Overnight Success

Chapter 385 Massacre! Crazy Killing

"I am a big grass!"

Zhang Nanbei's eyes were tense, his scalp was numb and he said, "Why are you here?"

Seeing Lin Chen, he had an instinctive fear, especially when he saw the ghost disciples lying all over the ground, there was a look of panic on his face.

"Could it be that you killed them all?"

Zhang Nanbei swallowed.

"Otherwise, there are others?"

Lin Chen shrugged, and said in a slightly joking tone: "But I'm curious, what is Chief Zhang doing here?"

Upon hearing this.

Zhang Nanbei showed panic, faltering, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Why, isn't it because what Chief Zhang is going to do is shameful?"

Lin Chen smiled slightly, and immediately picked up a ghost boy and said, "Tell me, what is Chief Zhang doing here?"

Facing Lin Chen's suffocating coercion, the ghost boy who was picked up looked up at Zhang Nanbei, and then said tremblingly:

"Boss Zhang, I came here to cooperate with the lonely king, and the main purpose is to kill you."

"Then why don't you tell me how Chief Zhang is going to attack me?" The corner of Lin Chen's mouth twitched.

Unsurprisingly, the moment he saw Zhang Nanbei, he knew that this turtle must have no good intentions.

It's just that, unexpectedly, in order to target himself, this guy actually got together with the group of big shots.

Afterwards, the ghost boy bit the bullet and briefly explained the matter.


Lin Chen was expressionless, but Zhang Nanbei was trembling with fright, his calves were a little weak.

"very good."

Lin Chen nodded, and then threw the ghost boy to the ground again.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his gaze to look at Zhang Nanbei who was at a loss and said, "Boss Zhang, last time I was merciful in the clubhouse and let you go, I didn't expect that you were not only not grateful, but also wanted to do something to me. Who gave you the courage?"

Lin Chen's every sentence made Zhang Nanbei tremble with fear.

For a moment, I didn't even have the courage to speak.

"Lin Chen, you hurt my subordinates, our matter has not been resolved yet!"

Suddenly, Chen Lian let out a roar and frantically charged his energy, and a wave of palpitating breath gathered on his arm.

If you lose, you don't lose.

Even though Lin Chen's strength is several grades higher than his, but as the deputy head of the Ghost Sect, he would rather die in battle than kneel down and beg for mercy.

Besides, if he really fights to the death, it is still unknown who will win the battle.

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you."

Lin Chen said indifferently.

It seemed that to him, solving Chen Lian's life was nothing more than a casual matter.

next moment.

Chen Lian waved his palm and launched a full blow.

This palm made the air rippling, the sea roared, and with the sound of hunting wind, it swung towards Lin Chen's heart in the blink of an eye.

This trick is not fancy, but it is Chen Lian

All the insights I have learned in recent years.

It can be said that there is a bit of back to basics.

Fast, accurate, ruthless!

This was Lin Chen's label for Chen Lian's attack. Perhaps for fighters of the same class, Chen Lian's move would be unmatched, but for him, it was too weak and too tender!

Lin Chen slowly stretched out a finger.

Just when he mobilized his spiritual energy and gathered it in his fingers to defuse Chen Lian's attack.

Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the air.

A sinister look flashed across Chen Lian's face, and with a wave of his sleeve, several poisonous needles shot towards Lin Chen from the cuff.

Immediately, the poisonous needle penetrated Lin Chen's body and penetrated deeply into his body.

Seeing this, Chen Lian finally couldn't hold back his laughter.

He knew in advance that he could not compete with Lin Chen with his strength, so he had to choose to outwit him to have a chance.

It seemed that he was going head-to-head when he launched his ultimate move, but in fact he was not. He just wanted to take advantage of the opponent's insensitivity, so that he could catch off guard and swing the poisonous needle that was already prepared in the cuff.

As the deputy head of the ghost gate, how could he not have any hole cards?

This poisonous needle was given to him by the sect master before retreating. It is said that with this needle's toxicity, it would not be a problem to kill a ninth-level martial artist by poisoning.

No matter how strong Lin Chen is, this move is enough for him to drink a pot.

Taking this opportunity, just when Chen Lian was about to escape.

A playful voice sounded from behind him.

"Master Chen, trying to slip away after playing a dirty trick, is it a loss of your identity?"

Hearing this, Chen Lian's body trembled, and he turned his head in disbelief.

When he saw that Lin Chen was intact and walking towards him unsteadily.


There was a look of shock on his face.

"how can that be……"

Chen Lian murmured.

"Nothing is impossible. In my eyes, those poisonous needles of yours are like tickling. Besides, do you really think I'm defenseless?"

Lin Chen stood with his hands behind his back, his tone extremely flat.

Since he stepped into the realm of transforming gods, his physical body has also undergone brand-new changes. Ordinary knives and guns can't do any effective damage to him. The reason why Chen Lian succeeded was because he wanted to test the strength of his physical body.

It's a pity that the final result proved that Chen Lian's little trick was still too weak to cause him even fur damage.

"Your life is over."

Lin Chen said lightly, grabbing Chen Lian's shoulder with one hand.

During the Setsuna, Chen Lian cried out in pain, the voice was so miserable that it could be heard in a radius of ten miles.

Visible to the naked eye.

Under Lin Chen's palm, Chen Lian's shoulders were crackling, almost in the blink of an eye, his shoulders were shattered, and blood and flesh spattered all over the ground.


Chen Lian gritted his teeth, his eyes were bloodshot.

The whole body trembled violently.

However, this is just the beginning.

Next, Lin Chen kicked

Step out, step on Chen Lian under the soles of his feet, exert a little force.

All the bones of its body were broken into bone dregs, which were squeezed together with flesh and blood.

In the end, Chen Lian was tortured to death due to excessive bleeding!

Originally, Lin Chen wanted to give him a good time, but since this person was playing dirty tricks, he naturally wouldn't let him die too happily.

After finishing off Chen Lian, Lin Chen looked at Zhang Nanbei who was on the side.

At this moment, Zhang Nanbei's face was dull, and when he met Lin Chen's eyes without any emotion, he felt his heart tightening suddenly, as if he couldn't beat.

Stronger than Chen Lian, he was tortured to death by Lin Chen.

What if it were him?

Thinking of this, Zhang Nanbei took a step forward and ran out without looking back.

He really panicked!

"Chief Zhang."

Lin Chen shouted and waved his big hand lightly.


Silver light flickered.

The two silver needles pierced Zhang Nanbei's knees with lightning speed, spattering streaks of blood.


Zhang Nanbei suffered a painful kick and fell to the ground, clutching his knees, trembling non-stop.

"Boss Zhang, I kindly let you go, but you want to find someone to deal with me, isn't it kind?"

Lin Chen said with a smile, and stepped in front of Zhang Nanbei.

"Mr. Lin, I was wrong, I deserve to die, please give me another chance!"

Zhang Nanbei was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he broke out in cold sweat.

"In this way, you make a price, and I will give you as much as you want, do you think it's okay?"

Zhang Nanbei lowered his head and knelt on the ground, looking as humble as he could be.

What is the leader of the dragon and tiger altar, what is the young master of the Zhang family, these identities have long been left behind by Zhang Nanbei in the face of life and death, and now he just wants to live.

Even, in order to survive, even if Lin Chen told him to eat shit, he dared to eat it.

There is hope in life, but in death, there is nothing.

It's not easy for him to reach his current position. With such influence in the Beijing circle, he doesn't want to die young!

However, Lin Chen was indifferent to Zhang Nanbei's begging.

He has already given the opportunity that should be given once.

Therefore, the moment Zhang Nanbei chose to join forces with Gu Wang, he was already a dead person in Lin Chen's eyes.

No extra nonsense, no extra hesitation.

Lin Chen clenched his palm, and his spiritual energy transformed into a fist.

On the spot, a layer of blood mist exploded from Zhang Nanbei's head, completely separating from his body.

so far.

This rampant, arrogant and domineering young master of the Zhang family, the leader of the dragon and tiger altar, was killed here.

Seeing this headless corpse, everyone at the scene gasped and their backs shivered.

Looking at Lin Chen's devil-like figure, everyone was even a little rejoiced, because compared with the dead, they were already extremely lucky to be able to survive the devil's hands.

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