Overnight Success

Chapter 44 Exploring The Mystery, The Atmosphere Heats Up

In Tianhai Province, in a cold and damp cave.

Insects run rampant.

The poisonous gas filled the air.

A skinny old man dressed in sackcloth sat cross-legged here. There were many centipedes wrapped around his body, which made people daunting.

But at this time, the old man's face was ferocious, and a trace of blood slowly flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, suffered some internal injuries.

"Who is it! Who killed the red centipede that I have worked so hard to manage for ten years?"

The old man roared, and a cold chill instantly spread throughout the cave.

For a moment, thousands of insects trembled and fled in all directions.

At this time, two pale-faced men came quickly, knelt down on one knee and said to the old man, "Master, what happened?"

"he died!"

Hearing this, the two looked at each other, and then said in surprise: "Master, do you mean that the third brother is dead?"

"However, since he can escape from your old man, who in Tianhai Province can kill him?"

Regarding this, the old man snorted coldly: "Do you really think that he was really capable of escaping from me back then? Including the loss of the Nine Yin Divine Art, I did it on purpose."

"The practice of the Nine Yin Divine Art is demanding, and the practitioner must enter a state of madness. Once the magical art is completed, the red centipede will also have a qualitative leap. Therefore, this is the scene where I want to seize his Taoism."

"It's just that five years have passed, and before I can really harvest, my baby was killed!"

Speaking of this, the old man gritted his teeth, his eyes were bloodshot.

In order to cultivate the red centipede, he exhausted all his efforts, and now that the centipede is dead, all previous efforts in the layout have been wasted!

"According to my contact with the red centipede, it died in Yunhuai City. Go and capture that man alive. I'm going to dig out his internal organs and drink his blood!"


As the two men left, the old man glanced at his right arm.

There, there was a scorched black wound about a foot long, which could not heal up to now.

Tang Long!

Fifteen years have passed, and when I complete my breakthrough and my injuries heal, I will definitely take your life myself!


Yunhuai City.

One of the four great families, the Han family.

At this moment, in the magnificent hall of the Han family.

A beautifully dressed young woman, her eyes full of disbelief, exuded a cold killing intent all over her body.

She stared at a subordinate in front of her, tremblingly said: "What are you talking about! My brother and father are dead?"

The young woman was Xu Fanru. Just now, her subordinates came to report that the Xu family had encountered a catastrophe.

"Find out who did it?"

"Reporting to young mistress, it seems that Lin Chen, the fiance of Su's president, did it!"

Hearing this, Xu Fan hurried to the door as if his beautiful eyes were cold.

go outside.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked to the door, a handsome man with extraordinary clothes stepped forward from the door.

"Where are you going?"

The man said neither salty nor light.

"Han Sanqian, my father and big brother died tragically, do you know about this?"

Xu Fan stared at the man in front of him and asked.

Seeing the man coming, all the servants of the Han family in the living room bowed and said, "Master!"

"Xu Fanru, pay attention to your tone of voice when you speak to me, don't forget who gave you your status today."

Han Sanqian's tone was neutral: "As for your father and your big brother's death, what does it have to do with me?"

"you are not human!"

As soon as Xu Fanru finished speaking, a slap hit her face.


The applause sounded.

Han Sanqian was condescending, looking at Xu Fan who was slapped to the ground, and said coldly: "I said, pay attention to your attitude when you talk to me, I can marry you, but it depends on how pretty you are." Biqu library

"Otherwise, you really think that a mere Xu family is worthy of marrying me!"

Xu Fanru's expression was very ugly, she stared at Han Sanqian and said slowly: "Help me kill Lin Chen, and that Su Qingcheng, I will ruin her reputation."


The corner of Han Sanqian's mouth curled into a sneer, "The Su family is very close to the Tang family now, you don't know, right now, the Xu family may not have the qualifications to hit me at the gunpoint at this time!"

Hearing this, Xu Fan seemed to be holding her fingers together, and she calmed down: "Tell me, how can you be willing to help me take revenge!"

Han Sanqian narrowed his eyes involuntarily: "Since the Xu family no longer has a backbone, I am willing to help you take over the Xu family and hand over all the shares of the Xu family to me. After the matter is completed, you must also leave the Han family!"

"Remember, if a reporter asks, you must say that you left the Han family voluntarily. I don't want anyone to gossip about my Han family!"

As Han Sanqian uttered this sentence, the contempt on his face became even worse.

In fact, he married Xu Fanru just because of her body, just for fun.

If it weren't for the fact that the Xu family's scar cream could bring great benefits to the Han family, he would have divorced this woman long ago.

Xu Fan seemed to be limp on the ground, his sharp nails digging into the flesh: "Okay, I promise you!"

For her, revenge is the only thing in her mind now, as long as she can complete her revenge on Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng, she is willing to do anything!

"Very good, come and prepare a contract for the young mistress and ask her to sign it!"

Han Sanqian said with a smile, his eyes were full of pride.

In this way, not only can they get rid of the burden of Xu Fanru, but they can also use this to obtain the Xu family, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

As for Lin Chen, he has also investigated, but

Is a repairman.

It is nonsense that he can kill Xu Changtian and his son.

In contrast, people from the Tang family have a higher probability of making a move.

However, the Han family is not such a weakling like the Xu family, he doesn't believe that old guy Tang Long will fight against the Han family for a brat!


At this moment, in the villa, in Su Qingcheng's bedroom.

Lin Chen stood by the bed, watching Su Qingcheng who was haggard and lying quietly on the bed, his brows were sometimes furrowed and sometimes relaxed.

Since he dealt with Mr. Cao and rushed to the basement to find Su Qingcheng.

She shrank in the corner and has been unconscious until now.

Fortunately, there was no life-threatening, but he was overly frightened.


Suddenly, a phone rang.

As soon as Lin Chen connected, Niu Dafu's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone: "Brother Chen, sister-in-law is okay, blame me, if I hadn't invited you to dinner, sister-in-law would have been fine."

"It's none of your business, don't worry, your sister-in-law is fine."

Lin Chen gave a word of comfort.

He believed that even if he accompanied Su Qingcheng to the press conference this time and solved the opponent's scheme, if the Xu family father and son were not dead, they would be hidden dangers.

After all, it is impossible for him to stay by Su Qingcheng's side all the time.

After hanging up the phone, Su Qingcheng's eyelashes moved suddenly, and he woke up the next moment.

"This, where is this?"

Seeing Lin Chen's face close at hand, Su Qingcheng suddenly hugged him like an octopus.

"Honey, I'm so scared! They, they want to..."

Feeling Su Qingcheng's soft and tender body, Lin Chen patted his shoulders, and said softly: "It's all right, my wife, everything is over."

"Woooo, you scared me to death." Su Qingcheng had lingering fear on his face.

Turning around, she looked at Lin Chen in a daze and said, "Why am I at home, husband, did you save me?"

Lin Chen nodded with a smile: "Yes, it's a pity that you were not there at the time, and I didn't see your husband. I killed all directions, and went straight to Huanglong's handsome and heroic figure..."

Seeing Lin Chen talking eloquently, Su Qingcheng didn't interrupt this time, and then leaned forward.

next second.

The red lips greet each other, warm and silky.

Feeling his wife's hot emotions, Lin Chen changed from passive to active.

Last time, he had sex for the first time.

Su Qingcheng manipulated it all night.

This time, he must revive his masculinity and regain his place.

Facing Lin Chen's fiery offensive, Su Qingcheng's eyes were slightly confused.

The dress was lifted, and the ambiguity heated up.

Lin Chen enjoyed every inch of Su Qingcheng's skin, it was soft.


Just when Lin Chen was following Su Qingcheng's long legs with his big hand, planning to go all the way up to explore the mystery.

The closed bedroom door suddenly opened.

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