Overnight Success

Chapter 416 Su Qingcheng Is In Danger

Looking at Lin Chen, the old man in black robe named Xue Qifeng, his face couldn't help but twitched.

How could he have imagined that the ghost king he had worked so hard to create was cut off by Lin Chen with a sword.

For him, this is undoubtedly the most unacceptable.

"Boy, don't bully people too much, you really pushed us into a hurry, even if we die, we will drag you into the water!"

Xue Qifeng said viciously.

"It's up to you, you don't have the ability."

Lin Chen smiled faintly, his words were full of disdain.


Xue Qifeng shouted loudly, before he could make a move.

Lin Chen moved like lightning, and he was already grabbing his Tianling Gai with his bare hands.

"I said, I want your blood to stain this land red!"

The voice fell.

A terrifying scream came from Xue Qifeng's mouth.

The next moment.

His head was directly pulled out by Lin Chen's hand.

A column of blood gushed out from his neck like a fountain.

The so-called blood splatter three feet high is probably nothing more than that.

Seeing Xue Qifeng's tragic death, the other three people also felt fearful, and ran away without looking back.


Two silver needles flickered.

In the blink of an eye, two of the three running people were shot through the back of the head and died suddenly on the spot.

"Stop, don't run!"

For the last person left, Xiao Ying took out her pistol and wanted to chase after him.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chen stood in front of her and stopped her.

"Lin Chen, get out of the way!"

Xiao Ying looked puzzled, not knowing what Lin Chen was trying to do to stop her!

"Officer Xiao, let's take a long-term view." Lin Chen said meaningfully.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Ying frowned. Biqu library

"Looking for a long line to catch big fish, Mr. Lin's abacus makes me extremely admire."

At this time, Sun Dongliu also came to the crowd and smiled.

"As expected of being a governor, I have a long-term vision."

As Lin Chen spoke, he glanced at Xiao Ying.

This made Xiao Ying's teeth itch with anger. Does this mean that she is short-sighted?

Now that the matter has come to this point, she also understands that the reason why Lin Chen let go of one is to use him to report back and attract bigger fish.

If the Xue family can't be eradicated, just get rid of these four people, next time the Xue family may still have the idea of ​​creating a ghost king


"Secretary Liu, where do you want to go?"

Suddenly, Lin Chen faced forward and spoke indifferently.

There, Liu Mengting was trotting towards the location of the car. It seemed that she was absconding in fear of crime.

"Secretary Liu, please explain why the formation was destroyed when you entered?"

Sun Dongliu also set his sights on Liu Mengting with a stern tone.

"I do not know either!"

Liu Mengting squeezed out a smile.

"do not know?"

Xiao Ying snorted coldly: "I clearly saw that when you came out, you were sneaky, and your expression was extremely frightened. It didn't look like a normal shooting material at all. Tell me, what did you do!"

"Officer Xiao, what do you mean, do you think I broke the formation?"

A sullen look appeared on Liu Mengting's face: "As you can see, I am a weak woman. You think I have the ability to destroy the formation set up by Mr. Lin."

"It's true that you have no ability, but it doesn't mean that others have no ability."

Lin Chen took the conversation, and said calmly: "If I'm not wrong, it was you and Xue's family who destroyed it!"

Hearing this, Liu Mengting's face turned pale, but her tone was still strong: "You slander people with blood, at least you have to produce evidence, otherwise you will just wait for the court's leaflet!"

"Do you like being stubborn?"

Lin Chen tilted his head slightly.

Seeing this, Liu Mengting had a bad premonition in her heart.

next moment.

Lin Chen said to Xiao Ying, "Officer Xiao, can I take a drop of your blood?"

"Okay." Although Xiao Ying didn't understand why, she still bit her finger and squeezed out a drop of blood.

Lin Chen took out a talisman, stained it with this drop of blood, and walked slowly towards Liu Mengting.

"This talisman is called the Bigu Telling Truth Talisman, if it is pasted on it, no matter what you have done in the past, you will spit it out truthfully."

Hearing this, Liu Mengting backed away again and again, and changed color: "Lin Chen, what do you want to do, I warn you to stay away from me..."

In the middle of speaking, Lin Chen stepped forward and put the spell on his face.

At this time, Liu Mengting looked dull, and slowly revealed all the things.

"Don't worry big man, I will definitely approach Sun Dongliu according to the plan, gain his trust, and find an opportunity to control him to do things for us..."


Master Zhang, the enemy you are looking for, Governor Sun not only knows him, but also looks up to him, I am afraid he will not choose to cooperate with you..."

"The Xue family, right? After the formation is broken, Lin Chen must die, otherwise I won't be able to do business..."

After the effect of the Bigu Telling Truth Talisman had passed, Liu Mengting, who had woken up, recalled what she had just said, already profusely sweating, and her face was pale.

She never figured out that Lin Chen actually had the ability to make her tell the truth involuntarily.

"You are really brave. Thanks to my trust in you, you never thought that you would try to control me?"

Sun Dongliu was very angry.

As he spoke, he bowed to Lin Chen and Xiao Ying again and apologized: "Mr. Lin, it is my ignorance that caused so much trouble to your formation tonight, including those innocent police officers. , they all sacrificed because of me."

"Governor, it doesn't have to be like this. If you want to blame, you can only blame this traitor for being too cunning."

Xiao Ying helped Sun Dongliu up and said.

After that, she stared at Liu Mengting closely, her tone was cold: "Punishment for several crimes, Ms. Liu Mengting, do you want to resist or surrender!"

Hearing this sentence, Liu Mengting staggered and kept going backwards.

If she is captured, waiting for her result, I am afraid there is only the death penalty.

"I didn't expect that you were sent by a big shot."

Lin Chen was slightly surprised.

"However, is he not available? An ordinary person like you was sent."

It is not difficult to see that Liu Mengting has never stepped into martial arts, and is completely an ordinary person with no power to restrain a chicken.

And at this time.

A taxi stops not far away.

Two figures hurried towards this side.

It was Su Qingcheng and Li Hua.

"Lin Chen, Governor Sun, Officer Xiao, you are together!"

Su Qingcheng said in surprise.

Due to the unfamiliar road conditions, even if she took a taxi, it took her an hour to arrive here.

"Hee hee, wife, I was in a hurry to go out and forgot to call you."

Lin Chen scratched his head.

Su Qingcheng rolled her eyes.

How could she not know, this guy must have known something was wrong, so he didn't ask her to go with him.

Of course, at this moment.

A figure quickly rushed towards Su Qingcheng.

Following that, a cold pistol was also pressed against Su Qingcheng's forehead.

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