Overnight Success

Chapter 357 Arriving At The Dark Pavilion, Being Despised By Others

"Miss Chen, look at what you said, this mountain does not belong to your family, as long as you come, I can't come for a tour?"

Lin Chen said with a playful smile.

"Boy, do you know who this is in front of you?"

On the side, Wu Kui stepped forward and coldly scolded upon seeing this.

"Wu Kui!"

Chen Yunxian shouted, signaling him not to be impulsive.

In any case, Lin Chen saved her grandfather. To some extent, Lin Chen should be regarded as a half-benefactor of the Chen family.

"Lin Chen, this mountain is dangerous. I advise you to go down the mountain as soon as possible. This is not the place for you."

Chen Yunxian kindly advised.

"I appreciate the good intentions, but I've already come here, so I have to enjoy the mountain scenery before leaving."

Seeing that Lin Chen had no intention of leaving, Chen Yunxian frowned, and simply didn't say any more.

Anyway, it should be said that she has said everything, as to whether she will go or stay and what happens next has nothing to do with her.

"Boy, the eldest lady kindly advises you, since you don't appreciate it, then I wish you can leave a whole body on this mountain."

Wu Kui smiled coldly, with an extremely disdainful smile.

Obviously, in his eyes, at Lin Chen's age, he is just a stunned young man.

"What is a whole corpse? Can't you speak well?"

Su Qingcheng said dissatisfied.

She finally found out that these people looked at them with contempt, as if they came here to seek their own death. Biqu library

"Ha ha."

Wu Kui said indifferently: "I have nothing to say to you, if you can survive here for one night, I will lose."

"It sounds like you're awesome from what you mean?"

Lin Chen grinned.

"That's natural." Wu Kui said proudly, "Back then, when I was in the Special Forces, all the indicators were close to full marks, and I was almost able to enter the Holy Land Cheetah Special Forces among the Special Forces."

"Cut!" Lin Chen curled his lips, dismissively: "I thought it was awesome, but after talking for a long time, it turned out that I was in the second-rate special forces team!"

"Boy, you..."

Seeing Lin Chen's retorted taunt, Wu Kui's face flushed, just when he was about to vent his anger back.

However, Chen Yunxian said: "That's enough for Wu Kui, let's continue to look for the dark pavilion, don't waste time with him."

"Boy, if Missy didn't speak, I promise to make you look good!"

Wu Kui said something viciously to Lin Chen, and just as he followed Chen

Yunxian was walking, and when he was about to leave this place, suddenly, a black shadow showed its sharp fangs and bit the neck of Chen Yunxian who was at the front with lightning speed.

Seeing this scene, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

At this moment, they could see the appearance of the black shadow clearly.

This is a king cobra, about eight meters long, with a huge body and jet-black skin.

Seeing that the king cobra's fangs were about to bite Chen Yunxian's neck.

Before everyone had time to react, there was a sound of piercing through the air.

A silver needle instantly penetrated the king cobra's head and shot it to the ground.


When the huge body of the king cobra fell to the ground, Chen Yunxian gasped heavily with lingering fear.

Just now, at that moment, her blood was almost congealed, her whole body was numb, and she had no strength at all.

"Thank you, Uncle Kui."

Chen Yunxian looked at Wu Kui who was approaching and said seriously.

Previously, Wu Kui was the closest to her, so she subconsciously thought it was Wu Kui who rescued her.

Hearing this, Wu Kui was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "As long as the young lady is fine, it's what I should do to protect you."

However, all of this was seen by Su Qingcheng.

Why is this guy so shameless!

It was clearly her husband who did it just now!

"Let's go."

Chen Yunxian said, and continued to move forward.

Seeing this, Su Qingcheng was very puzzled: "Lin Chen, why didn't you say anything, it was obviously your fault just now."

Lin Chen shook his head: "Just do what you want, besides, it's good for us to keep a little distance from them."

"What's the meaning?"

Lin Chen smiled and didn't say much.

According to the route of Chen Yunxian and his group, they will most likely go to the dark pavilion, and then continue to the depths of Qianlong Mountain through the dark pavilion.

It's just that I don't know if the purpose of this group of people is the piece of Huayu. If it is, then he won't give in no matter what!

"It's getting late, and we have to hold on tight, otherwise another giant python like the one before might emerge at some point."

Lin Chen changed the subject.

It has to be said that this move was indeed very effective. Hearing this, Su Qingcheng was so frightened that she became nervous and leaned against Lin Chen's chest.

Next, the two also started to head towards the dark pavilion.

About an hour later.

Chen Yunxian and others walking ahead passed a chain bridge and came to a long street on the opposite bank.

long street gloomy

, without any vendors.

Standing at the gate of Long Street was a group of middle-aged men dressed in black and holding long knives.

"It seems that this should be the territory of the dark pavilion."

Wu Kui said in a low voice.

"Let's go and meet them."

Chen Yunxian said coldly.

Obviously, she has never had any good impressions of underground forces like the Dark Pavilion.

"Hello, who's here?"

Several men guarding the door saw Chen Yunxian and his party coming, stopped them at the door and said.

"I want to come to the Dark Pavilion to exchange for some supplies."

Chen Yunxian said indifferently.

"Exchanging supplies? What treasures do you have?"

A man with a rough face and a relatively greasy face said.

"No baby, but I have some cash."

"Cash?" the greasy man said, exchanged glances with the others, and then burst out laughing: "Sister, stop teasing us, do you think the Dark Pavilion is short of cash?"

Immediately afterwards, the greasy man changed his voice:

"Of course, for the sake of your strength, we can give you the supplies you want, but you have to let the brothers fight and vent the fire."

"How about it, this deal is a good deal, my brothers will not only serve you comfortably, but also let you have supplies, hahaha!"

Seeing the eyeballs of these people in front of him, they kept sweeping back and forth on his body, Chen Yunxian's pretty face was covered with frost, and his voice was cold: "A bunch of trash, dare to attack Miss Ben, are you tired of work?"

As the daughter of Chen Jiatian, she has been admired by thousands of people since she was a child, and all kinds of outstanding men scramble to bow down under her pomegranate skirt.

But now, these people in front of her were speaking foul words and harboring ill intentions towards her, which undoubtedly made her extremely angry.

"Sister, I advise you not to act rashly, don't forget that this is the territory of the Dark Pavilion!"

The greasy man showed no fear, and said contemptuously: "Otherwise, we can tie up you group and feed them to the wolves in minutes."

"Bold, do you know that we are from the Chen family, dare to speak to us like this?"

Wu Kui let out a loud shout, his face full of coldness.

"What about the Chen family?"

The corner of the greasy man's mouth became even more contemptuous, he raised his head and said, "You know, the leader who emerged from the summit of the kings recently is our new pavilion master's thug, with him, your Chen family will only be crushed! "

"Be sensible, you can either get out of here, or do what I tell you!"

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