Overnight Success

Chapter 46 The Sad Su Qingcheng

However, the next second.

Facing the man's sudden attack, Lin Chen leaned his body and dodged him lightly.

See fluttered empty.

The man was slightly taken aback, but before he could move on to the next step.

Lin Chen glanced at him and punched him casually.

The punch was unremarkable.

There is no terrifying power, no speed visible to the naked eye.

However, the man's face changed drastically.

He felt an invisible coercion.

This coercion blocked all his actions.

He had to punch to resist.

With the collision of two fists, a scream came from the man's mouth.

Then, the arm that punched broke instantly.

A trace of horror gradually expanded and spread in the man's pupils.

"Master of martial arts, are you also a trainer?" The man said in pain, clutching his broken arm.

"get out!"

Lin Chen looked down at the man lying on the ground condescendingly, and said indifferently.

Hearing this, the man took a deep breath and endured the severe pain: "Your Excellency, are you really not going to meet the president with me?"

"I don't want to say the same thing a second time."

"Okay, since that's the case, I will definitely report the truth to the president about what happened today, and I hope you can bear the corresponding consequences!"

The man said in a deep voice, just as he stepped back and was about to leave.

Lin Chen's voice was weak: "Are you threatening me?"

Then, before the man could react.

Lin Chen grabbed the man's hair, like carrying a chicken, and threw it heavily on the ground from the balcony on the second floor.


The ground trembled three times.

A mouthful of blood spurted out from the man's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, a light voice came from the balcony on the second floor: "I don't accept any threats, this time is a lesson."

Hearing this, the man's face was as gloomy as water, he wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, got up quickly, and left quickly.


at the same time.

So's Group officially launched and sold anti-scar cream.

Once launched, the anti-scar ointment sold very well, and quickly replaced the anti-scar ointment to occupy the Yunhuai beauty and skin care market at an unimaginable speed.

As early as before, when the Su Group's new product launch conference announced the launch of the anti-scar cream.

The heat soared like crazy.

Today, it was officially launched, and within an hour, the first batch of one million copies of the anti-scar cream on the shelves were all sold out.

Do not

After a few people apply it, the effect of removing scars is immediate. Even if there are no scars, the effect of improving skin vitality and elasticity is far superior to all brands on the market.

As everyone left favorable comments, the influence of the trace cream has further expanded.

Can be described as the best free advertising.

For a moment, the eyes of the entire Yunhuai City and even Tianhai Province were focused on the Su Group. To be precise, everyone was focused on the fat of the Trace Removing Ointment.

Yunhuai City, inside a private hotel.

In the luxurious private room, a young man in a suit held a wine glass, looking at the anti-scar cream in his hand, his eyes kept flickering.

"I didn't expect this scar removal cream to be so effective."

The youth muttered to himself.

"No, I have to tell Young Master Wu about this matter quickly. If our Wu family can get the formula of this ointment, maybe we can become the head of the four top families in Tianhai Province."

With a decision, the young man made a quick call.


At this moment, Su Group, the CEO's office.

Seeing that the scar removal ointment was in short supply, instead of being happy, Su Qingcheng's face showed a trace of sadness.

"President, the anti-scar cream is very popular. For our group, this is a good thing. Why are you so unhappy?"

Chen Wen, the secretary at the side, asked puzzledly.

If this trend continues, the Su Corporation is likely to become one of the top groups in Yunhuai City in one fell swoop.

Thinking about it, she couldn't hold back the excitement in her heart.

"Wenwen, do you really think that it must be a good thing for us, Su's, that the anti-marking ointment's effect is so good?"

Su Qingcheng rubbed her temples and sighed.


Chen Wen looked confused.

"Think about it, since the scar removal cream can bring Su's a qualitative leap, will other groups watch Su's overwhelm them?"

"Every man is innocent, but he is guilty of the crime. Although the scar removal ointment can bring huge economic benefits, the hidden dangers behind it are unimaginable."

Smart as she is.

Su Qingcheng naturally understood that since the Xu family wanted to obtain the formula of the anti-scar cream before it was released, and the current sale of the anti-scar cream is hot, it is likely that not only Yunhuai City, but other forces are also eyeing this cake.

Next, the Su family may have a hard time, and if they are not careful, they may make wedding dresses for others.


When she looked sad.

A rush of phone calls rang.

It was Su Taishan calling.

After answering the phone, Su Taishan said excitedly: "Qingcheng, hurry home, your grandfather has signs of waking up, and Doctor Feng has already arrived."

I heard that my grandfather, who had been in a coma for a long time, showed signs of awakening.

Su Qingcheng simply arranged the next work for the secretary, and then rushed home with her bag.

When she was young, her grandfather doted on her the most in the entire Su family. Unfortunately, fifteen years ago, an accidental slip caused her grandfather to suffer intracranial hemorrhage. Although he was rescued, he was still reduced to a vegetative state.

But right now, Su Qingcheng is even more excited when he hears that his grandfather is about to wake up than when Su Shi is brought back to life.

While excited, Su Qingcheng did not forget to call Lin Chen and ask him to rush to Su's house.

She knew that Lin Chen was also proficient in medical skills. Although Miracle Doctor Feng's medical skills had already reached the pinnacle, one more person would give him more confidence.

after an hour.

Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng arrived at the door of Su's family one after another, and walked towards Mr. Su's bedroom together. Biqu library

"Dad, Mom, how is Grandpa doing?"

Pushing open the door of the bedroom, Su Qingcheng looked at Mr. Su who was lying on the hospital bed, and then asked.

Su Taishan glanced at Lin Chen: "Doctor Feng has come, I believe that even if your grandfather can't wake up completely, the situation will be greatly improved."

Hearing this, Lin Chen glanced at the white-bearded old man on the side of the hospital bed.

A doctor's benevolence should be full of righteousness.

But for some reason, he felt a hint of danger from the white-bearded old man.

Immediately, Lin Chen made a judgment that something was wrong with the doctor.

"Qingcheng, right now, Divine Doctor Feng is about to treat the old man's illness, so if you bring other people here, it will disturb Divine Doctor Feng's treatment!"

At this time, Su Guodong on the side spoke.

Su Xiaoqian also echoed: "Father is right, some people will only be an eyesore if they stay here, if it affects Dr. Feng, no one can take this responsibility!"

"Ha ha!"

Regarding this, Su Qingcheng sneered, neither humble nor overbearing: "In this case, please ask the second uncle's family to go out first!"

"Lin Chen was specially invited by me. He is not only my husband, but also a doctor."

"So I think, in this bedroom, the two of you are redundant?"

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