Overnight Success

Chapter 346 Flowers Drift By Themselves, Water Flows By Itself, A Kind Of Lovesickness, Two Places O

As soon as the words came out.

The atmosphere was silent.

Everyone was stunned, obviously they didn't expect Lin Chen to say such words.

After about half an hour, when Guo Qiang came back to his senses, his face turned red and he said: "Okay, your tone is really serious, so I want to see if you have this ability!"

Although Guo Qiang didn't believe it, this person could catch the thief before him.

However, this person's words and deeds are too arrogant, which makes him very unhappy.

Seeing that the two sides were gradually confronting each other, Lu Siyong smiled wryly and said, "You two, you will all be a family in the future, so why bother?"

"Family? Lu Jun, without you, would this kid be worthy of joining the Qilin army?"

Guo Qiang said with a look of disdain.

"Qilin Army?"

Lin Chen chuckled: "If someone like you can be the person in charge, then it doesn't matter if I don't join the Qilin army!"

"Boy, you..."

Guo Qiang was furious. Ever since he saw this kid, he had never taken his identity as the leader of the Qilin army seriously. Now, he dared to sarcasm to his face. In the future, if this person really wants to join the Qilin army, then Got it?

"Old Guo, it's almost enough, why do you have to get angry with a junior."

Lu Siyong shook his head, quite helpless in his heart.

On the surface, Guo Qiang, as the leader of the Qilin army, is highly skilled, and he has a better chance of winning in catching the thief.

But in fact.

Lu Siyong always felt that the final winner of this bet would be Lin Chen.

You know, back then Lin Beifeng was known as a fierce tiger in the army, how could Lin Chen be so bad as his son?

"Boy, let you be arrogant for a while now, and don't play tricks when you lose later."

Guo Qiang said viciously.

However, Lin Chen didn't even look at him, and said to Lu Siyong, "Uncle Lu, I'm afraid my wife will be worried, so I'll go home first."

"Okay." Lu Siyong nodded without objecting.

"Say hello to Miss Su for me."

"Uncle Lu, you're being polite." After Lin Chen finished speaking, he turned and left.

Watching Lin Chen leave, Guo Qiang's face turned red and he was burning with anger.

"This kid is too arrogant, knowing that he bet with me and still in the mood to go home and talk about love!"

After so many years, it was the first time Guo Qiang encountered an opponent who dared to despise him.

"Old Guo, I would like to remind you that some people cannot

Measure, otherwise you will suffer a big loss. "

Lu Siyong patted Guo Qiang on the shoulder.

"Lu Jun, send me the details of Gu Feng first, and I will arrest him as soon as possible."

Guo Qiang frowned.

He didn't understand why Lu Siyong was optimistic about this young man, but he was able to climb to the position of the leader of the Qilin army, relying on his strength. As a soldier, even though Lin Chen was still young, he still had to be very energetic. Watch out for gutter capsizes.

When all the dust settles, he will tell Lin Chen with a crushing posture, you are still very young!


On the other hand, Lin Chen did return home after leaving Yunhuai Medical University.

Mainly, he was really worried about his wife. After all, when he left home and went to the summit of the kings, he didn't say hello. In addition, he helped Lu Siyong deal with the medicine as soon as he came back. Lin Chen did a good job when he returned home. Get ready to kneel on the keyboard.

In the dead of night, the lights were dimly lit.

When Lin Chen walked into the house, Su Qingcheng was cooking instant noodles in the living room.

The couple looked at each other.

In the next moment, there was no blame that Lin Chen expected.

Without the venting that Lin Chen expected,

Yes, it's just a wife who said softly to her husband who came back late at night: "General Lu told me just now that you came home so late, and I didn't know if you ate or not, so I cooked you a bag of pickled rice." noodle."

"Honey, I..."

Lin Chen was extremely moved and at the same time extremely guilty.

"Okay, I know your ability. You haven't heard from me for so many days. You must be dealing with important matters. But next time, can you tell me so that I can feel at ease."

Su Qingcheng brought the cooked instant noodles in front of Lin Chen, and said softly: "I can't contact you these few days, I'm really scared, afraid of you..."

Speaking of this, Su Qingcheng didn't continue talking, two lines of tears, silently across the face, dripping on the ground.

Seeing this, Lin Chen stepped forward and hugged Su Qingcheng tightly, and said in a hoarse voice: "Honey, I didn't think carefully enough to make you worry."

"Hurry up and eat the noodles, or you will be lumpy soon."

Su Qingcheng wiped away her tears and said with a smile.

"it is good."

Afterwards, Lin Chen ate the noodles and the soup in one go.

For him, it's just this ordinary bowl of instant noodles, but at this moment, it instantly kills all delicacies from mountains and seas.

have a wife

So, nothing more to ask for!

"Tell me, what happened these days."

Su Qingcheng leaned against Lin Chen's arms and said softly.

Then, Lin Chen briefly talked about the recent incident, but he concealed the explosion at the airport.

He didn't want his wife to worry about it, after all, the matter of the genetic problem hadn't been resolved yet.

"No matter what, safety always comes first. You have to remember that someone at home will always be waiting for you."

After Su Qingcheng finished speaking, he cleaned up the dishes and said to Lin Chen, "Husband, go to bed, General Lu still needs you tomorrow."

Hearing this, Lin Chen sighed inwardly, and immediately returned to the bedroom.

Normally, he doesn't need to be involved in the matter of genetics, so as not to cause embarrassment.

However, the success of the research and development of genetic medicines is related to whether the military can successfully land on the island, so if there is a mistake in this matter, the time to land on the island will inevitably be delayed.

Right now, the situation is unpredictable.

The big shot made a move, and it was obvious that he also had a strong interest in that island, and he might go there in person at that time.

Therefore, Lin Chen naturally did not hope that the delayed landing time would lead to being seized by the big shots and others.

That island was the place where my father obtained Huayu back then, and there are a lot of spirit crystals on the island. For this reason, he must bring back the scientists unscathed, and must not let these pillars of the country fall into the hands of big men. Used.


Early the next morning, when Lin Chen woke up, he found that Su Qingcheng was sleeping soundly.

Lin Chen sighed slightly, and couldn't bear to disturb her, so he left the house quietly.

Just a short while after he left, Su Qingcheng suddenly opened her beautiful eyes, looking at the withered and yellow leaves falling from the window, there was a trace of sentimentality in her eyes.

She understood that Lu Siyong was a general, and since he took the initiative to find Lin Chen, it must be something urgent, but it also showed the degree of danger of the matter.

She is not a soldier, does not have much patriotism, she is just an ordinary woman, for her, there is nothing more important than her husband's safe return.

The ancients said: Flowers drift by themselves, water flows by itself, one kind of lovesickness, two places of worry.

At this moment, she clearly realized that Lin Chen had become an indispensable part of her life before she knew it.

Husband, you must return safely.

Su Qingcheng prayed silently.

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