Overnight Success

Chapter 370 This Woman Has A Lot Of Background

As soon as Xie Hu said these words, everyone followed the prestige and found that the middle-aged man who was standing up was Yun Gaoyuan, the well-known head of the Yun family in the capital.

Immediately, everyone gasped, and a look of astonishment appeared on their faces.

They never expected that Yun Gaoyuan was also on this flight, and he was still in the same cabin. Doesn't this mean that Yun Gaoyuan knew everything that happened just now?

Thinking of this, everyone lowered their heads, not daring to look at him at all.

On the contrary, Xie Hu was complacent. Originally, he thought that after he got off the plane, he would call Yun Gaoyuan again and ask for his support.

Unexpectedly, Yun Gaoyuan is also in the cabin, this is really God's help!

"Godfather, you have seen what happened just now!"

As Xie Hu said, he hugged Yun Gaoyuan's thigh, wiped his tears and said, "Godfather, you have to make the decision for me, it's this kid who beat your godson so miserable."

"Kneel down!"

Suddenly, Yun Gaoyuan said coldly.

Hearing this, Xie Hu's eyes were contemptuous, the corner of his mouth raised a curve, and he said to Lin Chen, "Boy, did you hear that my godfather made you kneel down!"

Who knows, his voice just fell.

There was a "snap"!

Yun Gaoyuan slapped him violently.

Xie Hu who beat him was at a loss, with a dazed look on his face.

Seeing this, everyone was also slightly dazed.

It stands to reason that Yun Gaoyuan is Xie Hu's godfather, and his godson was beaten, shouldn't he stand up for his godson?

Why now, he slapped Xie Hu instead.

what's going on?

"Godfather, you are..."

Xie Hu was at a loss.

"Things without eyes, I'm talking to you!"

Yun Gaoyuan's angry beard trembled wildly, and he spoke.


Now Xie Hu was completely stunned, he couldn't figure out what was wrong with his godfather, and he made him kneel down?

Even so, Xie Hu still did it obediently, kneeling on the ground.

Unexpectedly, the next moment.


Another slap sounded.

Yun Gaoyuan looked angry, and scolded directly: "Why are you kneeling to me, I am asking you to kneel to Mr. Lin, don't you understand?"

"What?" Xie Hu touched his swollen and sore cheeks, staring at Dao: "Godfather, you want me to kneel down for him?"

"I'm your godson, how can you turn your elbows out?"

Yun Gaoyuan took two deep breaths, adjusted his mood, bowed to Lin Chen and said, "Mr. Lin, it's my brother who can't discipline this scoundrel. I wonder if you can take my face and give him a break today."

"Wait back, I will let

My brother, have a good talk with this scoundrel. "

At this moment, the cabin was surprisingly quiet.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Are they blind?

The well-known president of Bairui Group, Yun Gaoyuan, the head of the Yun family, was so polite to a young man in his early twenties?

What is the origin of this young man?

Not only the passengers, but also the crew, including the flight attendant Yu Zhen, were a little surprised.

Obviously, I didn't expect that Lin Chen, who was dressed in plain clothes, would have such a big face!

However, Xie Hu, who was kneeling on the ground, almost lost his eyeballs, and his scalp was numb: "Godfather, you have a noble status, why do you apologize to such a brat?"

Yun Gaoyuan scolded angrily: "Shut up!"

"Mr. Lin is a master of Fengshui, believe it or not, he can bring your Xie family back to before liberation overnight with a little practice!"

"This time, Master Lin came to the capital with me. He is my distinguished guest, but you dare to speak disrespect to him. Do you still think of me as a godfather?"


Xie Hu seemed to be hit by five thunders, and was completely stunned.

He never dreamed that this unremarkable young man in front of him would actually be a Feng Shui master.

I remember, his father once told him that a person in business can offend anyone, but he can only offend Fengshui people. It is no exaggeration to say that a top Fengshui person can even determine the rise and fall of a family.

Thinking of this, Xie Hu's legs became weak, and he could not even kneel steadily.

He looked at Lin Chen, kowtowed quickly, and begged for mercy frequently: "Master Lin, I am blind and dare to offend you. I beg you, please don't remember the villain's mistakes and let me go."

After a series of kowtows, Xie Hu's face was already bloody.

The floor of the cabin was soon stained with bright red.

Lin Chen looked down at Xie Hu with an indifferent expression and said, "For Mr. Yun's sake, I won't argue too much with you this time, but if you dare to stretch out a salty hand to a girl in the future, don't blame me for giving you all your hands." Obsolete."


Xie Hu responded hastily, his back already wet with cold sweat.

"Go away!"

Yun Gaoyuan winked.

After Xie Hu understood it, he immediately ran to the economy class, never daring to stay in the first class again.

Seeing that the matter was resolved, everyone looked at Lin Chen with a hint of respect.

These days, there are not many young people who have such strength and dare to act righteously.

For a while, many people were thinking about how to introduce their daughters to Lin Chen.

If Lin Chen knew this, he might not know whether to laugh or cry. Biqu library

Return to your seat, Lin Chen is

Time to close your eyes and rest.

A scent of flowers blows on my face.

As soon as Lin Chen opened his eyes, he saw Yu Zhen in uniform, bringing some water and food, and handing them to him and Yun Gaoyuan beside him.

"Mr. Lin, thank you for your help just now. After communicating with the crew, I plan to report your brave act to the civil aviation company. If there is no accident, the civil aviation company will bear the cost of your trip."

Yu Zhen smiled slightly.

"Miss Yu is too polite."

Lin Chen smiled, and then took a serious look at Yu Zhen.

Seeing Lin Chen staring at her all the time, Yu Zhen's pretty face blushed, and she said with embarrassment: "Mr. Lin, I, there is something dirty on my face..."

Lin Chen shook his head, and turned to be quite serious: "Miss Yu, have you been restless, insomnia and dreamy recently, and the pain is extremely obvious when menstruation comes?"


Yu Zhen's brain exploded, she covered her small mouth, and looked at Lin Chen in disbelief.

"Mr. Lin, how do you know? Are you still a doctor?"

Yu Zhen looked surprised.

"Understand a little." Lin Chen nodded slightly.

"I don't know Mr. Lin, can you cure my disease?"

Yu Zhen hesitated and asked.

This disease has troubled her for several days, even if she asked a gynecologist, they couldn't explain why, and prescribed some medicines, which at most could only alleviate the effect, but could not achieve a complete recovery.

But now, I didn't expect that the young man in front of me could see her own problems just by looking at her.

This undoubtedly shows that this person's medical skills are absolutely extraordinary.

"There is no problem with the treatment, but the specific symptoms. I have to take the pulse to understand it thoroughly."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Yu Zhen was embarrassed.

Now, she is busy with work, where is the time for Lin Chen to take his pulse and observe slowly.

"Well, Mr. Lin, please leave me a phone number, and we will contact you after I get off work."

When Yu Zhen said this, she added, "Don't worry, I won't let you see it for nothing, and I will pay you no less."

"It doesn't matter if it's money or not. You and I are destined, so I'll treat it as a favor for you. By the way, I'll also accumulate some kindness."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he handed over the phone number to Yu Zhen.

"My little girl here, thank Mr. Lin first, let's talk back."

Yu Zhen was delighted in her heart, bowed slightly, then turned and left with long legs.

Seeing Yu Zhen's graceful figure, Yun Gaoyuan leaned over and said, "Mr. Lin, this stewardess has a lot of background!"

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