Yu Zhen's skirt was very short, so she was caught off guard by the man in the vest.

No matter how fast she reacted, she was still grabbed by the man in the vest.


Yu Zhen let out a scream and quickly backed away.

On the other hand, the man in the vest even smelled the palm of his hand, with a look of unsatisfactory expression on his face.

Seeing this, everyone was filled with righteous indignation.

Obviously, he didn't expect that the man in the vest would dare to do such a thing as indecent in front of them.

However, the man in the vest didn't care at all, and smiled obscenely: "Little girl, are you interested in going to the bathroom with me, my brother is really good at that!"

"You are shameless!"

Yu Zhen blushed with anger, and scolded softly.

"I'm shameless, who can do anything to me?"

The man in the vest smiled arrogantly: "Little girl, it is your blessing to be seen by me. As long as you serve me well, I will give you endless glory and wealth in the future. Why do you have to be a flight attendant again?"

"If you do this again, I will be called someone."

Seeing the man in the vest approaching him step by step, panic flashed across Yu Zhen's face.

Obviously, after many years in the industry, this was the first time she encountered such a situation.

"Call someone? Okay, I'll let you call enough later!"

As the words fell, an evil light flashed in the eyes of the man in the vest, just as he was grabbing Yu Zhen's chest.

A figure suddenly stood in front of him.

Seeing this, the man in the vest frowned, looked at the young man in front of him and said, "Boy, get out of here, didn't you see me flirting with my sister?"

"If you dare to hinder me from doing business again, believe it or not, I will prevent you from leaving the airport..."

Before the man in the vest could finish speaking, there was a sound of bone breaking.


His outstretched right palm was directly squeezed and twisted.

Bones crackled.


The man in the vest uttered a terrifying scream, then half-kneeled on the ground, his body twitching slightly.

"Pay attention to the way you talk to me!"

As the young man's voice sounded, everyone at the scene recovered from the shock and began to look at the young man's face.

The young man is Lin Chen.

Originally, he didn't want to meddle in this kind of thing, but the man in the vest was too much, especially the aloof and arrogant look, which made him quite disgusted.

"Boy, if you dare to hurt me, I need you to look good."

At this moment, the man in the vest gasped, and swung his left fist hard towards Lin Chen's head.


This move is surprisingly vicious, if it is hit, even if it does not die, it will cause a concussion.

However, Lin Chen didn't even hide.

Just when the opponent's fist was less than two inches away from his head, Lin Chen made a slow move.

A palm fell.


The applause was extremely crisp.


The man in the vest was directly slapped with two front teeth by this palm, and fell to the ground, clutching his swollen cheeks in agony.

"It seems that you still can't speak human language. If so, I will discipline you for your father."

Lin Chen was condescending and said indifferently.

"Boy, I am Xie Hu, the eldest son of the Xie family. My godfather is Yun Gaoyuan, a well-known tycoon in the capital. If you dare to hurt me, you are going against my godfather. Believe it or not, I can call me godfather every minute Kill you!"

Xie Hu's eyes were gloomy, and he shouted.

How can he swallow the anger that he is the majestic young master of the Xie family, backed by the Yun family, he was beaten into a mess by a boy of unknown origin.

at the same time.

Hearing the origin of the man in the vest, everyone was shocked.

No wonder this person dares to look at no one and do whatever he wants. It turns out that he is the son of the Xie family. The Xie family started out in the jewelry business. After years of hard work, they have already established a place in the capital.

Of course, it's nothing to rely on the Xie family alone. In comparison, the Yun family is the existence that looks like a mountain.

"Okay, I want to see how you destroy me."

Lin Chen jokingly smiled, and stepped heavily on Xie Hu's thigh. The pain caused him to break out in cold sweat and howl nonstop.

next moment.

A group of hurried footsteps sounded.

Several male flight attendants ran here. It turned out that Yu Zhen saw that the incident was getting worse, so she immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and called her colleagues.

Among them, a leading man in uniform said to Yu Zhen, "Xiao Zhen, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, chief purser, go and have a look over there."

Following the direction Yu Zhen pointed, the man in uniform came to Lin Chen and said, "Sir, Xiao Zhen just told me about the matter briefly, let me handle it first!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen moved his foot away and walked aside.

"Sir, your actions have already violated aviation safety. Since no casualties were caused, you will not be held accountable this time. But wait a minute, if you continue to violate the regulations, we may list you

Blacklisted for Lifetime Aviation. "

The man in uniform said.


Hearing this, Xie Hu jumped up angrily, and said very upset: "I was beaten, and you told me that there were no casualties. If you don't hold me accountable, I will hold him accountable!"

As he spoke, Xie Hu stared at Lin Chen viciously.

Lin Chen chuckled.

But the more Xie Hu looked at this smile, the more frightened he felt.

It was Lin Chen's palm and kick just now, which left him with a deep psychological shadow.

"Guys, did you see me hitting him?"

Lin Chen smiled slightly and looked around.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and immediately said:

"Purser, we didn't see this little brother hurt anyone, it was all fabricated by Xie Hu out of thin air."

"Yeah, this little brother not only didn't hurt anyone, he was almost hit on the head!"

"My little brother has a very good character. I think it's necessary for your airline to reward him."

For everyone, Xie Hu really bored them, so naturally they wouldn't speak up for Xie Hu, as if he was to blame for all this.

"Listen, the eyes of the masses are discerning, all of this is your fabrication."

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth curled up, and he smiled at Xie Hu.

"Did I fabricate it out of thin air? I have a broken right palm, is it also fabricated out of thin air?"

Xie Hu was so exasperated that his face turned black.

"Purser, he broke his palm. He accidentally fell on the ground and broke it himself."

At this moment, Yu Zhen stepped forward and said to the man in uniform.


Xie Hu was so angry that his lungs exploded, and he felt aggrieved as much as he wanted.

Immediately, his heart moved, his eyes were cold and he said: "Let me tell you, everyone present counts as one. We will not finish today's matter!"

"Call my godfather when I get off the plane, and I'll see if any of you can leave the airport standing up."

Facing Xie Hu's blatant threat, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

In any case, Yun Gaoyuan is a well-known big shot in the capital, his words and deeds are quite important, everyone present can sit in first class, and their family background is naturally extraordinary, but none of them can compare with Yun's family.

Seeing the silence of the crowd, Xie Hu laughed triumphantly, his eyes full of contempt.

Of course, at this moment.

Beside Lin Chen, a middle-aged man stood up, making Xie Hu's face stiff, and turned into surprise: "Godfather, why are you here?"

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