Overnight Success

Chapter 347 Self-Righteous Guo Qiang

After walking out of the villa, Lin Chen took out a strand of hair, which he found when he returned to the scene of the theft last night.

Therefore, this strand of hair is likely to be left by Gu Feng.

It was only at the beginning that it was ignored by everyone.

At that moment, without hesitation, Lin Chen immediately drew a tracking talisman and burned it, and then a wisp of white smoke rose indistinctly and drifted into the distance.

In fact, this is not the first time Lin Chen has used this trick, but it has been tried and tested.

It was precisely because of this trick that he was confident enough to bet with Guo Qiang.

Following the direction in which the white smoke drifted away, Lin Chen rode a shared bicycle all the way north to a remote mountainous area.

Going further, it no longer belongs to the scope of Yunhuai City, no wonder this person can hide and not be discovered by the military.

Stopping his bicycle, Lin Chen walked straight to the mountain.

Because it is a mountainous area with lush vegetation, there are often special forest rangers waiting here.

Not long after, Lin Chen followed the direction where the white smoke disappeared, and came to a simple one-story house.


Lin Chen knocked on the door.

"Which one?"

Inside the house, came a slightly aged voice.

"I'm lost, where can I go?"

Lin Chen said.

"Keep going south."

While uttering these words, an old figure in overalls came out.

"Young man, don't wander around if you have nothing to do."

Seeing Lin Chen, the eyes of the old figure flickered.

"Thank you, old man."

Lin Chen smiled slightly, and just as he turned his back, a burst of hostility erupted from the old figure, and immediately he struck Lin Chen's neck with an eagle claw hand.

With his fierceness, if he was caught, his neck would probably be crushed immediately.

However, Lin Chen seemed to have been on guard for a long time, and he dodged, directly dodging the killing blow of the old figure.


The old figure let out a slight sigh, then with a fierce look in his eyes, he said indifferently: "Yesterday, I saw you, if it weren't for you, He Youshun and his gang would have been blasted to the sky by me."

"It seems that the bomb suddenly accelerated yesterday, and it was indeed controlled by you remotely."

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed, and he said in a deep voice: "Now, Gu Feng, are you still going to continue pretending?"

"Ha ha!"

The old figure smiled coldly, and lifted off the human skin mask, revealing a face with Chinese characters.

"I'm curious how you found this place, are you from the Qilin Army?"

Hearing Gu Feng's question, Lin Chen said lightly: "At present,

, not yet. "

"That's interesting. You are not from the Qilin army, but you still found this place. Why don't I introduce you to a big man, so why don't you join us?"

Gu Feng followed the advice carefully and kindly.

"Okay." Lin Chen smiled slightly: "Anyway, I'm just an ordinary citizen. I do things for Lu Siyong purely for the sake of money. If that big man pays more, I'll do it for him."

"No problem." Gu Feng smiled heartily, and then when Lin Chen let down his vigilance and was unprepared, he shot like lightning, an inch punch slammed into Lin Chen's abdomen.

"Old cunt!"

Lin Chen cursed secretly, the wind was blowing under his feet, and he dodged again.

"Boy, it seems that you are capable enough to dodge two of my moves." Gu Feng's eyes darkened, and he re-examined Lin Chen's strength.

"Why do big shots only play lip service?"

Lin Chen said indifferently: "Let me ask you, what about those scientists, where did you put them?"


The corner of Gu Feng's mouth curled up, pretending to be deep in thought: "At this point, they should have been transported in front of the big man!"

"Why do you want to work for a big man? With your ability, I want to work for the court with peace of mind, and the court will give you a lot!"

Lin Chen said.

"The imperial court?" Gu Feng smiled sarcastically: "For me, what I want, the imperial court can't give it to me, only the big shots can give it to me."

"what do you want?"

"Immortal!" Gu Feng showed a touch of longing, and said excitedly: "The big man promised me that after his big plan is completed, he will let all of us live forever like him."

"It's immortality again." Lin Chen sneered, "Thanks to your strength reaching the peak level of the ninth rank, it's ridiculous to think that immortality is really allowed in the world."

Immortality, as the name suggests, means that despite the changes of time, a person can live forever.

The so-called longevity, Lin Chen, as a cultivator, can indeed extend his lifespan to hundreds of years as his realm improves.

However, he couldn't do it without dying.

According to calculations, unless he reaches the legendary fairyland, he may not die, but when you watch people around you leave one by one, what's the point of not dying?

At the end of the long years, there is only one person walking alone. In Lin Chen's opinion, this kind of immortality is not worth it!

"Boy, your vision is too narrow, and it's useless to tell you more."


Feng didn't bother to explain, he picked up the iron rod at the side, turned into an afterimage, and launched a fierce attack on Lin Chen.

However, Lin Chen was unmoved.

It wasn't until the iron rod was less than an inch away from him that he shot suddenly.

As soon as he turned into the sword, Lin Chen waved lightly, and the long sword moved towards the iron rod to meet him.


In an instant, the iron rod was split in half, and the sword energy raged, cutting a bloodstain on Gu Feng's chest.

Seeing the blood trickling down slowly, Gu Feng said with a gloomy face: "Boy, I really underestimated you."

"To show respect, I will use all my strength to crush you into a pulp!"

Following Gu Feng's roar, a ferocious air swept from his body.

"Half-step realm."

Lin Chen said without changing his expression.

"Why are you scared?" Gu Feng's eyes were dark, with a ferocious expression on his face, just when he was about to attack Lin Chen again.


There was a rush of car honking.

Then, men in camouflage uniforms quickly got out of the car with guns and surrounded Gu Feng.

"Mr. Lin, I didn't expect you to find this person so quickly. Thank you."

A banter sounded.

The next moment, the door of the self-heavy armored car opened. Guo Qiang was wearing a special combat uniform and walked towards Lin Chen with a smile on his face.

"Are you following me?"

Lin Chen said indifferently.

"Don't say it so harshly, what is tracking?" Guo Qiang laughed, feeling extremely comfortable: "I just started monitoring you in real time to protect you."

Hearing this, Lin Chen's face was very ugly.

This person stalks and doesn't say anything, but still speaks of his righteousness, which is really disgusting.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin, it's a great achievement for you to find Gu Feng, and I will definitely reward you when I go back."

Seeing Lin Chen's displeased face, Guo Qiang smiled even brighter: "You have such ability, if you join the Qilin army in the future, you can come under my command, and I will definitely cover you."

As early as the gambling game started, he sent someone to monitor Lin Chen in real time, and unexpectedly got a pleasant surprise.

Now, with so many players under his command, how could Lin Chen be his opponent in terms of stealing people and taking the lead.


Seeing this, Lin Chen simply spread his arms and said meaningfully: "Then I wish Director Guo that he can catch Gu Feng!"

Guo Qiang rolled his eyes.

I thought to myself: He has brought so many people, if he can't catch Gu Feng, then he, the leader of the Qilin Army, really doesn't have to do it.

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