Overnight Success

Chapter 442 The Golden Cicada Escapes Its Shell

At this time, Lin Chen walked in front, protecting Xiao Ying behind her.

When he turned into the fork road on the left, he found that Sister Que was twisting her buttocks and walking deep into the corridor. Biqu library

After Sister Que disappeared into the corridor, Lin Chen said, "Come on, let's follow."

Seeing this, Xiao Ying frowned and said, "This woman must have a big problem when she comes here."

"Yes." Lin Chen continued: "Wait a minute, everything will come to light."

Not long after.

When the two came to the end of the corridor in the direction that Sister Que had walked, they couldn't help being stunned.

caught the eye.

At the end of the corridor is an open square secret room.

In the secret room, there are hundreds of coffins on display, and the same mark is engraved on each coffin.

And in these coffins, there are corpses of men and women whose hearts, livers and lungs have been ripped out, with grim faces and pale faces.

Judging from the skin, these people obviously died not long ago. It is conceivable that before these people died, they watched their hearts, livers and lungs being taken out little by little, so their faces were extremely ferocious.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ying's scalp tingled and her whole body trembled.

This kind of killing method is really inhumane.

And most importantly, the faces of these people were undoubtedly the missing persons during this period. No wonder, she searched all over the city and couldn't find them. It turned out that these people had already been murdered by others.

Seeing Xiao Ying's agitated expression, Lin Chen immediately pulled her behind the coffin and hid.

next moment.

Where the two were standing, three figures in protective clothing walked towards them.

All three of them were carrying a wooden barrel, which was filled with scarlet blood and was still boiling and steaming.

Immediately afterwards, the three picked up a water ladle, scooped some blood from the barrel, and poured it on the lying corpses in the coffin one by one.

Do it all.

The three covered the coffin, and then lifted it up to the wall one by one. There was a dark hole. As for where this hole leads, no one knows.

I saw that after the three of them pushed all the coffins into the cave, they immediately looked at the direction of Lin Chen and smiled strangely:

"After watching for so long, haven't you seen enough?"

Then, outside the door of the secret room, there was a sound of footsteps.

The leader is none other than Miss Que who disappeared.

"It has long been known that there is something wrong with the two of you, but I didn't expect that you would have the ability to find this place."

Sister Que folded her arms around her chest, and said in a cold tone, "But that's fine, since we're here, let you experience what these corpses suffered before they died!"

Looking at Sister Que, Xiao Ying didn't have any fear in her eyes, but picked up her police officer's card and said to her:

"I'm a policeman!


"After my investigation, you are suspected of serious homicide here. Now, I will arrest you according to law and block this place. If you dare to resist, the crime will only be increased."

Seeing Xiao Ying's serious look, Sister Que chuckled.

"Sister policeman, in my territory, you want to arrest me, don't you think too much!"

Sister Que said, with a hint of ruthlessness in her eyes: "Come here, take them down for me."

The words fell.

Behind Sister Que, several burly professional bodyguards with hostile faces came forward with iron bars in their hands.

Similarly, the three men in protective suits also took out a dagger from their pockets and blocked the back path of Lin Chen and the two of them.

It seems that he wants to attack from both sides and win with one move.

However, Lin Chen didn't take it seriously: "Sister Que, please speak up if you have something to say!"

"It's just the second meeting, so you just do it, it's not good!"

"Originally, I really didn't want to hurt you." Sister Que said indifferently: "But whoever told you, breaking into is not the place for you, so you can only die!"

"Don't worry, Sister Que will act faster later, and won't make you feel too much pain."

Seeing Sister Que's snake-like eyes, Lin Chen shrugged: "In that case, there is no need to discuss it."

"Dahu, why are you still standing there, get rid of him first!"

Under the instruction of Sister Que, the burly bodyguard named Duhu picked up the iron rod, and knocked Lin Chen on the shoulder in the posture of a tiger coming out of the cage.

"Boy, be obedient and die!"

In response, the corners of Lin Chen's mouth twitched slightly.

With a flash of his figure, he dodged his attack lightly.

One move failed, Duhu was stunned.

Just when he was about to launch a second offensive.

Lin Chen's big feet have already greeted his temples.


This kick was so powerful that it directly kicked Duhu until he had a concussion, and immediately fell to the ground fainting.

Seeing this, Sister Que frowned: "I didn't see it, you are quite capable."

"Others, let's go together, and get that woman for me first."

After everyone got the order, they rushed towards Xiao Ying in unison.

Suddenly, Xiao Ying's face turned pale.

Just when she felt powerless, Lin Chen snorted coldly: "You guys really treat me like nothing!"

Say it.

He stomped the sole of his foot, and an invisible wave of air radiated instantly.

In an instant, it directly hit the oncoming people.




Everyone vomited blood again and again, fell to the ground one after another, and fell into a coma.

Until then, Sister Que finally realized that Lin Chen should not be underestimated, so she turned and ran without stopping.

But, Lin Chen action


Immediately stepped forward, grabbed her cheongsam collar and said: "Sister Que, don't leave in a hurry, aren't you going to kill us? Just leave like this, it's inappropriate!"


Sister Que blushed and struggled to break free.

Maybe it was because Lin Chen was holding onto it too tightly, or maybe it was because she was trying too hard to break free, causing the cheongsam to tear apart instantly, overwhelmed.

The cheongsam fell off.

A snow-white and plump middle-aged beautiful woman's ketone body came into view.

Lin Chen didn't expect that this person didn't even wear underwear, so he couldn't help being in a trance for a while.

"Boy, you did it on purpose!"

Sister Que felt ashamed and angry, and immediately grabbed the cheongsam that fell to the ground to cover up all the hidden parts.

"Sister Que, why can't you kill me, have you started trading beauty tricks?"

Lin Chen jokingly smiled: "But as a person, I have done a lot of tricky things, so you are doomed to fail in seducing me."

The next moment, when Lin Chen continued to move forward, intending to catch Sister Que.

Sister Que's figure disappeared without a trace, leaving only a piece of talisman paper on the spot.

"The technique of shelling is a bit interesting."

Picking up the talisman paper, Lin Chen's mouth curled up in amusement.

At that time, the Miao people were able to save their lives under the suppression of the imperial court many times because of their skill in shelling.

However, now that Sister Que is using this trick, it undoubtedly shows that this place is inseparable from the Miaojiang people.

"Sister Que, escaped, what should we do next?"

Xiao Ying said unwillingly.

"Don't panic, let her run and see how long she can run."

As Lin Chen said, he picked up another long hair that had fallen to the ground and said, with a somewhat meaningful expression on his face.

Seeing this, Xiao Ying pouted and said, "So you've already planned everything."

Apparently, Lin Chen only needs to repeat his tricks and use this long hair to find out the location of Sister Que again.

Moreover, after they made a fuss and startled the snake this time, sister Que must have gone to find the mastermind behind the scenes.

"You think I'm your small chest and no brains?"

When Lin Chen said this, he unconsciously glanced at Xiao Ying's chest.

It has to be said that compared with normal women, Xiao Ying still has a small advantage, but compared with a woman like Sister Que, the gap between them is obvious.

Sensing that Lin Chen's eyes were wrong, Xiao Ying blushed and hurriedly protected her:

"Color embryo!"

"Don't look!"

"If you don't watch it, don't watch it, what's the big deal." Lin Chen snorted, and muttered deliberately: "It's a pity that Sister Que is destined to be our enemy, otherwise, you should ask her for advice..."

"Lin Chen!"

"If you dare to say another word, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart!"

Xiao Ying interrupted Lin Chen, and rushed towards him with all her teeth and claws.

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