Overnight Success

Chapter 456 Killing All Enemies

"Lin Chen, I advise you to let him go!"

At this time, the woman in black who had been watching from the sidelines shouted:

"Otherwise, today, whether it's you or the group of Ange, they will all be buried with Miao Han!"

Miao Han's lips were purple, he kept struggling, and his tone was weak: "Boy... Did you hear me, you dare to touch a single hair of mine, none of you can leave alive today!"

"Oh, really?"

However, Lin Chen didn't take it seriously and exerted force with his palm.

There was a click.

Immediately, Miao Han's throat was crushed abruptly, and blood flowed down from the corner of his mouth uncontrollably.

next moment.

Lin Chen threw it at the feet of the woman in black, and said indifferently: "I am the one who cannot be threatened by others."

"But don't worry, I'll send you down to reunite with him."

Seeing Miao Han die with reluctance to rest in peace, a sinister aura shot up from the black-clothed woman.

"Lin Chen! How dare you!"

"How dare you kill my Miao people in front of me!"

The woman in black growled, her expression was icy cold.

"Why, the lives of your Miao people are precious?"

Lin Chen sarcastically said, "To achieve your goals, how many people have you Miao people killed? How many families have been torn apart?"

"It can be said that all kinds of bad things have been done, and now I am just doing justice for the sky!"

Speaking of this, Lin Chen glanced at the time, expressionless: "My time is precious, I'm too lazy to deal with you, come here and die!"

"Too much deception!!!"

The woman in black had a ferocious expression, and with a wave of her hand, many men in black erupted with the aura of a ninth-level warrior, instantly surrounding Lin Chen and locking him firmly.

"Lin Chen, today I will peel off your skin, drain your bone marrow, turn you into a slave, and serve the Miao people forever!"

The woman in black took out her sword from her waist, and the killing intent in her eyes became more and more intense.

"It's really shameless, a group of reptiles who can't see the light, dare to speak nonsense."

As Lin Chen said, he took a step, and a wave of air rolled up.

Wisps of spiritual energy fluctuated around him, overwhelming.

See this scene.

The eyes of the woman in black froze, and many people in black also felt an extremely terrifying threat from Lin Chen.

Lin Chen at this moment gave them a completely different feeling from before.

"Forget it, today I will let you know what terror is!"

Lin Chen slowly raised his arms, fisted with five fingers, completely immersed in the fighting state, and released his strength without reservation.

When Lin Chen showed a death-like smile

Suddenly, the hearts of many people in black felt cold, and their hairs stood on end.

In an instant, there was a sense of déjà vu of being stared at by wild beasts.


Lin Chen charged towards the crowd like a cannonball.

"This power..."

Everyone was shocked. Just seeing each other, they felt an irresistible sense of powerlessness.

Immediately afterwards, even though everyone tried their best, they were still crushed by Lin Chen on the spot.

Blood flowed.

All kinds of limbs flew around.

In just a short time of Setsuna, the entire ground was soaked in blood, and many men in black were thrown out, falling to the ground and dying.

The whole scene was completely crushed.

The seemingly imposing man in black had no ability to resist in front of Lin Chen.

Pure unilateral killing!

Seeing this, the black-clothed woman's face was as pale as white paper, and she was shocked and angry in her heart, which was already covered with a layer of haze.

However, on the side of the Dark Pavilion, after the shock, everyone was overjoyed and applauded.

No one could have imagined that the Miao people would only be left with a bare-handed commander, a woman in black, just by blowing their breath.

Now, they were really disgusted.

At this moment, the corners of Lin Chen's mouth were grinning, revealing a row of neat and white teeth. His clothes were stained with blood, like a god of death who had stepped out of purgatory, which was daunting.

Sensing that Lin Chen was slowly approaching step by step, the woman in black didn't dare to underestimate her any more. Two cold lights burst out from her pupils, and she took the lead. She was like a ghost, holding a sharp sword, and aimed at Lin Chen. door away.


Lin Chen snorted coldly, raised his big hand, and the wind and clouds moved, and the aura turned into a long sword, blooming with a strong sword light.

It's as if, with this sword, you can move mountains, overturn seas, pick stars, and open the sky!

The woman in black was tense, with veins bursting out all over her body, she raised her head and faced Lin Chen directly.

Facing this sword, although she was somewhat unable to parry it, she knew that as long as she could block it, Lin Chen would be unable to swing the second sword at that time, and it would undoubtedly be easy to slash Lin Chen at that time.

However, when Lin Chen's vast sword energy really enveloped her, she realized that she was wrong!

Big mistake!

Because, just the sword energy of this sword is enough to tear her into pieces.

The two swords collided.

The violent fluctuations blasted away.

The destructive power rolled up layers of dust, and even uprooted all nearby trees, turning them into flat ground within a radius of ten miles.


The sword energy is vertical and horizontal.

The sword light shines again.

Everyone's eyes

In the light, the black-clothed woman in the center of the battlefield was being completely torn apart by Lin Chen's turbulent sword energy.

There was a miserable scream.

In the blink of an eye, the clothes of the woman in black were quickly annihilated, her skin was completely pierced by the sword energy, and pieces of flesh and blood were turning into ashes, disappearing from everyone's sight.

After the sword energy completely disappeared, there were only a few pieces of flesh and bones left on the ground.

a sword.

He completely killed the woman in black.

Lin Chen stood in the center of the battlefield, his clothes fluttering in the wind, his unruly black hair slightly messy, and he looked majestic.

Looking at this god-like man, everyone swallowed wildly, no words can describe the shock in their hearts at this moment.

What rank nine fighters, in front of Lin Chen, are like chickens and dogs.

What kind of inner strength is strong, in front of Lin Chen, he can't even resist a sword.

"We won!"

"The Supreme Elder is invincible!"

All of a sudden, the sound of a mountain whistling and a tsunami surged, and the sound wave was higher than the next level. The people in the secret pavilion who had been suppressed for a long time kept roaring, their faces were full of excitement, and they were full of excitement.

Similarly, Fang Yuan also breathed a sigh of relief, looking at that figure, the ripples in his heart grew more and more, and the admiration in his eyes couldn't be concealed at all.

"Thank you, Supreme Elder, for saving me."

Fang Yuan took the lead and knelt down on one knee.

When everyone saw this, they also stepped forward and kowtowed in thanks.

Turning around, Lin Chen said with a smile: "Don't talk about two different families, let's all get up!"


Everyone got up and said.

"I don't know the Supreme Elder, what instructions do you have next?"

Fangyuan's beautiful eyes blinked.

"Clean up this place, set up a monument for the dead brothers, and give them a pension if they have families, so that they can live comfortably in this life."

Lin Chen sighed.

"These damned Miao people." Fang Yuan's words were full of resentment: "We have no grievances with the Miao people, but they want to kill us!"

"These people are coming after me."

Lin Chen comforted Fang Yuan and said, "Don't worry, their blood will not be shed in vain. Sooner or later, I will eradicate Miao Jiang!"

"Not only for the brothers who died, but also for myself!"

After the words fell, Lin Chen's eyes flashed with intensity and firmness.

It was already late at night when I left Qianlong Mountain and returned home.

The bedroom lights were still on.

As soon as Lin Chen entered the room, Su Qingcheng was handing him his charged phone, and said: "Just now, your boss called and told you not to forget to return to the team."

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