In the eyes.

Chen Lian's seemingly invincible claws were being held tightly by the masked man, unable to move in an extremely twisted posture.


Immediately afterwards, there was a crisp cracking sound.

The masked man snapped off one of Chen Lian's fingers immediately.


Immediately, Chen Lian wailed in pain again, and beads of sweat fell from his forehead.

The masked man kept moving his hand and pointed at another finger.



Now, Chen Lian's painful lips trembled, and his eyeballs turned white.

"Boy, if you dare to treat me like this, I won't make it easier for you..."

Before Chen Lian could finish speaking, Lin Chen grabbed the third finger and then broke the fourth finger one after another.


Finally, when Lin Chen stopped.

All five fingers on Chen Lian's big hand were broken off, and his posture was extremely strange and terrifying.

No one can understand how painful it is to watch one's own fingers being snapped off one by one.

"Is this the amount of patience?"

Lin Chen was condescending, looking down at Chen Lian who was lying limp on the ground and trembling, and said.

"Deputy Sect Master!"

At this time, Chen Lian's subordinates came to their senses, and they surrounded Lin Chen like tigers coming out of their cage.

"That's fine, you guys go together, and it will save me wasting time solving them one by one."

The masked man shrugged and smiled lightly.

Seeing this person, they didn't take them seriously at all, and the faces of many ghost disciples turned red with anger.

How unreasonable!

Hearing what this person meant, as if he could solve them all by himself!

Arrogant, really too arrogant!

Similarly, Chen Lian, who collapsed on the ground, also showed anger.

As the deputy sect master of the ghost gate, he has suffered such humiliation due to a carelessness today, which has never happened before.

What's more, the people he brought today can almost be regarded as the elite of ghosts.

However, just like that, he was still underestimated by the masked man in front of him. For Guimen, if he couldn't get rid of this man and spread the news, what would be the prestige of Guimen?

Even the lonely king may be disappointed and withdraw his investment.

"Today, whoever of you can take his head, I will reward 10 million!"

Chen Lian said coldly.

Hearing that there was a reward, at this moment, everyone's eyes were full of ferocity, as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

However, the masked man is


A bunch of trash, actually trying to kill him?

Really ridiculous!

"Come on!"

Someone yelled, and the ghost disciples raised their fists, and rushed towards the deadly part of the masked man.

"Ha ha!"

The masked man raised a sneer, stepped on the sole of his foot, and an invisible wave of air burst out instantly, blasting towards the attacking ghost disciple.

"Bang bang bang..."

While a series of air waves hit the disciples of the Ghost Sect, mouthfuls of blood sprayed out from their mouths and onto the ground.

not for a while.

The ground was full of scattered bodies, all of which were ghost disciples howling and looking miserable.

For this scene, everyone was even more frightened.

It was hard to imagine that the man in the mask could shock a large group of people away just by stomping his feet.

"Inner strength!"

"This is the power of inner strength!"

Chen Lian looked terrified, and there was a panic in his heart.

But how is this possible!

Based on his understanding of Jane, now that this woman has parted ways with the Yu family, and her grandfather is overseas, it is logical that she will never find a strong person who can use her inner strength to be her bodyguard!

Stepping into the realm is truly a symbol of stepping into the strong.

Even the master of the ghost gate is now struggling to retreat in order to pursue the realm!

And right now, he has met a real strong man, which is too unreal!

Forcibly suppressing the fear in his heart, when Chen Lian raised his head again, his expression was tense. Seeing the man in the mask was like seeing a god of death, and he didn't even dare to breathe.

"May I ask who you are?"

Chen Lian asked hard.

"Want to know so much?" The masked man smiled slightly: "Then I will show you my true face."

As he said that, the moment the man took off his mask, everyone was so shocked that their eyes almost popped out.

Originally, they thought that a strong person who could reach the realm level would at least be a middle-aged person.

But they never dreamed that the face of the person in front of them would be so young.

"Perhaps, you are not familiar with my appearance, but I think you should have heard of my name!"

The man threw away the mask, stared at the crowd, and said word by word: "Remember, my name is Lin Chen!"

Between Setsuna!

The audience suddenly fell into dead silence!

In the past two days, Gu Wang has just given them a task, asking them to find a man named Lin

dusty man.

Unexpectedly, this person would come to the door on his own initiative.

What a confidence!

The lonely king who observed Lin Chen's face through the tablet, his eyes flashed slightly and said: "Lin Chen, your courage is really commendable. You didn't wait for me to find you, but you sent it to your door yourself!"

"Are you lonely?"

Lin Chen stared at the face on the tablet, the murderous intent in his eyes seemed to split the air.

Back then, when he conquered the Wu family, the head of the Wu family said that this man named Gu was the one who distributed gasoline.

It was also the inextinguishable gasoline that kept the fire burning until it engulfed everything in the Lin family.

Seeing Lin Chen's eyes were bloodshot, the lonely king said calmly, "This time you came to the capital, you are here for me!"

"Then you think too highly of yourself. There are indeed reasons for you, but not all of them."

Lin Chen could hardly hold back the killing intent in his heart.

"I'm very angry. It seems that the big man's deduction is correct. You are the remnant of the Lin family."

The lonely king took a puff of his cigar and said, "It's a pity that even if you get angry, it won't help, because you don't know where I am at all."


"Do you like to laugh so much?" Lin Chen's eyes gleamed coldly, and he spit out: "Don't worry, you won't be able to laugh later, do you really think I don't know your address?"

The lonely king looked very confident, and said contemptuously: "If you really know, why didn't you come to me earlier, boy, the tricks like scheming are all left over from my play, I advise you not to waste your efforts, with your few words, you can still do it." It won’t make me lose my mind.”

"My time is precious and I don't want to waste it with you."

"Chen Lian, get rid of him, or you won't have to come back."

Hearing this, Chen Lian showed bitterness.

If Lin Chen hadn't shown his strength before, he might still have the confidence to compete, but now, he doesn't even have the courage to resist.

Under the crush of absolute strength, it is no exaggeration to say that his three-legged cat kung fu is no match for Lin Chen with one finger.

Just when Chen Lian was on the verge of collapse.

Footsteps sounded.

A group of people was walking towards this side, and the leader was Zhang Nanbei who had just come out of the warehouse.

"Leader Zhang, we meet again."

Seeing this, Lin Chen twitched the corner of his mouth into a smile.

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