For the next few days, Lin Chen stayed in the dormitory, learning about the internal system of the Qilin Army.

At the same time, he also received a letter of appointment from the court.

After the letter of appointment was issued, he officially became the head of the Qilin army, and he held authority that many people could not imagine.

Just the authority of the person in charge is enough to shock him, not to mention the authority of the military leader.

Not long after, Lin Chen received another notice that the ten leaders of the Qilin Army needed to go to the conference room for a meeting at three o'clock in the afternoon that day.

Seeing this, Lin Chen knew that the happy days would soon be over.

Two fifty.

He came to the conference room first.

At this moment, in the conference room, Sun Tiance had already sat at the main seat, with a solemn expression on his face.

And on his left and right sides, five chairs were placed on each side.

Everyone's name is clearly written on it.

Lin Chen looked around, and when he found the seat with his own name, he couldn't help muttering: "Uncle Sun, I really don't think he's troublesome enough!"

The ten responsible positions, on the surface, the positions of the responsible persons are equal, no matter how they are arranged, it doesn't matter.

However, what is interesting is that Jiang Hetao is sitting on the right side of Sun Tiance, while he is sitting on the left side of Sun Tiance.

Obviously, this arrangement is quite intriguing.

"Why, don't you dare to sit down?"

Sun Tiance said with a smile.

Lin Chen pursed his lips, and sat generously on the left side of Sun Tiance.

What a joke, it's just a seat, can it scare him?

Besides, he doesn't take the initiative to cause trouble, and he is not afraid of trouble. In recent days, he has heard a lot of rumors about him in the army, saying that he got to this position only by going through the back door.

As for who played the rhythm, he could guess even with his eyes closed.


When the other leaders arrived one after another, when they saw Lin Chen's location, they all kept silent and immediately understood the intention of the military leader.

The military leader is going to choose Lin Chen to fight against Jiang Hetao!

until exactly three o'clock.

When Jiang Hetao came last and found Lin Chen's position, his expression changed, but he didn't say much, and sat honestly on Sun Tiance's right.

"Now that everyone is here, today's meeting will officially begin."

Sun Tiance looked at the crowd and said, "Today's meeting mainly includes two things. The first thing is to celebrate Lin Chen's appointment as the head of the Qilin Army. Everyone applauds to celebrate."

The voice fell.

In the conference room, there are only two or three people


Among them, Chu Ling was included.

As for the others, they said nothing and were indifferent.

Sun Tiance was not surprised by this scene. Not all the people in charge were present that day, and with the recent comments against Lin Chen in the military, it was normal for everyone to maintain prejudice against Lin Chen.

"Zhao Tianqi, why don't you applaud Lin Chen?"

Sun Tiance glanced at him, and said lightly: "You can't, because of what happened that day, still feel resentment towards Lin Chen!"

Hearing this, Zhao Tianqi showed embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Commander, my arm injury is still not healed, so I can't shoot."

"I forgot about this, you should take good care of your wounds!"

Just as Sun Tiance finished speaking, there was a burst of ridicule in the meeting room.

Since a few days ago, when they heard that Zhao Tianqi was killed by Lin Chen, Zhao Tianqi's position can be said to be at the end of the ten responsible persons.

On the surface, the person in charge has the same status, but in private, they still have a ranking.

Looking at the sarcasm in everyone's eyes, Zhao Tianqi wished he could get under the table for a moment.

Apparently, losing to Lin Chen made him a laughing stock in the army, walking outside, even many recruits didn't say hello when they saw him.

It is conceivable that his prestige in the hearts of the recruits has plummeted.

However, this is all thanks to Lin Chen.

But, who told him that he was not Lin Chen's opponent, plus this was the army, no matter how unwilling he was, he could only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

At this moment.

A man with a height of nearly two meters and an imposing manner stood up from his seat and questioned:

"Master, I don't understand why you let a new recruit be in charge."

"Even if he beats Zhao Tianqi, it can only show that he is not weak, but if he wants to be in charge, strength alone is not enough, he must have qualifications!"

"Besides, it's fine for him to be the person in charge. Why can he still sit on your left? I don't understand!"

Hearing this, Jiang Hetao showed a smile.

This person's name is Xiao Gang, and he has a single-minded, outspoken heart. With him around, I'm afraid it won't be his turn to express his dissatisfaction with Lin Chen, so someone else will speak out for him first.


Sun Tiance smiled and said, "Xiao Gang, tell me what your qualifications are?"

"The so-called seniority must have a certain number of years of military service, as well as the illustrious military exploits made for the army, both of which are indispensable.

. "

Xiao Gang said seriously.

Hearing this, Sun Tiance looked at Lin Chen, obviously kicking the ball to him.

Similarly, Lin Chen is also very clear that in order to truly secure this position, he must be convincing.

However, if you want people to be convinced, you can't just rely on strength to crush it.

"Comrade Xiao Gang, it sounds like you are very dissatisfied with me sitting on the left side of the military leader!"

Lin Chen smiled slightly.

"It's not dissatisfaction, but you are not worthy of sitting in this position."

Xiao Gang snorted coldly.

"Then who do you think is worthy, Comrade Jiang Hetao?"

Lin Chen continued to ask.

"Of course." Xiao Gang said: "Brother Jiang is the strongest among the people in charge. He should be higher than you. Compared with him, you are naturally not qualified. Why do you need to humiliate yourself?"

Not only was Lin Chen not annoyed by this, but he said, "But I remember that the people in charge are equal. You said so clearly that Jiang Hetao's status is higher than mine, but the only person who is really superior to me is the military leader."

"Dare to ask Comrade Xiao Gang, do you acquiesce that Comrade Jiang Hetao is the military leader?"

As soon as Lin Chen said this, Xiao Gang was at a loss for words for a moment.

This made Jiang Hetao's expression freeze when he was watching the play.

This sand sculpture thing, if others say a few words, he will be involved, not to mention, and he will also implicate himself in it!

Sun Tiance frowned, and looked at Xiao Gang coldly.

Immediately, Xiao Gang made a bitter face, broke out in cold sweat, and said nothing.

No matter how slowly he turned his head, he realized that he had been swayed by Lin Chen at this moment.

"Boy, you dare to trick me!"

Xiao Gang patted the table, glared at Lin Chen, and roared.

"Okay shut up."

Jiang Hetao stood up and angrily shouted at Xiao Gang: "Don't forget that this is a conference room, the military leader is still here, what do you want to do!"

"Master, I made a slip of the tongue, please forgive me."

Xiao Gang knew that something had gone too far, so he quickly apologized.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Hetao followed suit and said, "Master, Xiao Gang is just a stickler, please don't be as knowledgeable as him."

After finishing speaking, he complained fiercely from the bottom of his heart: You have no brains, after finishing speaking, I still have to wipe your ass. Biqu library

"However, Xiao Gang is right in saying that Comrade Lin Chen's qualifications are indeed almost meaningless."

Jiang Hetao squeezed out a smile: "If Comrade Lin Chen can make up for the shortcomings in qualifications, then I believe that no one in the military will dare to gossip about Comrade Lin Chen in the future."

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