Overnight Success

Chapter 401 The Battle Of The Army Masters

Facing Jiang Bujue's extremely vicious move with inner strength, Lin Chen's eyes turned cold, he clenched his five fingers, and threw out the same punch.

This punch was as thick as Mount Tai, and the moment it was punched, it made the space rippling.

After fist and bone contact.


Immediately, Jiang Bujue's finger bones broke, his sleeves were torn apart by wisps of aura, and his entire arm exploded with blood. He flew upside down dozens of meters away and hit the ground heavily. Biqu library

"Don't you want to see my strength?"

As Lin Chen said, Chao Jiang unconsciously walked over and said, "I just don't know, whether you can afford this price!"

Being provoked again and again, Lin Chen has become really angry.

I saw him stepping out, stepping hard on Jiang Bujue's chest.


Jiang Bujue let out a shrill scream, his chest was sunken, and he did not know how many ribs were broken.

"Boy, you dare to treat me like this, my cousin will not let you go!"

Jiang Bujue shouted while enduring the severe pain.


"Do you really think that your cousin will take care of you?"

Lin Chen smiled contemptuously.

"If he really wanted to control you, why would he let you take the lead and come alone? After all, you are just a pawn he used to test me."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he dragged Jiang Bujue, who was screaming, and walked around the military compound.

After this lap, Jiang Bujue's miserable appearance attracted the attention of many people.

The friction between the flesh and the ground, the blood directly stained the ground red.

However, compared to the pain in his body, Jiang Bujue just wanted to find a place to get in.

"Isn't that Jiang Bujue, a talented young man in the trump card army?"

"Yeah, why is he being carried like a dog in the water."

"Look at this miserable appearance, it's really unbearable to look at."


Hearing everyone whispering, Jiang didn't feel his face turned ashes, and he even wanted to die.

However, at this moment.

The sound of breaking the air sounded.

Jiang Hetao suddenly appeared, came to Lin Chen, and said coldly to him: "Mr. Lin, it's inappropriate to fight your compatriots in the army, isn't it?"

"Big fight?"

Lin Chen said lightly: "Director Jiang, why make a fuss over a molehill, I'm just discussing, you say so, Comrade Wujue."

Speaking of this, Lin Chen pulled Jiang Bujue's big hand with a little force.

Immediately, Jiang Bujue gasped, and immediately said: "That's right, we are indeed competing!"

"You heard me, Director Jiang."

Lin Chen said with a fake smile.

At this moment, Jiang didn't feel the pain in his heart. If he didn't do what Lin Chen said just now, Lin Chen's big hand would directly crush his remaining arm.

"very good."

Jiang Hetao snorted coldly, then pulled Jiang Bujue and said, "It's useless to be tempted, follow me."

Not long after the two left, a faint laugh sounded from behind Lin Chen.

Lin Chen turned around and looked around.

At some point, Sun Tiance appeared behind him, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Sun has seen it?"

Lin Chen asked.

Sun Tiance nodded, "You did a good job."

He promoted Lin Chen this time not only because of Lin Chen's strength, but also to check and balance Jiang Hetao.

If we compare the Qilin army to the ancient royal family, and he is an old emperor, then Jiang Hetao is the prince who is about to ascend the throne, and he behaves so arrogantly that he is arrogant.

The position of military leader is high and powerful. In his original intention, he didn't want Jiang Hetao to be the general leader. Although the final choice was still made by the imperial court, the imperial court would also refer to the opinions of him and other leaders of the Qilin army.

Because of this, he decided to temporarily treat Lin Chen as a knife, the purpose of which was to kill the arrogance of those with ulterior motives in the army.

As for the final destination of this knife, Sun Tiance still needs to observe and observe.

"It seems that Jiang Hetao has already regarded you as a thorn in his side."

Sun Tiance joked.

Lin Chen rolled his eyes.

In fact, he just came to the Qilin army, and he just wanted to keep a low profile, and he didn't want to make such a big commotion.

But luckily, he was still hated.

"It doesn't matter, if he dares to trouble me, I will make sure he can't afford it."

Lin Chen shrugged.


Sun Tiance smiled brightly, and patted Lin Chen on the shoulder: "You are the person recommended by Lu Jun, and you are the descendant of that person. If it is said, who will be the leader of the army after I abdicate, I am more inclined to you."

"You know my identity?" Lin Chen stared at Sun Tiance.


"The leader of the Qilin army has great authority. Although your identity has been classified as top secret, I want to investigate. It is not difficult."

Sun Tiance said.

"Do you know why I am so familiar with Lu Jun? It's because we were both from the Cheetah Special Forces, and your father is our captain."

"I can't help you with what happened to your father afterwards.

I have always felt guilty about being busy, but fortunately, now that you are joining the army, you have even come under my command. "

"To be honest, I was very happy when I knew you were his son. If there are no outsiders, you can call me Uncle Sun!"

As Sun Tiance finished speaking, Lin Chen grinned: "Uncle Sun."

"Okay!" Sun Tiance was extremely relieved, turned his face straight, and asked Lin Chen, "Xiaochen, I ask you a question, and you must answer me honestly."

"Uncle Sun, tell me."

"Why did you join the Qilin Army? What is your ideal or purpose?"

Seeing Sun Tiance's serious face, Lin Chen replied truthfully: "Originally, when Uncle Lu invited me to join the army, I refused. , What kind of person was my father, so I came here."

"Of course, the most important thing is that my father retired from the army after participating in the mysterious island operation, and the changes suffered by the Lin family are also inseparable from the mysterious island, so I want to use the Qilin army to achieve my goal of going to the mysterious island." Purpose."

Sun Tiance's eyes showed some appreciation: "It's honest, but with your current strength, you are already qualified to go to the mysterious island. After all, I, the military leader, probably won't be your opponent."

"Don't mind, Uncle Sun tortured you just now because there was a tragedy in the Qilin army, and I don't want the tragedy to happen again."

Hearing this, Lin Chen's eyes flickered: "Uncle Sun, are you referring to the traitor?"

"That's right." Sun Tiance sighed, and immediately said: "It seems that Lu Jun has already told you that the rebellion of the previous Qilin army leader caused incalculable losses to the imperial court, so the imperial court sent me, an old man, to come here. Temporarily serving as the military leader is to select the most suitable person to be the military leader."

"After the defeat of the Mysterious Island operation, it had a great impact on my heart. My realm has hardly increased since then. Beifeng's death, Gu's betrayal, and the Cheetah Special Forces, which are known as the invincible in the army, fell apart at the end. ..."

As he spoke, Sun Tiance looked up to the sky with a look of melancholy.

"Xiaochen, I have no objection to you going to the island to participate in the operation, but you must pay attention to safety. Beifeng is your only descendant. I don't want you to have any more troubles."

"Okay." After Lin Chen nodded in agreement, a pair of eyes showed strong anticipation.

Mysterious Island, here I come!

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