Overnight Success

Chapter 345 Seeing Someone Like You Makes Me Sick To My Stomach

The middle-aged man named Lao Guo nodded slightly, and said respectfully, "General Lu."

"Recently, I have been busy planning to recruit the Qilin army, so I have delayed a little time. I hope you will forgive me."

Obviously, the reason why the middle-aged man came was that he was invited by Lu Siyong.

"It's okay, just come."

Lu Siyong was hearty, and then said to Lin Chen: "Come on, Xiaochen, let me introduce you, this is Guo Qiang, one of the leaders of the Qilin Legion."

Hearing this sentence, Lin Chen was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, here, he would meet the head of the Qilin Legion.

Remembering that Lu Siyong handed him the Qilin token before, he has not gone to the capital to report.

According to Lu Siyong, the Qilin Legion has a commander and ten persons in charge. It can be said that the post of a person in charge can be said to be under one person and above ten thousand people, and he is in charge of all the affairs of the legion.

In addition, the Qilin Legion belongs to the imperial court, and its particularity makes the Qilin Legion have an extraordinary status. As the commander of the Qilin Legion, it can be said that its status is by no means lower than that of a general.

"This young man looks familiar, who is he?"

Guo Qiang looked at Lin Chen and said calmly.

"He is Lin Chen, and the Qilin order in my hand was handed over to him before." Lu Siyong said.

"The number of Qilin Tokens is limited, each general has only one, and General Lu is willing to hand over the Qilin Token to him, presumably he is very optimistic about him!"

Guo Qiang glanced at Lin Chen and said indifferently.

"Ha ha."

Seeing that Lu Siyong didn't want to say more, Guo Qiang didn't bother to make fun of himself, so he went straight to the topic: "I heard that scientific researchers have been kidnapped collectively. How is the matter going?"

Lu Siyong's face darkened, and he sighed, "There's not much progress, otherwise I wouldn't ask you to help."

"When it comes to collecting intelligence and carrying out arrest operations, who can compare to the Qilin Legion?"

After all, the personnel selected by the Qilin Legion are the elite of the elite, just like the special forces in the army. In case of such an emergency, it will be more handy to entrust them to do it.

"General Lu is full of praise. The team behind me is just selected by me. I just took this opportunity to bring them out for a trial.

Practice it. "

When Guo Qiang said this, he turned to ask: "Today, who carried out the initial drug recovery operation?"

"It's me." Lin Chen said.

"You?" Guo Qiang looked indifferent and scolded: "So, it was your mistake in judgment that caused our scientific research personnel to be taken away?"

Upon hearing Guo Qiang's questioning tone, He Youshun couldn't help but said: "Director Guo, I planned this matter from the beginning..."

However, just in the middle of his speech, Guo Qiang interrupted him unceremoniously: "Did I ask you?"

"I like to take the blame so much, so you will take the blame?"

For this genetic medicine experiment, the higher authorities are paying great attention to it. Now that such a big problem has occurred, someone must take the blame and be punished by the military.

As Lu Siyong is a general, it is naturally impossible for him to take the blame, and of course no one has the guts to shift the responsibility to him.

After thinking about it, this Lin Chen is the most suitable person to take the blame. He is young and also serves as the commander privately, so Guo Qiang intends to shift the blame to one person first, and then arrest the thieves.

In this way, if the arrest can be successfully completed, the credit will be his. If not, there will be someone who is responsible, and the trouble will not be found on him.

Seeing Guo Qiang's careful thinking, Lin Chen revealed a touch of sarcasm.

Thanks to Uncle Lu boasting about the Qilin army, he did not expect that one of its leaders is a master who likes to shirk responsibility.

"Director Guo, Lin Chen was specially hired by me for help. He is not currently in the military, so there is no reason for him to be charged."

At this moment, Lu Siyong spoke.

Obviously, he is very dissatisfied with Guo Qiang's mentality of looking for someone to take the blame before performing the task.

If it weren't for the fact that this person's strength should not be underestimated, he would immediately send someone to throw him out of here.

"That's right, if it wasn't for Lin Chen, we would all have died during the day." He Youshun took over the words: "Even if there is a punishment, it is me. Mr. Lin has nothing to do with this matter."

"Did he give you money? Let you speak for him like this?"

Guo Qiang was even more disdainful of He Youshun's dog-licking appearance.

In fact, he aimed at Lin

Dust is not unreasonable.

Just now, since he came in to clarify his identity, the young man in front of him can be said to have no respect for him at all.

In addition, he heard that after this person received Lu Siyong's qilin order to join the qilin army, he was even more unhappy from the bottom of his heart.

Thinking back, how much effort he had put in to get to where he is today, but at such a young age, he wanted to go through the back door, which made him feel ashamed.

"Boy, no matter what, you didn't catch Gu Feng and caused us to suffer a huge loss. You can hardly shirk the responsibility for this."

Guo Qiang said forcefully to Lin Chen.


Lin Chen didn't take it seriously: "Who told you that I can't catch Gu Feng?"

"If we have the ability, let's compete to see who can catch Gu Feng first?"

Hearing this, Guo Qiang couldn't help laughing, with a bit of contempt in his smile: "Boy, who gave you the courage to dare to compete with me to catch people?"

"Courage is something I was born with."

Lin Chen shrugged with a calm expression.

"Ha ha!"

The corner of Guo Qiang's mouth curled up in contempt, and he said mockingly, "I'm not ashamed to say anything, you know that since I joined the army, I've learned to catch repeat offenders."

"So what?" Lin Chen said indifferently, "Do you dare to bet with me?"

"What bet?"

"Just bet on who can catch Gu Feng first." Lin Chen said.

"Okay." Guo Qiang smiled wantonly, as if he had a winning ticket in his hands, and said: "If I catch Gu Feng first, after you enter the Qilin Army, you will have to wash my stinky socks every day in front of all the soldiers."

"No problem." Lin Chen replied simply.

But this sentence changed the expressions of Lu Siyong and others.

In the army, Guo Qiang is known as Brother Pingtou. Once there are criminals who are unfortunate enough to be targeted by Guo Qiang, he will be like a honey badger and pursue them relentlessly.

It can be said that Guo Qiang is definitely one of the opponents that any criminals do not want to meet.

"What if I win? What about you?"

Lin Chen looked directly at Guo Qiang, with one hand in his pocket.

Guo Qiang looked disdainful: "There is no such possibility."

"If I win, you get out of the Qilin army, because I will feel sick when I see people like you."

Lin Chen said leisurely.

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