Overnight Success

Chapter 441 Another Space, Strange Atmosphere

At this end, Zheng Tianxiong was in the private room, waiting left and right, and finally waited for his subordinates to come back.

"Mr. Zheng, this is the phone number of the male waiter."

After looking at the phone number, Zheng Tianxiong dialed it directly.

"You are No. 88, right? I'm Zheng Tianxiong. If you're sensible, just stun that beautiful woman and give it to me. Afterwards, I'll reward you a lot."

"Of course, you can choose to refuse, but if you offend me, you will end up dead!"

Hearing the threat in Zheng Tianxiong's words, the male waiter who was still outside the door hastily said, "I understand, Mr. Zheng, don't worry, I will definitely take care of this matter for you."

He is naturally very familiar with Zheng Tianxiong.

This person is the head of the Tianxiong Financial Group, with strong financial resources. He is a mere laborer, and he is absolutely not qualified to fight against this kind of person.

What's more, he came here to make money, so he couldn't think of any possibility of rejecting Zheng Tianxiong.

It's a pity that he didn't have the chance to find out the depth of a beautiful woman like Xiao Ying.

at the same time.

After explaining to the male waiter, Zheng Tianxiong received another call.

"Mr. Zheng, Lin Chen is in Room 101 on the top floor, and the woman he brought is in Room 102."

Hearing this, Zheng Tianxiong praised: "This matter is well done, honestly wait for me at the same place, and I will go there."

When he thought that he would soon be able to conquer a woman like Xiao Ying under his crotch, he immediately lost interest in these women in the private room.

ten minutes later.

As soon as Zheng Tianxiong reached the top floor via the elevator, he first sent a message to the subordinates who stayed here.

However, this time, he didn't get any response.

"Damn it, I didn't reply to the messages, and I didn't answer the phone calls. Did you go to shit?"

Zheng Tianxiong cursed and then called the male waiter.

Also, the phone didn't work this time.


Zheng Tianxiong burst out with foul language, then simply put away the phone and walked towards the 101 private room first.

This time, killing Lin Chen was the top priority. As for women, he could play anytime.

Just like that, holding a small pistol, he kicked away room 101.

However, in the 101 private room at this moment, there are no figures of Lin Chen and the waitress, only his younger brothers, who were shot through their throats with silver needles and fell here.

Looking at my subordinates, they all hiccupped on the spot

, Zheng Tianxiong was furious, rushed out immediately, and kicked away the 101 private room beside him.


There was still no sign of Xiao Ying in room 102, only the fainted male waiter.

"Asshole, I was seen through by this kid!"

Zheng Tianxiong cursed loudly.

He thought that he was certain to win this attack, but he didn't expect that Lin Chen had already seen through it and made preparations. Biqu library

Damn it!

Now, not to mention the loss of many of his subordinates, Lin Chen must be more vigilant, and it will undoubtedly be even more difficult to kill him.


At the end of the corridor, in the bathroom, a figure staggered out with his head covered.

At a glance, it was the waitress who received Lin Chen.

Coincidentally, Zheng Tianxiong was so upset that he had no place to vent, coupled with the accumulated lust before, he grabbed the hand of the waitress, dragged her directly into the men's room, and began to applaud for love.

Just as Zheng Tianxiong indulged with the rotten female zombie, Lin Chen brought Xiao Ying to a hidden corner on the top floor.

"Lin Chen, where are we going!"

Xiao Ying asked.

"Of course I'm looking for Miss Que."

Lin Chen looked at the white smoke floating in front of him, and said.

"How do you know where she is?"

Xiao Ying was very puzzled.

For some reason, every time she was with Lin Chen, she felt her IQ was greatly insulted.

Just now, after Lin Chen burned a talisman, a layer of white smoke drifted out. Following the white smoke, they came all the way here. As for how the white smoke was formed, she still hasn't figured it out. .

It can only be vaguely seen that the white smoke is like a pointer, guiding them forward.

"Ha ha."

Lin Chen smiled faintly: "Do you know why I touched Sister Que's hair in the first place?"

"Isn't it, you see that the charm of the family is still there, and the heart is full of courage?"

Xiao Ying rolled his eyes and said.


Lin Chen's old face darkened, and he said angrily: "Do you really think that I am taking advantage of her?"

"I just want to take a piece of her hair as an introduction for me to describe the tracer."

"In this way, I can successfully find the location of Sister Que based on the layer of white smoke transformed from the tracking symbol."

After listening, Xiao Ying smiled awkwardly: "So that's the case, why don't you say it earlier!"


Lin Chen was speechless for a while: "It's all my fault for co-authoring, why can't you use your elm?"

Think about it with a wooden head, what is my intention in doing this! "


Xiao Ying pouted and said, "Whoever told you to do things is always mysterious, how can I guess."

Lin Chen didn't want to quarrel with Xiao Ying anymore, but opened the hidden door in the corner in front of him.

All of a sudden, darkness came into view of the two of them.

The only thing is, you can see that under your feet, there are layers of stairs, gradually descending in a spiral shape.

"Are you scared?"

"If you're afraid, you can stay in..."

Before Lin Chen could finish speaking, Xiao Ying walked directly down the steps.

"Che, it's quite strong."

Lin Chen muttered something, and followed immediately.

After an unknown amount of time, under the dark environment, Xiao Ying was nervous: "Lin Chen, how long do you think we have to go!"

"Why are you afraid?"

Lin Chen joked.

"I'm afraid of you big head ghost, I am the people's policeman, how can I be afraid?"

Xiao Ying summoned up her courage and said.

"Okay, don't be brave." Lin Chen said quite seriously: "From now on, you must remember not to leave my sight. I can already feel that you are getting closer and closer to the source of your blood."

Speaking of this, Lin Chen did not continue to speak.

In fact, the source here is not only as simple as blood, he also felt a strong resentment.

Moreover, the intensity of this resentment is gradually turning into evil spirit.

One can imagine what Sister Que and the others are doing!

About half an hour passed.


The two of Lin Chen stepped on the icy ground.

Looking around, this place is a completely new space. Unlike the lively atmosphere before, this place is dead silent.

Not even a single figure could be seen.

The only living thing is the mouse that is running around.

Rats are naturally keen, and it can make them panic like this. It can be seen that there must be something weird deep here.

The more he walked inside, the more Lin Chen could feel the thick smell of blood gradually spreading in the air.

"Officer Xiao, if you can take pictures, take as many as you can, and when you go back like this, you will have something to say."

"Because later, once a battle breaks out, I'm not sure if I can capture the opponent alive."

A word of caution from Lin Chen.

"it is good."

Xiao Ying nodded.

Next, the two walked along the white smoke for a while, until a crossroads where the white smoke completely disappeared.

Lin Chen's gaze also became extremely serious: "Be careful, Sister Que is not far away."

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