Overnight Success

Chapter 358 When A Fight Broke Out, Fang Yuan Came Out

Hearing what the greasy man said, Wu Kui and others were very angry.

But he didn't act rashly, after all, he had heard about the master that the greasy man mentioned recently.

This person flexed his muscles at the summit of kings and defeated the heroes along the way.

It is reported that this person's strength is likely to reach the top level. In this way, if there is such a person in the Dark Pavilion, if there is a conflict, he is really not an opponent.

"Why are you afraid?"

The greasy man smiled arrogantly: "I'll give you three seconds to think about it, either let that woman serve us comfortably, or get out of here!"

"Too much deceit!"

Chen Yunxian, as a girl of the heavens, had never been insulted like this before, and immediately she shouted coquettishly, making a gesture to force her way.

However, this moment.

A faint laugh sounded suddenly: "Guys, give me some face and let them in!"

Lin Chen appeared carelessly in front of everyone, grinning.

Seeing this, everyone was slightly taken aback.

Especially Chen Yunxian frowned. Hearing Lin Chen's meaning, he seemed to know the people in the dark pavilion?

But, the next second.

The greasy man said angrily: "Boy, what kind of onion are you? I need to give you face?"

"My name is Lin Chen."

Lin Chen said confidently.

"What the hell, Lin Chen?" The greasy man exchanged glances with his companions, and said impatiently, "I've never heard of it, boy, if you don't want to die, just follow them!"

Lin Chen: "..."

what's the situation?

Didn't Fangyuan greet this group of people?

This is too broken...

Chen Yunxian rolled his eyes even more.

Fortunately, she thought Lin Chen knew this group of people, so she was just putting on airs.

For a while, her affection for Lin Chen, which was not much at all, quickly declined.

"Then, didn't you just say that your dark pavilion has recently joined by an expert?"

Lin Chen continued. Biqu library

"Yes, it's a pity we don't know that name."

After the greasy man finished speaking, there was a look of admiration in his eyes.

"That person's name is Lin Chen." Lin Chen said.

"What?" The greasy man was stunned for a moment, suspicious: "You said that person is called Lin Chen, is it true?"

"Are you really stupid or fake stupid? My name is Lin Chen. I am the expert you mentioned. Do you understand?"

Lin Chen was so angry that he almost couldn't hold back from punching the greasy man.

What kind of IQ is this?

"Fart, how could you be that tall man!"

The greasy man's face was full of anger: "Boy, do you really think that I have never seen that expert, want to

When that expert swept everything at the summit, I witnessed his true face off the stage. "

"And that figure is tall, majestic like a god, and look at you, weak like a scholar, are you trampling on my IQ?"

After saying that, he waved his hand abruptly to his companions and said, "Brothers, this person dares to offend that expert, today we will show him some color, and let him know what a miserable end he will have if he offends that person."

Seeing these people walking towards him with fists gearing up, Lin Chen felt black lines all over his head.

If I had known earlier, he would not wear a mask during the competition, but this incident caused a lot of trouble...

Wu Kui and the others folded their arms around their chests and raised the corners of their mouths, as if they were waiting for a good show.

"Lin Chen, what should we do?"

Seeing this scene, Su Qingcheng said nervously.

"Don't panic!"

Lin Chen said, looking at the greasy man and the others: "Give me a minute, let me call your pavilion master, and I will ask her to come and take me in."


Hearing this, the greasy man spat, and said indifferently: "Boy, do you really think that you are the king of heaven and I can't do it, and let our pavilion master personally come and take you in?"

Just as the greasy man said this, Lin Chen had already called Fangyuan.

After a few seconds.

He said helplessly: "Forgot, there is no signal in the mountains."

Everyone at the scene: "..."

"Boy, don't delay any longer. Qianlong Mountain is the territory of our secret cabinet. Don't expect the officers at the bottom of the mountain to save you!"

After the greasy man finished speaking, several people raised their fists and blasted towards Lin Chen with gusts of wind like a tiger coming out of its cage.

"This kid really deserves it!"

Wu Kui sneered, not intending to make a move at all.

On the contrary, Chen Yunxian frowned, just when she was about to help Lin Chen.


Swish Swish Swish!

The silver needles flickered.

Lin Chen flicked his fingers, and several silver needles shot directly from the hand towards the greasy man and the others.

In the blink of an eye, the greasy men got needles in their chests and fell to their knees one after another, their bodies twitching non-stop.


Seeing the greasy man and the others screaming in agony, Wu Kui froze with an unnatural expression.

what happened?

Why did these people fall to their knees?

In fact, because Lin Chen shot so fast, Wu Kui didn't even see her move.

Chen Yunxian was also dazed, he didn't expect such a funny scene to happen.

But in retrospect, Grandpa once told her

However, Lin Chen was unfathomable. For a moment, she couldn't help wondering, could it be this person who did it just now?

However, no matter how you look at it, a master of this level is not suitable for Lin Chen!

"Boy, what have you done to us!"

Enduring the sharp pain in his chest, the greasy man yelled.

"It's nothing, just let you kneel down for a while."

Lin Chen said indifferently.

"Boy, I warn you, there is an expert sitting in the cabinet, you have to be sensible and untie it for us immediately, otherwise, when that person comes out, you will all be unable to eat and walk around."

The greasy man roared angrily.

"Miss, maybe we can take this opportunity to enter the dark cabinet to see if there are any necessary supplies."

Seeing this, Wu Kui whispered to Chen Yunxian.

Chen Yunxian glanced at Lin Chen, and said, "Let's go!"


Wu Kui responded, and rushed into the dark pavilion first.

However, before he could take two steps, a gust of punching wind came from the front, directly blasting him back.

"Bold, if you dare to trespass into the hidden pavilion without my order, even if you are a member of the Chen family, you will die!"

An ice-cold female voice rang out.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Yuan, wearing a water-blue robe and stepping on high heels, walked slowly towards this side.

Behind him, followed by the only two remaining elders in the Dark Pavilion, and a group of stars.

The atmosphere became extremely tense in an instant.


The greasy man and the others shouted solemnly.

As the master of the dark pavilion, Fang Yuan's status is supernatural, and usually they don't see each other at all, but what kind of wind blows today to disturb this person.

"It's so late, what are you talking about?"

Fang Yuan said slowly.

"Speak to the Pavilion Master, these people in front of you don't know good from bad, and insist on forcibly entering the secret pavilion."

Hearing this, Fang Yuan glanced at Chen Yunxian and the others with extremely indifferent eyes.

"You guys injured my men?"

"It's not." Wu Kui didn't dare to look at Fang Yuan directly, and said bravely, "All this has nothing to do with the Chen family, it's all done by this kid alone."

Speaking of this, he pointed to Lin Chen who was humming a ditty with a relaxed expression on his face.

Looking at Lin Chen, Fang Yuan's pretty face, which was as cold as ice, suddenly bloomed like a flower, revealing a smile.

But, before she could speak.

The greasy man took the first step and said miserably: "Master, this person pretends to be our leader. We wanted to teach him a lesson, but who knows, this person deliberately humiliated us with tricks, you must be the master for us!" what!"

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