Overnight Success

Chapter 368 Leave For The Capital

"Here, I would like to thank Mr. Lin first."

Sun Dongliu's words were quite sincere, and his words were full of gratitude.

"Since I have your approval document, it is reasonable for me to help you with the matter."

Lin Chen said, then turned to ask: "But before that, I would like to ask, where is that Master Xue now?"

Last time, at the summit of the kings, he solved the young Taoist priest. He thought he would completely solve the matter of Piaomiao Village, but now he saw that it was not the case. Perhaps the earliest source of this ghost-gathering formation was Master Xue.

If such a foreigner who always wants to refine the ghost king is allowed to live in the world, it is unknown how many people will be killed.

This is exactly the reason for cutting weeds to get rid of the roots.

"I'm ashamed to say that this master Xue has never seen his end. Since he helped us draw the blueprint for the construction of the resort, he disappeared without a trace."

Yun Gaoyuan said angrily.

Now that the matter has come to this, how can he not understand that he has been cheated.

Moreover, if Mr. Lin hadn't discovered it in time, perhaps all the tourists would have died after the resort was built.


Lin Chen pondered for a while, "Since this person has set up a ghost gathering formation here, I believe he will show up again one day."

Afterwards, Lin Chen bit his finger, dripped a drop of blood essence into the ground here, and set up a magic circle to trap evil things under the ground.

After doing all this, Lin Chen's face paled slightly. For a cultivator, his blood essence is certainly effective in suppressing demons, but the loss of blood essence is also a serious consumption for him.

I'm afraid that within half a month, he would not be able to make up for the consumption of this drop of blood.

However, this time he went to the capital, and he didn't know when he would come back. If he didn't suppress it with essence and blood, it would be difficult to suppress the underground demons with just one formation.

"In the future, you only need to send people to guard this place in turn, and remember not to allow anyone to get close to this place."

Lin Chen reminded.

"I made a note of Mr. Lin." Sun Dongliu bowed.

Then, Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng came to the presidential suite that Sun Dongliu had booked in advance.

Because Su Qingcheng knew that Lin Chen was about to leave for the capital tomorrow, she was slightly silent along the way.

"Honey, if this trip to the capital goes well, I'll be back soon."

Seeing the reluctance in Su Qingcheng's eyes, Lin Chen stepped forward to comfort him.

"Lin Chen, you are going to the capital,

Is it really just to report to the Qilin Army? "

Su Qingcheng's tone was serious.

She remembered that Lin Chen once said that he would figure out the address of the big man, so she was afraid that Lin Chen knew something, so he deliberately didn't tell her, and planned to finish it alone.

"Of course."

Lin Chen said without blushing, "Honey, when I'm not at home, you have to take good care of yourself. For me, nothing is more important than your safety."

Su Qingcheng nodded, then took out a bank card from the bag and handed it to Lin Chen: "There is some money in the card, and the password is your birthday. I think it might be useful for you to go to the capital."

Taking the bank card, Lin Chen grinned: "Speaking of which, since I came to work at Su's, it seems that I haven't received my salary yet."

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng turned her head away, pouted and said: "I have kept all your money for you, mainly because I am afraid that you will spend it indiscriminately and go where you shouldn't go."

Seeing his wife's careful thinking, Lin Chen chuckled and didn't expose it.

In this way, the second day came soon.

Downstairs from the hotel, Yun Gaoyuan sent someone to pick up Lin Chen early in the morning.

At this moment, Lin Chen simply tidied up and wanted to say goodbye to his wife, but seeing that his wife was still sleeping, he left alone without disturbing her.

But he had just arrived downstairs in the hotel, on the balcony of the suite, a beautiful woman was standing here with red eyes looking at his back.

For some reason, she used to be alone and was used to being alone, but since Lin Chen appeared in her life, she was suddenly afraid of this loneliness.

Husband, I hope you are all safe and come back smoothly. I will clean up for you at home. Biqu library

Thinking like this, two lines of tears silently slid down Su Qingcheng's cheeks.


Tianhai Airport.

With a roar, the plane slowly took off.

This was Lin Chen's first time flying, and it was still in first class, so he couldn't help but look around for a while.

Next to him, Yun Gaoyuan had already fallen asleep, obviously he was so busy with the recent travel projects that he couldn't close his eyes all night.

In contrast, Lin Chen is full of energy, picking up his phone and taking selfies from time to time.

At this moment.

Suddenly, an unpleasant smell came...

This smell, it smells like fermented stinky tofu, paired with canned herring, it smells very bad.

"it is good

Stinky! "

"Who farted? Why is it so stinky!"

"This is farting, this is clearly a biochemical weapon!"


At this moment, the passengers in the first-class cabin held their noses and complained frantically.

Lin Chen also frowned, his original good mood was ruined by the stench.

Later, when everyone followed the smell to find the source, they found a man in a vest with his legs crossed, taking off his shoes and humming a ditty.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt scalp tingling and retching.

"I've seen someone with no quality, but I've never seen someone with such no quality." Pen Fun Library

"It's immoral to take off your shoes when your feet smell so bad."


At first, everyone was just discussing, but the more they talked, the more serious the man in the vest became.

I saw him take off his socks and put them in the aisle, which made the nearby passengers very angry.

Finally, an old man couldn't help but said: "Young man, can you pay attention in public places, your feet are too smelly, right?"

Everyone thought that the man in the vest would be obedient, but they didn't think about it. The man in the vest said to the old man with disdain: "Old man, you dare to meddle in your own business at such an age, do you know the identity of the young master?"

"If you dare to meddle in your own business, I invite you to stay in the ICU for a few days."

Just when the old man's angry face turned red and he couldn't speak, a well-dressed, blond and elegant stewardess came here, and politely said to the man in the vest: "Sir, please put on your socks and shoes, Do not disturb the rest of the passengers."

Seeing the woman's outstanding temperament, the man in the vest rolled his eyes and said calmly, "What's your name?"

"My name is Yu Zhen." The stewardess smiled.

"Miss Yu Zhen, is it against the law for me to take off my shoes? If not, what right do you have for me to put them on? Who are you?"

Yu Zhen's expression changed slightly when she saw the man in the vest speak rudely.

Immediately, she said: "There is indeed no such requirement in the law, but this is the most basic quality issue, and the flight rules also prohibit taking off shoes."

"Okay, Miss Yu Zhen, please pick up my shoes and put them under my feet. I'll put them on right away."

The man in the vest had a sinister smile on his face.

Yu Zhen gave him a cold look, didn't say much, when she was bending down.

Suddenly, a triumphant smile appeared on the face of the man in the vest, and he stretched out his big hand directly into Yu Zhen's skirt.

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