Overnight Success

Chapter 366 I'm In Big Trouble Now

On the large seat, a tall man in a black robe stood up, his eyes were full of coldness.

Beside him, a housekeeper trembled in fright and dared not say a word.

"Damn Lin Chen, you ruined my good deeds many times. Those scientists were about to be sent to me, but they were destroyed again!"

The tall man's voice carried endless anger and hatred, and his aura suddenly appeared, making the housekeeper feel like a deep abyss.

"I heard that the address of the man in Beijing was leaked, who did it?"

The tall man looked at the butler and asked.

The butler braced himself and hurriedly replied: "As far as I know, the only ones who know the approximate location of that person are the Four Heavenly Kings and Miss Fangyuan."

"But two of the Four Heavenly Kings have already died, and those two are your right-hand men. After thinking about it, I'm afraid only Miss Fangyuan..."

Speaking of this, the butler didn't say anything more.

After all, Fang Yuan is the daughter of a great man, so how to make the final decision is not up to him.

The tall man roared angrily, smashed the table in front of him with his palm, and said coldly: "What a white-eyed wolf, it's a pity that I have treated her like my own daughter for so many years and gave her the best of everything!"

"Now that she is determined to oppose me because of Lin Chen, don't blame me for not being a father and daughter!"

The tall man said, with an extremely cold voice: "Housekeeper, find a time to get rid of her, the end of betraying me is death!"

The butler nodded: "Yes."

Afterwards, he thought for a while and said, "But the big man, I think the most troublesome person right now should be Lin Chen. , He actually won the position of leader at the summit of the kings, and helped Miss Fang Yuan to ascend to the position of the master of the dark pavilion."

Hearing this, the tall man snorted disdainfully: "He killed my two heavenly kings, so I naturally know that he should not be underestimated."

"You don't need to remind me of this."

"So it seems that the big man has a way to deal with him?" The housekeeper smiled sarcastically.

"That's inevitable." The tall man vowed: "Before I sent King Feng Tian to the capital, I naturally wanted him to find the Palace of Seven Kills. Yesterday, King Feng Tian sent a message that he had successfully arrived at the capital branch of the Palace of Seven Kills. And discussed in detail the issue of assassinating Lin Chen."

"What do you say over there?" the butler was very surprised.

You must know that the Hall of Seven Killers is known as the most famous killer organization in China. It is said that there

A person with a strong body will definitely kill one person within seven moves, and his strength is unbelievably strong.

Similarly, with such outstanding combat power, the internal assessment in the Hall of Seven Kills is very strict.

All the people in the Hall of Seven Kills will be assessed every week, and they will be eliminated at the end of the ranking, and all the accumulation in the Hall of Seven Kills over the years will be handed over to the person who ranks first in the assessment.

Therefore, under the pressure of this kind of rules, the people in the Seven Killing Palace are all ruthless people among ruthless people. Once they make a move, they will show no mercy.

Moreover, the location of the Hall of Seven Kills is mysterious and there are multiple branches. Biqu library

At present, it is known that there are branches of the Palace of Seven Killers in the capital city, the devil's capital and other places, but no one knows where its headquarters is.

Even the big shots didn't know about it, so they could only send their subordinates to the branch to discuss the assassination reward.

It can be said that this time the big shot spent a billion dollars to hire the ace killer of the Palace of Seven Killers to assassinate Lin Chen.

It is not difficult to see that he now hates Lin Chen to the bone.

"As long as the money is in place, what are those people afraid to do?"

The big man snorted coldly.

"In short, this time Lin Chen, including Fang Yuan, will die!"

The big man's eyes were gloomy, and a trace of hostility flashed across his face.

In fact, the reason why he rushed to solve Lin Chen at any cost was mainly because the mysterious island would appear soon, and he had an intuition that at that time, this Lin Chen would definitely participate and bring him a lot of benefits. trouble.

Therefore, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, he must get rid of this obstructive guy as soon as possible!

As for Fang Yuan, as long as he is willing, he can cultivate countless "Fang Yuan" who are willing to do things for him!


Tianhai Province, the provincial capital.

Early the next morning, Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng went to the construction site together.

When they arrived here, Sun Dongliu and Yun Gaoyuan were waiting here.

After what happened last time, Yun Gaoyuan respected Lin Chen even more, and immediately stepped forward to say hello.

At the same time, Sun Dongliu followed suit: "Mr. Lin, you also know the importance of the implementation of this project to the provincial capital, including whether I can continue to work as the governor, but it all depends on you."

Seeing Sun Dongliu's sincere face, Lin Chen smiled faintly:

"Don't worry, since you help me to fulfill all my requirements, then I will do what I promised you."

"Then thank you Mr. Lin." Sun Dongliu said.

"You all go back first, keep a distance of five meters away from me, I want to explore the difference in Feng Shui here."

Following Lin Chen's words, everyone was honest

step back.

Seeing this, Lin Chen fixed his eyes and scanned the construction site carefully.

Just a few seconds.

His expression became heavier than ever before.

According to Sun Dongliu, since the day of construction, the entire construction site has been shrouded in dark clouds, and the workers working here often feel chilly behind their backs.

At first they blamed it on the meteorological relationship, but looking at it now, it is completely a situation where the sky is full of evil spirits.

without any exaggeration-

At this moment, this construction site is like a purgatory on earth, a grave for the living and a recreation place for the dead.

Lin Chen took a deep breath, "This is a big trouble."

From behind, seeing Lin Chen's solemn expression, Yun Gaoyuan couldn't help but said: "Mr. Lin, is there a way to break the situation here?"

Lin Chen picked up the wet soil on the ground and touched it, then thought for a while, and then asked an irrelevant question: "Why did you choose the resort here?"

"Didn't you check with the Feng Shui master in advance?"

Hearing Lin Chen's question, Yun Gaoyuan frowned: "Mr. Lin, are you saying that there was a problem with Feng Shui here from the very beginning?"

"if not!"

Lin Chen pointed at the construction site and said indifferently: "This time the ghost spirit is strong, which is why the construction workers feel cold behind their backs, and the sky is covered with dark clouds. It is also because the evil spirit underground is so serious that The yang energy cannot be suppressed, so it soars to the sky."


Yun Gaoyuan's expression changed drastically.

"But at the beginning, the Feng Shui master said that this is a rare treasure!"

Sun Dongliu said with a pale face.

"Treasure land?"

Lin Chen had a sneer on his face: "I think this place is more or less called a gathering place for ghosts."

"Ghost gathering place?"

As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone only felt two gusts of cold air from the soles of their feet rushing towards Tianling Gai.

His complexion was extremely ugly.

"It looks like you've been tricked! And you've been tricked miserably."

Lin Chen said with a blank face.

Yun Gaoyuan and Sun Dongliu looked at each other, and immediately, Sun Dongliu asked hurriedly: "I don't know Mr. Lin, what is the origin of this ghost gathering place?"

"As the name suggests, since this place is called Gathering Ghosts, it is naturally below the ground, where many resentful ghosts are buried."

Lin Chen said calmly, then changed his voice, "Governor Sun, there are very few places where ghosts gather, and it's rare to see them. I want to ask you, has there ever been a major injustice or murder here?"

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