Overnight Success

Chapter 367 The Ambition Of The Xue Family

Hearing this, Sun Dongliu was stunned, and subconsciously said: "No, this used to be a church, how could such a thing happen."


Lin Chen frowned slightly.

It stands to reason that there are many believers in the church, so this place should be full of sanctity, not the current evil spirit.

Just when Lin Chen was puzzled.

The secretary next to Sun Dongliu interjected: "Mr. Lin, I have a sentence that I don't know if I should say it or not."

"you say."

"This place was indeed a church, but this church has a long history. It can be traced back to the beginning of the last century. Grandpa told me that a series of strange things happened in this church at that time."

The secretary held his glasses and said.

"Oh? What a strange thing happened, can you elaborate?" Lin Chen said.

"According to my grandfather, the church here was called Xikai at that time. The priest of the church was European. He had an eagle's beak and a tiger's chest. He was ugly. He was cruel by nature. He often bought children from poor families and killed the males , boil out their body fat to make soap and oil paintings, and women will slowly grow them and use them as playthings."

"Although the local government knows about it, there is nothing they can do about it. After all, you also know that in those days, foreigners had privileges in the country, and they were domineering and could do whatever they wanted."

"Once, the priest made an idea of ​​Xue's family, a rich family in the local area. The eldest lady of the Xue family, Xue Yueguang was outstanding in appearance and young age, so the priest forcibly took Xue Yueguang back to the church and used it every night to vent his desire. "

"At first, Xue Yueguang resisted, but over time, she chose to obey, and the priest let go of his defensiveness. Especially Xue Yueguang's excellent cooking made him think of taking her as his wife."

"Later, on the wedding night, the priest was so drunk that he asked Xue Yueguang to make a small stove, but after eating this meal, he foamed at the mouth, his intestines were pierced and his stomach rotted, and he died suddenly on the spot. The most terrifying thing is that Xue Yueguang also There are rivets, which are pierced into the head of the priest, and it is said that this is a means for people not to be reborn after death."

"After doing all this, Xue Yueguang hanged himself. After the government found out, after careful consideration, they dug a deep pit under the church to bury the two of them. After all, the death of a foreigner is of great importance, and the government does not want to Things go wrong.

And since then, every night, many nearby residents can always hear the crying of the woman. There were two couples who went to the garden of the church to talk about love late at night.

At that time, they found that the face of a hanged woman suddenly appeared on a big tree inside. As a result, both of them went crazy and were sent to a mental hospital. "

After the secretary finished speaking, everyone looked at each other in shock.

It is hard to imagine that there is such a story under this church.

"In this way, there are frequent problems in the construction site. Is it because our construction disturbed that female ghost?"

Sun Dongliu swallowed and spit and said.

"That's right!" Lin Chen nodded: "Not only the female ghost, but also those children who died tragically under the hands of the priest. They were unwilling to resign after death. This resentment has not dissipated even in a hundred years, and it has always surrounded this church."

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone felt a chill behind them, and couldn't help but look around.

"However, there is one thing I don't understand. Mr. Lin, I have been the Governor of Tianhai Province for so long, but I have never found this place so weird. Before the construction, I also specially sent someone to investigate, and I didn't find anything unusual. Why did this kind of thing happen in the middle of the construction?"

Speaking of this, Sun Dongliu couldn't help feeling depressed.

If he had known this earlier, he would never have chosen to build the resort here, but the project has already been carried out, and now that the location is changed, all the funds invested before will be in vain.

"If you don't build a resort, there will still be nothing wrong with this place, but it is you who destroyed the church that made the evil spirit emerge from the ground."

Lin Chen said with a smile: "The church is a sacred place, even if the priest is sanctimonious, but the church exists here, it can suppress the resentment under the ground, but you demolished the church in order to build a resort. , without the suppression of the church, those evil spirits and grievances in the ground will naturally surface."

Hearing this, Sun Dongliu's heart trembled.

It turned out to be like this.

No wonder, the strange things here started to happen after he built the resort.

Lin Chen continued: "But what I'm more curious about is that your resort adopts an irregular style. Who advocated it?"

"It's like this, Mr. Lin. In order to ensure that there is no harm here, we have found a well-known Fengshui master in China. The master's surname is Xue. It is he who advocates irregular patterns, so we follow what he said."

Yun Gaoyuan said:

"According to Master Xue, the irregular style will give tourists a sense of mystery, so that they can find the house and live there with their bags on the way to play, which is more conducive to the reputation of the resort.

build. "


Lin Chen snapped.

"If the tourist flow of the resort is good and they get together again, even if there is no church to suppress it, but the yang energy is sufficient, it will be able to suppress the unknown underground. Even later, it will give these evil things a chance."

Lin Chen said quite seriously: "After a long time, evil things come out to cause trouble and swallow the vitality of living people, and it is extremely easy to cause major problems."

In fact, ever since Lin Chen first saw the construction of this resort, a shocking idea popped up in his heart.

It should be noted that the houses in Piao Miao Village were also arranged in this irregular way, and the current situation here is exactly the same as that.

It is no exaggeration to say that this place is another ghost gathering formation.

Lin Chen took a deep breath, and at this moment, all the confusion in his heart was easily resolved.

The purpose of building the ghost gathering array is to use all ghosts as nutrients to give birth to the ghost king. At first, he didn't understand who turned the ghost king into a corpse, until he listened to everything the secretary said, and he finally understood that the host of the ghost king here is the ghost king. Xue Yueguang.

"Secretary, do you know where the Xue family is now?" Lin Chen asked.

The secretary shook his head: "After Xue Yueguang's accident, Xue's family moved out. It is said that they went overseas to practice Fengshui."

"as predicted."

Lin Chen sneered, looked at Sun Dongliu and the others and said, "The Master Xue you found should be a descendant of the Xue family."

"He should have discovered the secret of the underground here, so he planned to set up a gathering ghost array to fulfill Xue Yueguang."

"According to what you said, Xue Yueguang was humiliated during her lifetime, and she must be full of resentment after her death, especially since she was buried with her most hated enemy, plus the resentful spirits of those children who died in the church before, everything is for her The change paved the way for the King of Ghosts."

"After these years of nurturing, she must be just a step away from being promoted to the king of ghosts. Master Xue saw this and wanted to set up the ghost gathering formation to help her complete the last step." library

After hearing Lin Chen finished speaking, Sun Dongliu said with a bitter face: "I don't know Mr. Lin, what should we do now?"

"The ghost king is alive, even I have to spend a lot of effort, but now, I am in a hurry to go to the capital, so I can only help you guys control this Xue Yueguang first, and when I come back from the capital, I will deal with her myself!"

Lin Chen said solemnly.

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