Overnight Success

Chapter 371 Dragon And Tiger Altar

Hearing this, Lin Chen was a little surprised and said, "What's wrong?"

"To be honest, Mr. Lin, Miss Zhen has an extraordinary background. I think you should not get too close to her."

Yun Gaoyuan said solemnly, "I'm quite famous in the capital, but compared to her, I'm nothing!"

"Just now, if Xie Hu was not my godson, I wouldn't be nosy at all."

"Hehe, I didn't see that." Lin Chen smiled slightly.

In fact, if Yun Gaoyuan hadn't said anything, he would have thought that Yu Zhen was just a child from an ordinary family. After all, her words and deeds did not have the demeanor of a lady.

"Let's put it this way, does Mr. Lin know about the Dragon and Tiger Temple in Beijing?"

Yun Gaoyuan looked carefully at the aisle, and found no one, so he whispered to Lin Chen.

"I've never heard of it, it's the first time I've come to the capital." Lin Chen told the truth.

"Dragon and Tiger Altar is a private force in the capital. The fact that this force can be named after Dragon and Tiger is naturally because the members of the force are the favored sons of the big families. It is commonly known as the gathering place of the rich second generation."

Yun Gaoyuan said with a serious face: "This group of rich second-generation families are prominent, covering all aspects of light, it is unimaginable. It is no exaggeration to say that the parents of this group of people gathered together can even be called half of the capital."

"However, the leader of the Dragon and Tiger Altar is named Zhang Nanbei. He is ruthless and generous. It can be said that he has a lot of prestige among the rich second generation. Coupled with the deep background of his Zhang family, once, he Played with a woman to death in public, but she just walked out of the police station unharmed."

"Tell me, with such a background, how many young people in the entire capital dare to provoke him?"

Hearing this, Lin Chen was puzzled and said, "So, what does he have to do with me?"

"It's true that he has nothing to do with you, but he has something to do with Miss Yu Zhen."

Yun Gaoyuan said in a deep voice: "Right now there are rumors in the capital that Ms. Yu Zhen is Zhang Nanbei's fiancée. I think Mr. Lin, you'd better keep a distance from Yu Zhen, so as not to get burned, the loss outweighs the gain."

Lin Chen heard the reminder in Yun Gaoyuan's words, and then smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have a measure."

"By the way, what you just said

They are all Zhang Nanbei, so what is Yu Zhen's background? "

Yun Gaoyuan sighed and said, "Speaking of which, Yu Zhen's background has something to do with us."

"Mr. Lin, do you still remember Master Xue who used Fengshui for tourism projects?"

Lin Chen nodded: "What does it have to do with him?"

"Master Xue comes from the Xue family, and the Xue family is a well-known Fengshui family at home and abroad. Xue Xiaotian, who is currently in power in the Xue family, is Grandpa Yu Zhen."

Upon hearing this sentence, Lin Chen's eyes flickered.

"The Xue family has a profound influence on Fengshui. Every year, I heard that there are many Fengshui masters who worship under Xue Xiaotian's family. After all, when it comes to Fengshui formations, if Xue Xiaotian is called the second, no one will dare to be the first."

Yun Gaoyuan said.

In other words, when he mentioned Xue's family before, he always showed respect, but since the incident happened in the tourism project, his attitude towards Xue's family has also changed.

He didn't know whether the Xue family's desire to use the resort as a place to raise ghosts was out of personal selfishness or Xue Xiaotian's instruction, but no matter what, this move had already aroused his strong dissatisfaction.

In the future, if he can meet that Xue family member again, he must ask for an explanation!

"However, according to what you said, Yu Zhen has an extraordinary background, so why should she come to be a flight attendant?"

Lin Chen wondered.

"I don't know about that." Yun Gaoyuan smiled awkwardly.

"Forget it, let's ignore her." Lin Chen changed the subject, and then asked: "Mr. Yun, I wonder if you have heard of Gu!"


Yun Gaoyuan's face changed drastically, and he asked in a low voice: "I wonder if Mr. Lin is talking about the lonely king?"

"Yes, that's him."

Lin Chen affirmed.

According to the news sent by Fangyuan, the mysterious person who has been helping the big shots in the capital is named Gu, known as Gu Wang.

Thinking about it, Yun Gaoyuan still has some status, and he might be able to get some clues about this person through him.

"I don't know why Mr. Lin is asking about him?"

Yun Gaoyuan said cautiously.

"Just ask."

Yun Gaoyuan took a deep breath and tried to keep his voice as low as possible: "It is said that the lonely king is a powerful general who is known as the subordinate of a big man. That big man has all-powerful means, and he enjoys everything in military, political and business affairs."

"The lonely king is to help him take care of the affairs of the capital.

, but even so, his status is definitely above that of ordinary wealthy families, and he is an existence that the world looks up to. "

"Coincidentally, I heard that the Gu Wang intends to cooperate with the Dragon and Tiger Altar recently. After all, if you win over the Dragon and Tiger Altar, you will be able to win over all the forces behind the Dragon and Tiger Altar. Similarly, the Xue family is also the object that the Gu Wang is trying to win over. "

In response, a smile crossed Lin Chen's face.

Originally, he only wanted to know some basic information through Yun Gaoyuan, but he didn't expect to be able to ask such important things.

Looking at it this way, the day when Gu Wang cooperates with Longhutan may be a good time for him to make a move.

As long as the lonely king is taken down, will it be far to get the address of the big man?

At this moment, Lin Chen's eyes were full of certainty.

"Mr. Lin, I take the liberty to ask, what exactly do you want to inquire about?"

Yun Gaoyuan smelled something unusual and asked nervously.

In the dark, he always felt that the young man beside him might cause a big disturbance.

"The Blood Brilliant Stone you gave me last time was good. This time, I'm mainly looking at the stone so I can buy some back in bulk."

Lin Chen answered with a smile.

"That's no problem, get off the plane, and I'll take you to my place to have a look."

Yun Gaoyuan said very heartily.

Not long after.

The plane lands.

Since Yun Gaoyuan had arranged a special car pick-up in advance, Lin Chen and Lin Chen left by car as soon as they got off the plane.

less than half an hour.

A Chinese-style villa came into view.

Obviously, this is Yun Gaoyuan's home.

The villa occupies a vast area, golf courses can be seen everywhere, and there are no fewer than ten gardeners in the yard alone.

Afterwards, under Yun Gaoyuan's leadership, Lin Chen walked into a closed room.

The room is covered with curtains, and the sunlight is not seen all day long.

Looking around, there are all kinds of jewelry and jade in the room.

It has to be said that Yun Gaoyuan is worthy of being a tycoon in the capital, and the jades arranged in the house are all of great value.

Especially the large number of blood flare stones surprised Lin Chen.

It stands to reason that such rare treasures shouldn't appear in such a large number of people's homes, so Lin Chen immediately asked curiously: "Mr. Yun, I wonder where all these bloody gems of yours come from?"

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