, he glanced around and said, "Follow me, don't act rashly."


Li Qi was the first to respond.

This surprised Lin Chen a little. Logically, as the leader of the security team, the command should be in his hands, but this guy surprisingly didn't refute.

But for Li Qi, since Lin Chen showed his strength far beyond him, he only has admiration for Lin Chen in his heart.

No matter when, strength always comes first.

Respect for the strong is the minimum.

Afterwards, Lin Chen followed the GPS markers all the way to the airport warehouse.

Pushing open the warehouse door, there was no one in the warehouse.

He Youshun couldn't help muttering: "It's strange, doesn't it mean he doesn't want medicine anymore?"

The voice just fell.

A beep sounded.


Chen was the first to react, and shouted: "No, there's a bomb!"

next moment.

Everyone followed the prestige and found, as expected, a round bomb was hanging from the ceiling of the warehouse.

Moreover, this round bomb is not a common type in the market, and it may take a lot of time to crack it.

"This guy, don't you want medicine?"

He Youshun turned pale, because he found that on the round bomb, the medicine was tied together with the bomb.

Apparently, the other party had already seen through the GPS, so they resorted to tricks and bundled the bomb with the potion, with the purpose of defeating them.

However, what he didn't understand was that this person took all the troubles to steal the potion just to lure them here and use bombs to kill them?

This is too much. With Gu Feng's strength, if he wants to kill someone, he can do it directly.

He Youshun couldn't figure it out for a while.

"I'm afraid, his purpose is not medicine at all, this is very likely to divert the tiger away from the mountain."

Lin Chen said coldly.

Obviously, they were put together by the other side.

"Beep beep..."

At this time, the bomb suddenly entered the countdown, and it must be too late to dismantle it.

"It's over, it's over now."

He Youshun burst into tears and collapsed on the ground: "I messed up everything, I am ashamed of my trust in General Lu and the court!"

Obviously, the countdown to the bomb was deliberately set by the other party. Maybe their every move has been firmly controlled by the other party.

Fortunately, they still think they are smart, but in the end they are smart and they are mistaken by cleverness.

"Mr. Lin, is there anything you can do? Can we just wait to die?"

Li Qi looked at Lin Chen's pale face and asked.


Lin Chen sighed softly: "Leave it to me."

After saying that, Lin Chen stomped the sole of his foot, took off the bomb, and rushed directly to the hill opposite the airport.

At this moment, Lin Chen mobilized his aura and flew in mid-air.

Seeing this, He Youshun and the others were all dumbfounded.


Am I blind? Mr. Lin is flying?

As for Gu Feng, his heart trembled even more.

Regardless of other things, only the method of floating in the air can only be used by super strong people who can exercise their inner strength when they step into the ground.

However, even for those with strong terrain, floating in the air is very difficult to control, and it cannot last long, but Lin Chen, on the other hand, strolled in the courtyard, and in the blink of an eye, he had already reached the opposite mountain and dropped the bomb in his hand


Three seconds later, the bomb exploded on time.

The mountain collapsed and dust was flying.

A flame shot straight into the sky, and a large mushroom cloud immediately rose.

Smoke billows and sparks fly.

However, under such a terrifying scene, Lin Chen walked calmly with one hand in his pocket, without any emotion on his face.

Real men never look back at explosions.

Let the landslides and the ground crack, I never change my face.

At this moment, He Youshun and the others were completely stunned.

Seeing Lin Chen return to them, everyone couldn't help but worship him.

"Mr. Lin, how did you do it? You are so handsome, you are my idol!"

Li Qi's lips trembled and he said excitedly.

If it weren't for Lin Chen, no matter how hard their two legs ran, they would have been destroyed by the bomb.

It can be said that Lin Chen is their savior.

"Mr. Lin, what do you think about this matter?"

He Youshun looked contemplative, looked at Lin Chen and said, "This person has worked so hard to obtain the potion, is it just to blackmail us?"

"It won't be that simple."

Lin Chen shook his head: "Go back to the Institute of Genetics first. I suspect that this person may have other plans. The medicine is just a cover-up."

He Youshun was puzzled when he heard Lin Chen's words: "But besides medicine, what else is there in genes that is worth his trouble?"

At this moment.

Suddenly, an urgent phone call rang from He Youshun's pocket.

After answering the phone, He Youshun's complexion suddenly changed, very ugly.

"What did you say?"

"Okay, I'll go back now."

Seeing He Youshun hung up the phone in a hurry, Lin Chen frowned and asked, "What happened?"

"Gu Feng came here just now and used us to take away all the security personnel. When the interior was empty, he shot and took away all the staff working on the medicine."

He Youshun gritted his teeth after uttering this sentence.

Indeed, compared to medicines, the staff who research medicines are the real precious wealth, and these people, without exception, are the scientists who first landed on the island.

It never occurred to them that when they came out, their hometown was taken away!

"It's not too late, let's go back quickly."

Lin Chen took a deep breath, feeling more and more difficult about this person.

Looking at the missed calls made by Su Qingcheng on the phone, Lin Chen could only forcefully suppress his thoughts about his wife, and hurried towards the Gene Institute.

Wife, please give me some more time. After I finish solving the matter here, I will go back and reunite with you immediately.

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