Overnight Success

Chapter 356 Entering The Mountain

It's night, in the villa.

Su Qingcheng changed into pajamas, put on a mask, raised her straight white legs, and flipped through the contract in her hand.

Obviously, this contract is exactly the share transfer letter that Yun Gaoyuan sent over by mail just now. Biqu library

"Husband, I haven't asked you today. What do you want to go to Qianlong Mountain for approval?"

Seeing Lin Chen walking by, Su Qingcheng asked.

"Uh..." Lin Chen hesitated and said, "Honey, I don't want to lie to you. In fact, I went to Qianlong Mountain for selfish reasons. There is a treasure there that I must take."

"What?" Su Qingcheng was suspicious.

Lin Chen was slightly silent.

Seeing this, Su Qingcheng turned around and said: "I'll just ask if it's okay, if you don't want to say it, you don't have to say it."

"Actually, there's nothing you can't say." Lin Chen sighed.

Immediately, he briefly described the matter of Huayu from the beginning to the end.

I didn't say it before because Su Qingcheng has no self-protection power. Once she knows too much, there will be only disadvantages and no benefits for her.

But now that Su Qingcheng is also embarking on the journey of cultivation, he doesn't want to hide some things anymore.

After listening to what Lin Chen said, Su Qingcheng said in surprise: "So, the big man has repeatedly targeted the Su family, is it because of the Su family's piece of jade?"

Lin Chen nodded.

"Honey, let's go tomorrow. You must follow me closely. I don't know how strong that beast is. If you stay too far away from me, I may not be able to take care of you."

"Don't worry, I won't make trouble for you." Su Qingcheng said.

"Actually, if you don't want to go, I have other ways."

As soon as Lin Chen mentioned this, Su Qingcheng said seriously: "Husband, I know you are extraordinary, but we are husband and wife, no matter what happens, I hope that we, husband and wife, will face it together."

"Maybe right now, I am too weak to fight alongside you, but you believe in me, and I will definitely work hard."

Seeing Su Qingcheng waving her small fists, Lin Chen smiled dotingly: "Well, I believe in you."


Early the next morning.

Su Qingcheng woke up early and arranged all the company's affairs for the next few days.

Because the terrain of Qianlong Mountain is rugged and vehicles are impassable,

It takes a lot of time to go back and forth on foot.

Likewise, Lin Chen was not idle.

Since the Dark Pavilion is located in Qianlong Mountain, he greeted Fang Yuan so as not to cause any trouble to people from the Dark Pavilion.

After getting everything ready, Lin Chen checked his luggage and set off with Su Qingcheng.

After several hours.

The two finally arrived at the foot of Qianlong Mountain.

But the careful Lin Chen discovered that besides the two of them, there were also these two jeep off-road vehicles.

It's just that there is no one in the off-road vehicle, and they must have already entered the mountain.

It seems that there are a little too many people entering the mountain this time!

Lin Chen couldn't help squinting his eyes.

Qianlong Mountain, a small road.

Wearing a camouflage uniform, Chen Yunxian walked in the front, followed by a group of men, and the man in the front said: "Miss, according to the location of the beast given by the military, that place is located in the depths of Qianlong Mountain. It will take at least three days to arrive."

This person is Wu Kui.

"Damn, this Qianlong Mountain is too big. At a glance, there is no end in sight, and there is still fog on the mountain, which hinders our actions even more."

"The supplies we have prepared may not be enough!"

A man behind him grumbled.

"Okay, let's not say a few words, save some effort."

Chen Yunxian glanced at the man, who touched his nose resentfully, but did not speak again.

"Supplies are easy to deal with. I heard that the hometown of Ange is hidden in Qianlong Mountain. If you can find them, you should not worry about supplements."

Wu Kui said.

"But the people in the Dark Pavilion are arrogant and hard to get in touch with. Will they be willing to help us?"

Chen Yunxian responded with doubts.

"As long as you find them, it's fine if they are willing. If you don't want to, then you can use your fist to speak. I heard that their vitality has been seriously injured recently. I have long wanted to meet them."

As Wu Kui spoke, his face showed confidence, and his body exuded a detached aura.

"Look for the place where the dark pavilion is, and try to find it before dark."

After Chen Yunxian finished speaking, a group of people started a carpet search. Biqu library

In a blink of an eye, the sun sets and the sky is gray.


In Qianlong Mountain, the temperature plummeted.

Perhaps it is the altitude relationship, the later the sky, the lower the air.

Gradually, some people began to lose their strength: "Miss, we are so clueless to search, when will we find it! Why don't we have something to eat?"

"No, the supply is only enough for two meals, and it is impossible to move unless it is absolutely necessary." Chen Yunxian shouted in a low voice.

Everyone looked helpless, and started a new round of aimless searching.

But, at this moment.

Suddenly, there was a faint sound of footsteps.

For a moment, everyone looked vigilant, put on a fighting posture, and aimed at the direction of the footsteps.

After all, Qianlong Mountain is extremely weird, and it is normal for wild beasts to run rampant.


Under the concentrated gaze of the crowd, two blurred figures slowly emerged.

A man and a woman.

The man among them was even more leisurely, humming a little tune, and looking around, as if he was here for a tourist.

It was Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng who came.

Compared to Lin Chen, who was out of shape and sloppy, Su Qingcheng was cautious, and his spirit was always in a state of high tension.

"Husband, look there is someone over there."

Suddenly, Su Qingcheng walked forward.


After being reminded by Su Qingcheng, Lin Chen turned his eyes to the front. When he found out that the leader was Chen Yunxian who had met several times, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

Just now he wondered, whose cars down the mountain belonged to, it must have belonged to this girl!

But what was she doing here?

"Who is here! I advise you to tell the truth!"

Wu Kui led people forward and immediately surrounded Lin Chen.

"My own people, my own people." Lin Chen chuckled.

"Bah! Who is with you!"

A young subordinate said: "Boy, I advise you not to play tricks, and quickly recruit the truth, otherwise we will tie you up and feed you to the wolves in no time."

"Young man, I don't know as much as you, let your lady talk to me!"

Lin Chen said lightly.

"Boy, my miss, you can see me if you want..."

Before the young man finished speaking, Chen Yunxian went straight to Lin Chen and said, "Mr. Lin, what are you doing here?"

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