Overnight Success

Chapter 417 Fate Is Rough, Undercover Identity

Its figure is precisely Liu Mengting.

For her, there is no way for her to retreat now, and people like Lin Chen will never let her go.

Therefore, the choice she can make is either to obediently catch him without a fight, or to fight to the death.

She knew that Su Qingcheng was Lin Chen's wife.

As long as Su Qingcheng's life is under control, then Lin Chen will definitely throw a mouse-eye. No matter what she wants to do, this guy has no room to refuse.

"Liu Mengting, what do you want to do!"

Sun Dongliu shouted loudly.

"All of you, back off, or I'll kill her with one shot!"

Liu Mengting shouted.

"I advise you to let Qingcheng go, otherwise, you will never be able to get out of here alive today."

Lin Chen said with a cold expression.


Hearing this, Liu Mengting laughed hysterically: "Lin Chen, what right do you have to order me to do things now!"

"Let me tell you, if you dare to fight against a big man, you will not end well. Don't you care about this woman? I order you to kill yourself on the spot, or this woman will die!"

As she said that, Liu Mengting put her hand on the trigger, and the muzzle of the gun pressed firmly against Su Qingcheng's temple.

"I only give you three seconds. If you don't kill yourself, this woman will die with me. Anyway, I don't plan to live today!"

Lin Chen took a deep breath and slowly looked at Liu Mengting: "If I commit suicide, you will really keep your promise."

"You have no bargaining chip with me."

Liu Mengting laughed triumphantly, almost falling into a state of madness.

"no, do not want!"

Su Qingcheng shook her head desperately, tears streaming down her face like rain.

Seeing this, Xiao Ying and the others were helpless even though their faces were ashen.



As Liu Mengting yelled the countdown, Lin Chen slowly closed his eyes. Biqu library

Regarding this scene, Liu Mengting inadvertently looked at Li Hua and cast a glance.

Li Hua picked up the long sword she was wearing and drew it out of its sheath.

The sword sounded.

Seeing this, Liu Mengting laughed wantonly, as if seeing Lin Chen's death.

But then, her smile stopped abruptly.

Because she found that Li Hua was holding a long sword and waving towards her.

"Are you crazy?"

Liu Mengting screamed, subconsciously raised her hand,

Li Hua is a shot.


The gun pierced through Li Hua's body, splashing a splash of blood.

However, Li Hua still gritted her teeth and split the sword energy on Liu Mengting's arm holding the pistol.


The sword energy howled.

The pistol dropped.

Liu Mengting cried out in pain.

The voice was very shrill.

Visible to the naked eye, her arm was abruptly cut off by the sword energy, bringing up patches of blood.


Just when Liu Mengting clutched her broken arm, she collapsed on the ground trembling.

Lin Chen had already opened his eyes, stepped forward, grabbed her by the throat with one hand, and lifted her up abruptly.

"Looking for something to die for!"

As Lin Chen said, he waved his big hand and smashed her hard to the ground.

Immediately, he stepped out and directly stepped on his body.


The bones were broken inch by inch.

Liu Mengting's entire lumbar spine was crushed by Lin Chen's foot.


At this moment, after Liu Mengting screamed, she was dying and her face was bloodless.

But she still looked at Li Hua who was almost in a coma, and said unwillingly: "You bitch, how dare you betray..."

At this point, Liu Mengting suddenly couldn't hold back, and even sprayed several mouthfuls of blood.

Then, he fell heavily on the ground, his breath completely cut off.

"Sister Li Hua, how are you doing?"

Su Qingcheng hurriedly came to Li Hua's side and said urgently.

Li Hua clutched her chest pierced by bullets, opened her mouth, but didn't say a word.

"Husband, save Li Hua's younger sister!"

Su Qingcheng cast a begging look at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's eyes flickered, he sighed slightly, and immediately stretched out three silver needles to stop Li Hua's bleeding.

I have to say that this woman is really lucky, if the bullet goes a little further to the left, it will hit her heart.

After being transferred away, Lin Chen blocked several acupoints on Li Hua's injured part with silver needles, so that at least the injury would not get worse.

But the matter of taking the bullet has to be done by a professional doctor.

Seeing the sweat on Lin Chen's forehead, Li Hua coughed twice, feeling weak, and could already make a weak sound: "Sir, thank you, I have something to tell you..."

"All right."

Lin Chen waved his hand and said softly

Said: "Don't talk, keep your strength."

"As for other things, we will talk about it after you recover from your injuries."

Hearing this, Li Hua had tears in her eyes and was moved in her heart.

Once upon a time, she also felt this warmth, but when her family members died, her world was only black and white.

Apart from becoming stronger and taking revenge, she doesn't know the meaning of life.

But now, seeing Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng, she seems to have another reason to live...

the next day.

Yunhuai First Central Hospital.

In the ward.

Li Hua woke up slowly, looked at the ceiling, and was about to get up.

Suddenly, he frowned, and there was a tearing pain in his chest.


She yelped in pain and had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​getting up.

"woke up?"

"Sister Li Hua, you really scared me to death last night!"

Beside the bed, Su Qingcheng poured a glass of warm water and handed it to Li Hua.

Li Hua took a sip, and said immediately: "Sister Qingcheng, why didn't I see Mr.?"

"He went to buy medicine for you, and said it was for your post-operative conditioning."

"You can see that he has written you the process of taking the medicine and the precautions."

Su Qingcheng pointed to the note on the table beside her.

"Sister, to be honest, I'm so envious that you can marry someone like Lin Chen big brother."

Li Hua said sincerely.


There was a slight smile on the corner of Su Qingcheng's mouth, and he nodded slightly.

At this moment.

The door of the ward was pushed open, and Lin Chen walked in with the boiled decoction bag and said, "I woke up quite quickly, and I seem to be recovering well."

"If you take these medicines on time, within half a month, the inflammation left by the bullet in your body will be completely eliminated."

"Okay." Li Hua responded.

The next moment, she struggled a little, hesitated a little, and finally mustered up her courage, and said to Lin Chen:

"Lin Chen big brother, actually I have a secret that I haven't told you all."

"Secret?" Su Qingcheng was surprised.

On the contrary, Lin Chen was thoughtful, but his expression was rather flat.

"Actually, there's something I've been hiding from you guys..."

Li Hua lowered her head, clasped her fingers and said: "I am not only the killer of the Palace of Seven Kills, in fact, I am also an undercover agent sent by the big shots to hide by your side."

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