Overnight Success

Chapter 45: Members Of The Yunhuai Chamber Of Commerce


A sudden scream sounded.


"What are you doing!"

Li Fei quickly covered her eyes, stomped her feet and said angrily: "Why don't you lock the door when you do this kind of thing!"

"Fortunately, I was worried about you, so I ran back from the hospital immediately."

Suddenly, the atmosphere subsided.

After regaining consciousness, Su Qingcheng quickly tidied up the messy dresses and pushed Lin Chen aside.

Lin Chen wants to cry but has no tears.

If he had known earlier, he shouldn't have told Li Fei about this.

This is all right, the wife who got it is flying again.

"I think that if you continue to live here, it has seriously affected the harmony between our husband and wife!"

Lin Chen looked at Li Fei who was making faces at him, and said badly.

"Qingcheng, look at him, he wants to drive me away."

Upon hearing this, Li Fei trotted into Su Qingcheng's arms, putting on a pitiful expression.

"Lin Chen, you are not allowed to scare Xiao Fei!"

Su Qingcheng glared at Lin Chen.

Immediately, Lin Chen looked at Li Fei's complacent eyes with black lines all over his face, and turned his head away.

It is not a gentleman not to avenge this revenge.

It seems that in order to find time, he has to take good care of this little girl, Li Fei.


At this moment, outside Su's house.

Su Guodong and Su Xiaoqian stood here with respectful faces.

In front of it, parked a Rolls Royce.

As the Rolls-Royce door was pushed open, Han Sanqian walked out from inside, and said lightly:

"Tell me, why are you looking for me so urgently?"

"Young Master Han, something is wrong. The old man Su Xiaoxiong has recently shown signs of waking up."

Su Guodong said urgently.


Han Sanqian narrowed his eyes slightly, and said indifferently: "Didn't you beat that old man into a vegetable by yourself?"


Su Guodong's expression was cloudy, he had just been expelled from the Su family recently, and he had nowhere to vent his anger right now!

As a result, the house leak happened to rain all night, and the old man was about to wake up.

This is absolutely unacceptable to him. After all, the old man saw clearly the scene when he was bought by the Han family and the Xu family.

That's why he killed the killer, and faked the sign that the old man fell accidentally.

"Then get rid of him!"

Han Sanqian said coldly.

Hearing this, Su Guodong quickly knelt down and said anxiously: "Young Master Han, he is my father no matter what, please give me another chance, I promise not to let him wake up!"

"If because of this matter, delay

My plan, you know what will happen. "Han Sanqian glanced at him coldly.

"Han Shao, don't worry, I will deal with this matter quickly."

Su Guodong nodded frequently.

"Come today, my father asked me to ask you, have you not found what that old man Su Xiaoxiong brought out from the Lin family fifteen years ago?"

Su Guodong showed embarrassment: "The old man hides very deeply. I have searched every corner of the Su family, but I still haven't found it. I hope Master Han will give me more time."

"Have you got the formula for the anti-scar cream?"

Han Sanqian's voice changed.

"Su Qingcheng keeps his mouth shut. No matter who I send to set him up, he won't be able to get him out."

Speaking of this, Su Guodong said angrily: "If Lin Chen didn't kick me out of the company, I might still have the opportunity to contact the production department!"

"I'll take care of that kid myself. Regarding that thing, the higher-ups are pressing hard. My father asked me to inform you that within half a month, you must find it, otherwise you and your daughter will not live."

After uttering this sentence, Han Sanqian returned to the car.

Under the pale complexion of Su Guodong's father and daughter, the Rolls-Royce flew away.

"Father, what should we do?"

Su Xiaoqian clenched her fists and said urgently that when she learned that Xu Tianlong was beheaded by Lin Chen, she almost collapsed.

Lin Chen!

It's Lin Chen again!

She regretted it very much, why didn't she kill this guy completely at the beginning!

"First control the old man's situation, you go and invite Dr. Feng to tell him all about my plan!"

Su Guodong's eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice.

Compared with other things, the old man must not make mistakes in this level, otherwise what awaits him is a catastrophe.


the next day.

In the villa, Su Qingcheng was eating breakfast, looked at Lin Chen and said, "Lin Chen, the anti-scar cream is officially on sale today, and it will be very late after get off work. You can have dinner with Xiaofei, don't wait for me."

"Then I'll accompany you." Lin Chen said hastily.

"No need, you can take a good rest today, I will take care of the group by myself, don't forget that your wife is not only the number one goddess of Yunhuai, but also the top ten young elites of Yunhuai!"

"My wife is so good!"

Seeing Su Qingcheng's little proud look, Lin Chen couldn't hold back for a moment and stretched out his hand, pinching her pretty face.

Then he sent a message to Zhao Yingxiong, asking him to be responsible for Su Qingcheng's safety that day.

Right now, although the Xu family is missing

a threat, but be cautious.

"In the early morning, don't sprinkle dog food, there are still people who want to eat!"

Li Fei on the side rolled his eyes.

Regarding this, the two looked at each other and smiled, and then, except for Lin Chen who stayed at home, Li Fei and Su Qingcheng went to work separately.

Watching the backs of the two of them.

Lin Chen packed up the dishes, went back to bed, and searched for a copy of "Yin Yang Secret Art" exercises in his mind.

It has to be said that the old man's skills are really varied.

Medicine, physiognomy, divination, witchcraft...

He is proficient in everything, especially this "Yin Yang Secret Art", according to his memory, he obtained it from a very dangerous place after a narrow escape.

Therefore, this aroused Lin Chen's great interest.

Just when he was going to devote himself to practice. Biqu library

Suddenly, he sensed an uninvited guest jumping to the balcony on the second floor of the villa at a fast speed.

"Isn't it bad to break into other people's homes without permission?"

Lin Chen walked out of the bedroom and said coldly.

"Mr. Lin is really extraordinary. It seems that my skills still need to be improved."

At this time, a man in a gray robe came to Lin Chen generously.

At first glance, the man was in his thirties, with a stubble, and a faintly sinister aura exuding from his body, which was very uncomfortable.

As Lin Chen looked down, he found a badge hanging on the man's chest.

The four big characters "Yunhuai Chamber of Commerce" are printed on it!

"Are you from the Yunhuai Chamber of Commerce?"

Lin Chen asked.

"Since Mr. Lin noticed it, I'll get straight to the point."

The man smiled and said, "The president sent me to invite you to the chamber of commerce."


Lin Chen frowned.

In his memory, the last time he was in the Tang family, he heard Elder Tang mention that Yoshida Erxiu of the Sakura Country was the president of the Yunhuai Chamber of Commerce.

At that time, he was a little uncomfortable when he heard the news.

Yunhuai City is the territory of their Huaguo, and the Chamber of Commerce is the economic link of a city, and why should a person from the Sakura Kingdom be the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce?

This made Lin Chen very puzzled!

"Not interested, go back and tell your president, please make a show, instead of engaging in such sneaky actions!"

Lin Chen refused.

"But the president said, you have to go today!"

As he said that, the man showed a look of arrogance.

next moment.

He stretched out his big hand and suddenly grabbed Lin Chen's throat!

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